All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractContainer |
AbstractEncryptedConverter<T,R> |
AbstractJsonExtractFunction |
AbstractJsonSetFunction |
AbstractMailAccount |
AbstractMetaJsonModelRepository |
AbstractPanel |
AbstractScriptHelper |
AbstractSettingsSource |
AbstractUserRepository |
AbstractView |
AbstractWidget |
AbstractXmlProcessor |
Action |
Action.Element |
ActionAttrs |
ActionAttrs.Attribute |
ActionCondition |
ActionCondition.Check |
ActionEvent |
ActionExecutor |
ActionExport |
ActionExport.Export |
ActionGroup |
ActionGroup.ActionItem |
ActionHandler |
ActionImport |
ActionImport.Import |
ActionMethod |
ActionMethod.Call |
ActionRecord |
ActionRecord.RecordField |
ActionReport |
ActionReport.Parameter |
ActionRequest |
ActionResponse |
An implementation of Response to be used with controllers.
ActionResumable |
ActionScript |
ActionScript.ActRunner |
ActionScript.ActScript |
ActionValidate |
ActionValidateBuilder |
ActionView |
ActionView.ActionViewBuilder |
ActionView.Context |
ActionView.Param |
ActionView.View |
ActionWS |
ActionWS.WSAction |
Adapter |
Adapter |
Alert |
AppConfig |
AppModule |
The application module scans the classpath and finds all the AxelorModule and installs
them in the dependency order.
AppSettings |
AppSettingsObserver |
AuditableModel |
The base abstract class with update logging feature.
AuditableRunner |
This class can be used to run batch jobs that requires to keep track of audit logs.
AuditHelper |
AuditInterceptor |
AuthModule |
AuthModule.Initializer |
AuthPac4jInfo |
AuthPac4jListener |
AuthPac4jModule |
AuthPac4jObserver |
AuthPac4jProfileService |
AuthPac4jRealm |
AuthPac4jUserService |
AuthPasswordResetService |
AuthPasswordResetServiceImpl |
Service for password reset.
AuthRealm |
AuthRealm.AuthMatcher |
AuthSecurityException |
AuthSecurityWarner |
Deprecated. |
AuthService |
The AuthService class provides various utility services including password encryption,
password match and saving user password in encrypted form.
AuthSessionService |
Manages session attributes.
AuthUtils |
AuthWebModule |
AvailableAppFeatures |
AvailableAppSettings |
AxelorAjaxRequestResolver |
AxelorAuthenticator |
AxelorCallbackClientFinder |
Callback client finder that doesn’t fail when some indirect clients are unavailable.
AxelorCallbackFilter |
AxelorCallbackLogic |
AxelorCsrfAuthorizer |
AxelorCsrfGenerator |
Default CSRF token generator since pac4j 5 generates tokens per HTTP request.
AxelorCsrfMatcher |
AxelorDirectBasicAuthClient |
AxelorFormClient |
AxelorFormCredentials |
AxelorHSQLDialect |
AxelorIndirectBasicAuthClient |
AxelorLdapGroupDefinition |
AxelorLdapProfile |
AxelorLdapProfileDefinition |
AxelorLdapProfileService |
AxelorLoginFilter |
AxelorLogoutFilter |
AxelorLogoutFilterConfig |
AxelorLogoutLogic |
AxelorModule |
The entry-point of application module.
AxelorMySQL57Dialect |
AxelorMySQL8Dialect |
AxelorOracle12cDialect |
AxelorPostgreSQL10Dialect |
AxelorPostgreSQL94Dialect |
AxelorPostgreSQL95Dialect |
AxelorProfileManager |
AxelorRememberMeManager |
RememberMe Manager
AxelorSearchEntryResolver |
AxelorSecurityFilter |
AxelorSecurityLogic |
AxelorSessionManager |
Session Manager
AxelorUrlResolver |
AxelorUserAuthorizer |
BadTenantException |
BaseSearchField |
BasicAuthCallbackClientFinder |
Checks for basic auth request header and finds basic auth client when appropriate.
Beans |
A singleton class that can be used to get instances of injetable services where injection is not
BooleanAdapter |
Button |
ButtonGroup |
ByteArrayConverter |
BytesEncryptor |
CalendarEventHilite |
CalendarView |
CallMethod |
The CallMethod annotation can be used to mark any arbitrary method to allow them with
ActionMethod besides the standard controller methods.
CardsView |
ChangePasswordException |
ChartView |
ChartView.ChartAction |
ChartView.ChartCategory |
ChartView.ChartConfig |
ChartView.ChartSeries |
ClassFinder<T> |
The helper class to find sub types of a given super class.
ClassUtils |
Provides class utility methods.
ClientConfig |
ClientConfig.Builder |
ClientListDefaultService |
ClientListService |
ClientsProvider |
ColorConverter |
Custom color converter for logback using jansi.
CompositeScriptHelper |
ComputedViewProcessor |
Create computed view from base view and their extensions.
ComputedViewXmlProcessor |
Compute xml of computed views from base view and their extensions.
ConfigProvider |
ContainerView |
ContentDisposition |
This class provides some methods to deal with Content-Disposition as defined in RFC 6266
ContentDisposition.Builder |
Builder for ContentDisposition
Context |
ContextEntity |
This interface is used by ContextHandler to return real context entity.
ContextHandler<T> |
The ContextHandler provides seamless way to access context values using proxy.
ContextHandlerFactory |
ContextHandlerFactory.HandlerAccessor |
CredentialsHandler |
Criteria |
CSVBind |
CSVBindConverter |
CSVBinder |
CSVBindJson |
CSVConfig |
CSVFile |
This class provides api to work with csv files using CSVParser and CSVPrinter .
CSVImporter |
CSVInput |
CSVInputConverter |
CSVInputJson |
CSVLogger |
This CSVLogger class logs all errors during the import into a specific file.
CustomDialectResolver |
CustomView |
Dashboard |
Dashlet |
DataAdapter |
DataScriptHelper |
This DataScriptHelper class can be used to effectively use the GroovyShell to
evaluate dynamic groovy expressions.
DataSet |
DecimalAdapter |
DMSFile |
DMSFileRepository |
DMSFileTag |
DMSFileTagRepository |
DMSPermission |
DMSPermissionController |
DMSPermissionRepository |
ElementConverter |
ELScriptHelper |
ELScriptHelper.Helpers |
EncryptedBytesConverter |
EncryptedFieldService |
The service can be used to migrate all the encrypted field values.
EncryptedStringConverter |
EncryptedStringTypeDescriptor |
EncryptedTextType |
Encryptor<T,R> |
EncryptorConfigurationProperties |
EncryptorException |
The unchecked exception is thrown by Encryptor classes if there is any error while
encrypting or decrypting values.
EntityHelper |
This class provides helper methods for model objects.
EntityType |
EntityTypes |
EnumAdapter |
EnumWidget |
Provides information about UI widget representing this enumeration constant.
EnvSettingSource |
EqualsInclude |
Mark the field to be included in equality test.
Error |
ErrorHandler |
Event<T> |
EventModule |
Extend |
ExtendableView |
ExtendItemAttribute |
ExtendItemInsert |
ExtendItemMove |
ExtendItemReplace |
FeatureChanged |
Field |
FieldTracking |
This class is a straightforward implementation of the TrackField annotation
FileUtils |
This class provides some helper methods to deal with files.
Filter |
FormView |
GanttView |
GridView |
GroovyScriptHelper |
GroovyScriptHelper.Helpers |
GroovyTemplates |
The implementation of Templates for groovy string template support.
Group |
This object stores the groups.
GroupRepository |
GuiceExtension |
JUnit5 test extension that creates injector using the modules provided with GuiceModules
GuiceJobRunShell |
GuiceJobRunShellFactory |
GuiceJunit5Test |
Abstract class to run Junit5 tests
GuiceModules |
GuiceRunner |
JUnit4 test runner that creates injector using the modules provided with GuiceModules
GuiceSchedulerFactory |
GuiceTest |
Abstract class to run Junit4 tests
Help |
Hilite |
HtmlUtils |
This class provides some helper methods escaping, rendering, replacing HTML text
I18n |
This class provider methods for internationalization (I18n) services.
I18nBundle |
The database backed ResourceBundle that loads translations from the axelor database.
I18nControl |
I18nInterpolator |
This MessageInterpolator uses current user locale to translate hibernate validation
I18nLoader |
ImapAccount |
The default implementation of MailAccount for IMAP/IMAPS accounts.
ImplicitNamingStrategyImpl |
Importer |
The Importer interface to run data import.
ImportException |
ImportTask |
Import task configures input sources and provides error handler.
Inflections |
The Inflections defines rules for singular, plural inflections.
Inflector |
The Inflector provides various methods to transform words to plural, singular, titles,
class names, table names etc.
Info |
JavaScriptScriptHelper |
JavaTimeAdapter |
JavaTimeAdapter |
JobCleaner |
JobController |
JobRunner |
The JobRunner controls the scheduler.
It configures the Scheduler from the job configuration provided from the database.
This class provides easy access to EntityManager and related API.
JpaClassLoader |
The class loader for domain objects.
JpaFixture |
This class can be used to load test data for JPA entities.
JpaModel |
A generic implementation of Model .
JpaModule |
A Guice module to configure JPA.
JpaModule.Initializer |
JpaRepository<T extends Model> |
JpaScanner |
A custom Hibernate scanner that scans all the classpath entries for all the Model classes
annotated with Entity .
JpaSecurity |
JpaSecurity.AccessType |
JpaSequence |
This class provides some helper static methods to deal with custom sequences.
JpaSupport |
This class provides some useful methods in JPA context, can be used as a base class for services
to make it more convenient.
JpaSupport.JDBCTask |
The jdbc task interface.
JPQLFilter |
JsonbSqlTypeDescriptor |
JsonContext |
JsonExtractor |
JsonFunction |
JsonProperty |
JsonSqlTypeDescriptor |
JsonTextSqlTypeDescriptor |
JsonType |
KanbanView |
L10n |
This class provider methods for localization (L10n) services.
Label |
ListAdapter |
Listener |
Listener interface provides some events fired by Importer.
LoggerConfiguration |
The logger configuration builder using logback-classic.
LoggerModule |
Provides support for SLF4J Logger injection.
LoginEvent |
LogoutEvent |
MailAccount |
MailAddress |
The model to store email addresses.
MailAddressRepository |
MailBuilder |
The MailBuilder defines fluent API to build MimeMessage and if required can send
the built message directly.
MailConstants |
Defines constants for mail server configuration settings.
MailController |
MailException |
MailFetchJob |
Job to fetch emails.
MailFlags |
The model to store message flags like unread, starred, voted etc.
MailFlagsRepository |
MailFollower |
The model to store followers details of a document.
MailFollowerRepository |
MailMessage |
The model to store different kind of messages like system notifications,
comments, email messages etc.
MailMessageRepository |
MailParser |
Parses a MimeMessage and stores the individual parts such as context text, attachments
MailReader |
MailSender |
MailService |
The mail service defines interface for sending/reading mails.
MailServiceImpl |
MapAdapter |
Mapper |
This class can be used to map params to Java bean using reflection.
MapSettingsSource |
Menu |
Menu.Divider |
Menu.Item |
MenuChecker |
MenuItem |
MenuItemComparator |
MenuNode |
MenuNodeVisitor |
MenuNodeVisitor.MenuNodeResult |
Visitor decision
MenuService |
MenuUtils |
MetaAction |
This object stores the xml actions.
MetaActionMenu |
This object stores the actions menu.
MetaActionMenuRepository |
MetaActionRepository |
MetaAttachment |
MetaAttachmentRepository |
MetaAttrs |
MetaAttrsRepository |
MetaController |
MetaEnum |
This object stores the enum types.
MetaEnumRepository |
MetaField |
This object stores the fields.
MetaFieldRepository |
MetaFile |
This object stores the files.
MetaFileRepository |
MetaFiles |
This class provides some helper methods to deal with files.
MetaFilter |
This object stores the custom filters.
MetaFilterController |
MetaFilterRepository |
MetaFilterService |
MetaHelp |
MetaHelpRepository |
MetaJsonField |
MetaJsonFieldRepository |
MetaJsonModel |
MetaJsonModelRepository |
MetaJsonRecord |
MetaJsonRecordRepository |
Repository implementation to handle custom model records.
MetaJsonRecordRepository.MetaJsonRecordQuery |
MetaJsonReferenceUpdater |
MetaMenu |
This object stores the menus.
MetaMenuRepository |
MetaModel |
This object stores the models.
MetaModelRepository |
MetaModelService |
API for MetaModel and MetaField entity.
MetaModule |
This object stores the modules.
MetaModuleRepository |
MetaPermission |
MetaPermissionRepository |
MetaPermissionRule |
MetaPermissionRuleRepository |
MetaPermissions |
MetaScanner |
This class provides some utility methods to scan class path for resources/classes.
MetaSchedule |
This object stores the scheduler configuration.
MetaScheduleParam |
MetaScheduleParamRepository |
MetaScheduleRepository |
MetaSelect |
This object stores the selects.
MetaSelectItem |
This object stores the select items.
MetaSelectItemRepository |
MetaSelectRepository |
MetaSequence |
This object stores custom sequences.
MetaSequenceRepository |
MetaService |
MetaStore |
MetaTranslation |
MetaTranslationRepository |
MetaView |
This object stores the xml views.
MetaViewCustom |
MetaViewCustomRepository |
MetaViewRepository |
MimeTypesUtils |
This class defines from static helper methods to deal with Mime Types.
Model |
The base abstract model class to extend all domain objects.
ModelLoader |
ModelTracking |
This class is a straightforward implementation of the Track annotation
ModuleManager |
MySQLJsonExtractFunction |
MySQLJsonSetFunction |
NameColumn |
This annotation can be used to declare a column as name column that can be used to give name to
the record.
NamedLiteral |
Notify |
NumberAdapter |
ObjectMapperProvider |
ObjectUtils |
This class defines from static helper methods to deal with objects.
ObjectViews |
ObserverException |
Observes |
OperationMode |
Operator |
OracleJsonExtractFunction |
PaddingScheme |
Panel |
PanelEditor |
PanelField |
PanelInclude |
PanelMail |
PanelMail.MailFollowers |
PanelMail.MailMessages |
PanelMailDisplay |
PanelRelated |
PanelStack |
PanelTabs |
PanelViewer |
ParallelTransactionExecutor |
Executes transactions in parallel and handles rollback if any exception occurs.
PasswordAdapter |
PasswordResetToken |
PasswordResetTokenRepository |
Permission |
This object stores the permissions.
PermissionRepository |
PhysicalNamingStrategyImpl |
Pop3Account |
The default implementation of MailAccount for POP3 accounts.
Position |
PostAction |
PostgreSQLJsonExtractFunction |
PostgreSQLJsonSetFunction |
PostLogin |
PostRequest |
PreAction |
PreLogin |
PreRequest |
PropertiesSettingsSource |
PropertiesUtils |
This class defines from static helper methods to deal with Properties .
Property |
PropertyType |
Query<T extends Model> |
The Query class allows filtering and fetching records quickly.
Query.JoinHelper |
JoinHelper class is used to auto generate LEFT JOIN for association expressions.
QueryBinder |
The query binder class provides the helper methods to bind query parameters and mark the query
QuickMenu |
A quick menu displayed on default page
QuickMenuCreator |
QuickMenuItem |
An item in the quick menu dropdown
QuickMenuService |
Reflections |
The Reflections utilities provides fast and easy way to search for resources and types.
Renderer |
The Template renderer provides ways to render an encapsulated Template instance.
ReportEngineProvider |
ReportGenerator |
The report generator service.
ReportResourceLocator |
This is a ResourceLocator that first searches external reports directory for the
resources and fallbacks to module resources if not found.
Repository<T extends Model> |
The repository interface defines common data access methods.
Request |
RequestEvent |
RequestFilter |
Keep track of current Request object.
RequestUtils |
Resource<T extends Model> |
This class defines CRUD like interface.
ResourceFinder |
ResourceUtils |
The class provides static helper methods to work with resources.
Response |
ResponseException |
ResponseInterceptor |
Role |
This object stores the roles.
RoleRepository |
SchedulerModule |
The default guice module for quartz scheduler.
ScriptBindings |
ScriptHelper |
The DataScriptHelper interface to implement dynamic script evaluation support.
Search |
Search.SearchResultField |
Search.SearchSelect |
Search.SearchSelectField |
Search.SearchSelectInput |
Search.SearchSelectInputMatchStyle |
Search.SearchSelectWhere |
Search.SearchSelectWhereMatch |
SearchFilters |
SearchFilters.SearchContext |
SearchFilters.SearchFilter |
Selection |
Selection.Option |
Separator |
Sequence |
Mark the field to use a specified custom sequence.
SetAdapter |
SettingsBuilder |
SettingsUtils |
ShutdownEvent |
Event fired on application shutdown
SimpleAdapter |
SimpleContainer |
SimpleMenuNodeVisitor |
SimpleWidget |
SmtpAccount |
The default implementation of MailAccount for SMPT accounts.
Spacer |
StartupEvent |
Event fired on application startup
Static |
StringEncryptor |
StringEncryptorBuilder |
StringTemplates |
The implementation of Templates for the StringTemplate (ST4) support.
StringUtils |
SystemSettingSource |
TagItem |
TagsService |
TaskController |
Team |
TeamRepository |
TeamTask |
TeamTaskRepository |
TeamTopic |
TeamTopicRepository |
Template |
The Template interface defines methods to render the template.
Templates |
This interface defines API for template engine integration.
TenantAware |
A Thread implementation that makes a thread tenant-aware by setting the tenant configuration
before executing its task and clearing it afterward.
TenantConfig |
The contract to provide tenant connection settings.
TenantConfigImpl |
The default implementation of TenantConfig uses configuration provided from
TenantConfigProvider |
TenantConfigProviderImpl |
TenantConnectionProvider |
The tenant connection provider.
TenantFilter |
TenantInfo |
TenantModule |
A Guice module to provide multi-tenancy support.
TenantNotFoundException |
TenantResolver |
The tenant identifier resolver.
ToolTip |
Track |
This annotation can be used on Model classes to provide change track details.
TrackEvent |
The change track event types.
TrackField |
This annotation can be used to specify details about field for change tracking.
TrackMessage |
This annotation can be used to specify custom change tracking messages.
TreeView |
TreeView.Node |
TreeView.NodeField |
TreeView.TreeColumn |
TypeAdapter<T> |
UriBuilder |
Build and manipulate URLs
User |
This object stores the users.
UserAuthenticationInfo |
UserRepository |
Validator |
ValidatorType |
ValueEnum<T> |
Enum type fields with custom values should implement this interface.
ValueEnumType |
VersionUtils |
Provides helper methods to find version information of axelor projects.
VersionUtils.Version |
This class stores version details of axelor modules.
ViewCustomizationPermission |
ViewGenerator |
ViewLoader |
ViewObserver |
ViewProcessor |
ViewWatcher |
ViewWatcherObserver |
VirtualColumn |
This annotation should be used to mark computed fields.
WebServer |
Widget |
Provides information about UI widget representing this field.
XMLBind |
XMLBindConverter |
XMLBinder |
XMLBindJson |
XMLConfig |
XMLImporter |
XML data importer.
XMLInput |
XMLUtils |
The XMLUtils provides various methods to deal with XML parsing.
XMLViews |
XStreamUtils |
YamlSettingsSource |
YamlUtils |
This class defines from static helper methods to deal with YAML.