Package com.axelor.db

Class Model

    • Constructor Detail

      • Model

        public Model()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public abstract Long getId()
      • setId

        public abstract void setId​(Long id)
      • getArchived

        public Boolean getArchived()
      • setArchived

        public void setArchived​(Boolean archived)
      • getVersion

        public Integer getVersion()
      • setVersion

        public void setVersion​(Integer version)
      • getCid

        public Long getCid()
        Get the collection id of the record. The collection widgets use this value to identify exact record from the action/save request responses.
        collection id
      • setCid

        public void setCid​(Long cid)
        Set the collection id for the record. The collection widgets use this value to identify exact record from the action/save request responses.
        cid - the collection id
      • setSelected

        public void setSelected​(boolean selected)
        Set the selected state of the record. The UI widget will use this flag to mark/unmark the selection state.
        selected - selected state flag
      • isSelected

        public boolean isSelected()
        Check whether the record is selected in the UI widget.
        selection state