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Version: 8.0

Invoicing app settings


Use the Invoicing app to manage the different types of invoice (customer invoice / customer credit note / supplier invoice / supplier credit note). In order to help the user, invoices are divided into sub-types (standard invoice / deposit invoice / balance invoice, etc.). Find out more about the configuration, structure and use of invoices in this user guide.


Access : Application config → Apps management → Invoicing, configure

If the Accounting app is activated, an accounting entry is generated and associated with the invoice.

  • Skip ventilation: allows the invoice to be processed directly in the accounting once it has been validated (no more 'Ventilate' button). In other words, when you click on the Validate button, the invoice changes status to ‘Ventilated’. As a result, you will directly an invoice is going to be immediately generated, along with the compatible entry.

  • Enable product description copy for suppliers/customers: when this option is enabled, the product description on the product sheet is automatically copied into the description of the invoice line (customer or supplier, depending on the option).

  • Automatically generate invoice printing file on the purchase/sales invoice: it automatically generates an invoice in PDF format once the invoice has been ventilated. The file is then available as an attached file to the invoice (click on the attachment icon).

Invoices: types and subtypes

There are 4 types of invoice in AOS:

  1. Customer invoice ;

  2. Customer credit note;

  3. Supplier invoice ;

  4. Supplier credit note.

There is a menu entry for each type.

For customer and supplier invoices, there are several available invoice sub-type labels to differentiate between them :

  • Standard invoice: this is a single invoice issued following a purchase or sale.

  • Advance payment: this invoice is issued when an initial partial payment is made at the end of a sale or a purchase.

  • Balance invoice: this is the final invoice that summarizes the products and services that have been sold.

  • Contract Invoice: this invoice is generated from a contract,and it contains invoiced services and products invoiced.

  • Contract closing invoice: an invoice that is generated at the end of a contract.

  • Periodic Contract Invoice: an invoice that is generated from a contract with a periodic invoicing configuration.

  • Subscription Invoice: a subscription invoice that is generated from a sales order.


The type of invoice and its sub-type appear as labels, visible on the invoice form view.

Structure of an invoice

The invoice file (displayed in the form view) is made up of several parts, and each part contains different kinds of information:

  1. General information: it contains the status, company, currency, invoice type and sub-type.

  2. Invoicing information: it contains any data, relating to the customer or supplier and their invoicing, such as Partner, Contact, Payment method, Payment condition, Address, etc.

  3. Actions: there are actions to be applied to change the status of the invoice, record a payment, etc.

  4. Total Amounts: here, find an overview of the amounts excluding or including taxes, and the amounts that has been paid on the invoice.

  5. Reference documents and Dates: these sections contain references of internal or external documents (e.g. order), and invoice dates.

  6. Tabs by functionality: each tab is used to configure certain features or to add more information on the invoice file. These tabs can be found on the invoice file:

Content: this tab contains the details of invoice lines (detailed below).

Tax: this tab contains details of tax lines. These lines are generated automatically based on the invoice lines entered.

Terms: this tab contains the invoice due dates that are generated automatically according to the selected payment condition.

Accounting: this tab contains the accounting information, such as the journal, the accounting account or the accounting entry associated with the invoice.

Invoice line

Invoice lines table is found in the Content tab.

The information on this line is very similar to that on a sale quotation line.

There are 4 types of line:

  • Standard: this line corresponds to a product or service line. In this case, you can enter various information relating to the product: name, quantity, unit price, discount, tax, etc.

  • Title: this line is used to create a title line, to clearly delimit and separate products and services. This is how the invoice is printed.

  • Start of pack: this line is available if packs are activated in the configuration (Sales app Configuration). Similar to the Title type, it is used to delimit and separate products and services. Note that it must be associated with an end of pack.

  • End of pack: available if packs are enabled in the configuration (Sales app Configuration). It determines where the start of a pack ends. You can display the total amount of all the invoice lines contained in the pack, and hide the unit prices when printing.

Invoice workflow

Access: Invoicing → Customer invoices / Supplier invoices → +.

Draft: a new invoice will have a Draft status, it is possible to modify all the information without restriction. A “Validate” button switches it to Validated status, and a ‘Cancel’ button cancels it.


If the “Skip ventilation” option is activated, the invoice will be switched directly to the Ventilated status.

Validated: when the status changes to “Validated”, it is no longer possible to modify the general information. You can no longer add/delete invoice lines, and changes to invoice data are restricted. However, the “Cancel” button is still available. The “Ventilate” button is used to change the status of the invoice to “Ventilated”.

Cancelled: the data available for modification is similar to that in Validated status. The “Draft” button is used to return the invoice to the Draft status.

Ventilated: the invoice is processed for accounting purposes and the accounting entry is generated.


Once the invoice has been ventilated, it can no longer be cancelled.

The form view

Two menus are available at the top of the invoice file in the form view: Reports and Tools.


The last 3 options (Original invoice / Invoice with payment details / Updated copy) are available after the invoice has been ventilated.

  1. Reports: this action allows you to print an invoice. A popup window is displayed to choose the type of printout:
  • Proforma: this option is available before the invoice is validated. Select the print format (Word, Excel, PDF).

  • Original invoice: select it in order to print the invoice in PDF format. If it has already been printed, it will be displayed in a new tab.

  • Invoice with payment detail: select it in order to print the invoice that contains the information on the payments that have been made.

  • Updated copy: this option is available for sales invoices and is used to print a new version of the invoice. This option should be used exceptionally in the case of a modification (for example, there is an incorrect address on the invoice).

  1. Tools: contains the “Send Email” button. It is used to generate and display in a new window a pre-filled email based on a selected email template (for example, send it to the customer).

The list view

The following colour code makes it easy to distinguish invoices, their status and their payment status:

  1. Blue: invoice in draft status.

  2. Green: paid invoice.

  3. Red: unpaid invoice with a past due date.

  4. Orange: unpaid invoice with a due date in the near future (less than 5 days).


On the right-hand side, you'll see the payment progress bar.

Note, the number of overdue days is also displayed (for invoices with a past due date).

  • Print: click on the printer icon to print the invoice.

  • Send an email: click on the envelope icon to send an email.

Actions are available at the top of the list view:

  1. Print invoices: find the ‘Print Invoice’ button, which allows you to print the selected invoices in a single PDF file.

  2. Tools:

  • Validate selected invoices: this button allows you to validate the selected invoices en masse.

  • Split selected invoices: this button is used to split the selected invoices when creating a batch.

  • Merge customer/supplier invoices: this button opens a new view enabling you to merge the selected invoices. The invoices must have the same partner (third party) and be in draft status.

  • See customer/vendor invoice lines: this button displays all customer/vendor invoice lines in a new tab.

  • Pay selected invoices: this button opens a pop-up window. In this window, pay the selected invoices (make a batch). These invoices must have the same currency. When you validate this payment, a separate payment will be generated for each invoice.

Decimal management for currencies

A new field in the currency allows you to specify the number of decimals to take into account in the total amounts of various documents (invoice, sale order, payment, accounting entry) and subtotals depending on the currency.

If required, you can create a currency from the Currencies menu and add the number of decimals. Access : Application config → General data → Currencies

  1. Number of decimal: enter the number of decimals on the currency record. For example, 2.

Example of decimal digits on currencies on an invoice:

Access: Invoicing → Customer invoice

  1. Add the necessary information (tax position, price list, etc).

  2. Add a currency. In the example, it is Yen (this currency does not have a set number of decimal places).

  3. Add an invoice line with a product.

  4. Total A.T.I.: you will find that Yen has no decimals, so the total amount is equal to 307,208 Yen.

However, if you select a currency that uses decimals, this fact will be reflected in the total amount.

Access : Invoicing → Customer invoice

  1. Add the necessary information (tax position, price list, etc).

  2. Add a currency. In the example, it's Euro (on the Euro file, the number of decimals is equal to 2).

  3. Add an invoice line with a product.

  4. Total A.T.I.: you will see that the Euros have decimals, so the total amount is 2,147.92 Euros.