Class MetaMenu

  • @Entity
    public class MetaMenu
    extends AuditableModel
    This object stores the menus.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetaMenu

        public MetaMenu()
      • MetaMenu

        public MetaMenu​(String name)
    • Method Detail

      • setId

        public void setId​(Long id)
        Specified by:
        setId in class Model
      • getPriority

        public Integer getPriority()
      • setPriority

        public void setPriority​(Integer priority)
      • getOrder

        public Integer getOrder()
      • setOrder

        public void setOrder​(Integer order)
      • getXmlId

        public String getXmlId()
      • setXmlId

        public void setXmlId​(String xmlId)
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String title)
      • getIcon

        public String getIcon()
      • setIcon

        public void setIcon​(String icon)
      • getIconBackground

        public String getIconBackground()
      • setIconBackground

        public void setIconBackground​(String iconBackground)
      • getModule

        public String getModule()
      • setModule

        public void setModule​(String module)
      • getTag

        public String getTag()
      • setTag

        public void setTag​(String tag)
      • getTagGet

        public String getTagGet()
      • setTagGet

        public void setTagGet​(String tagGet)
      • getTagCount

        public Boolean getTagCount()
      • setTagCount

        public void setTagCount​(Boolean tagCount)
      • getTagStyle

        public String getTagStyle()
      • setTagStyle

        public void setTagStyle​(String tagStyle)
      • getLeft

        public Boolean getLeft()
      • setLeft

        public void setLeft​(Boolean left)
      • getMobile

        public Boolean getMobile()
      • setMobile

        public void setMobile​(Boolean mobile)
      • getHidden

        public Boolean getHidden()
      • setHidden

        public void setHidden​(Boolean hidden)
      • getLink

        public String getLink()
      • setLink

        public void setLink​(String link)
      • getParent

        public MetaMenu getParent()
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(MetaMenu parent)
      • setAction

        public void setAction​(MetaAction action)
      • getUser

        public User getUser()
      • setUser

        public void setUser​(User user)
      • getGroups

        public Set<Group> getGroups()
      • setGroups

        public void setGroups​(Set<Group> groups)
      • addGroup

        public void addGroup​(Group item)
        Add the given Group item to the groups collection.
        item - the item to add
      • removeGroup

        public void removeGroup​(Group item)
        Remove the given Group item from the groups collection.
        item - the item to remove
      • clearGroups

        public void clearGroups()
        Clear the groups collection.
      • getRoles

        public Set<Role> getRoles()
      • setRoles

        public void setRoles​(Set<Role> roles)
      • addRole

        public void addRole​(Role item)
        Add the given Role item to the roles collection.
        item - the item to add
      • removeRole

        public void removeRole​(Role item)
        Remove the given Role item from the roles collection.
        item - the item to remove
      • clearRoles

        public void clearRoles()
        Clear the roles collection.
      • getConditionToCheck

        public String getConditionToCheck()
        Only use this menu-item if the given expression is true (ie `if` condition).
        the property value
      • setConditionToCheck

        public void setConditionToCheck​(String conditionToCheck)
      • getModuleToCheck

        public String getModuleToCheck()
        Only use this menu-item if the given module is installed (ie `if-module` condition).
        the property value
      • setModuleToCheck

        public void setModuleToCheck​(String moduleToCheck)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object