Package com.axelor.db

Class Query.Selector

  • Enclosing class:
    Query<T extends Model>

    public class Query.Selector
    extends Object
    A helper class to select specific field values. The record is returned as a Map object with the given names as keys.
     List<Map> data = Contact.all().filter("self.age > ?", 20)
            .select("", "fullName", "age").fetch(80, 0);
    This results in following query:
     SELECT, self.fullName JOIN LEFT self.title AS _title WHERE self.age > ? LIMIT 80
    The fetch(int, int) method returns a List of Map instead of the model object.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public List<List> values​(int limit,
                                 int offset)
      • fetch

        public List<Map> fetch​(int limit,
                               int offset)