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Version: 8.0

Manufacturing orders

Access : Manufacturing → Manufacturing Orders → +

The manufacturing order is used to plan and produce a BOM associated with a production process.

When you create a manufacturing order, you must select a Bill of Material, a Production process and a Production Quantity. You can link this manufacturing order to a customer or directly to one or more sales orders.

Configuring the manufacturing order

  1. Open the Manufacturing Orders menu (Access : Manufacturing → Manufacturing Orders).

  2. This is where you will find the list of manufacturing orders with different statuses (draft / planned / in progress / completed etc).

  3. Click on + to create a new manufacturing order.

  4. BOM: on the manufacturing order file, select a bill of materials.


The BOM has been associated with a production process. As a result, the ‘Production process’ field is automatically filled in.

  1. Economic manuf qty: ‘Economic manufacturing quantity’ field is also automatically filled in, as the economic quantity has been entered in the product production information (product form).

  2. Producible quantity: this quantity is defined on the basis of the product components (in the example, the bolted assembly) in the BOM. Consequently, the quantities of these components in stock are sufficient to produce a defined quantity (for example, 595).

  3. Quantity: this field is used to indicate the quantity to be manufactured.

  4. Customer: link the manufacturing order to a customer.

  5. Sales Order: link the manufacturing order to a sales order.

  6. To be invoiced: tick this box if this manufacturing order is to be invoiced or not.

  7. Pre-fill operations: click on this button once you have filled in the essential information.

  8. Manufacturing Operations: you will see that the Manufacturing Operations table has now been filled in (Manufacturing Operations tab). Here you will find the two phases linked to the product. You can click on a phase in the table to view its details (priority, work center, associated machine, etc.). However, in the ‘Dates’ section you may find that no date has been entered. In this case, click on the Dates tab.

Dates tab

On the Manufacturing order form, click on the Dates tab.

  1. Here, select a date on which you wish to carry out your manufacturing order.

  2. Enter a start date and an end date.


Once you have clicked on the ‘Schedule’ button for the manufacturing order, you will see that the dates that have been entered in the Dates tab are now visible in the ‘Manufacturing operation’ lines (phases). Simply click on a line in the table and consult the ‘Manufacturing’ section.

Production orders tab

Here you will find the production orders linked to a manufacturing order.

Plan button

Click on the Plan button once the manufacturing order form has been completed. Pressing the ‘Plan’ button will enable the manufacturing operations to be scheduled in the ERP.

The scheduled dates entered for each phase take into account various parameters:

  • Start and end dates of the manufacturing order

  • Machine schedules


If you want the planning to take account of the availability of work centers, you need to take the advanced stock training course that explains the concept of finite capacity.

Stock moves tab

Once you have launched planning, you will find new tabs on the Manufacturing order file. In this tab, you can monitor stock moves in/out.

For example, to manufacture a product, an input move with components for a product to be manufactured will be made. In the outward movement, you will find a product you want to manufacture. The output move may also include residual products.

In this tab, you will also find the Outgoing moves panel (which corresponds to customer delivery).

Consumed products

In this tab, you will find the products to be consumed.


Fill in the tracking numbers for consumed products.

  • Update planned quantities (Components and FP) : click on this button to update the planned quantities (components and finished products) at manufacturing order level.

  • Multi-level planning: click on this button to create manufacturing orders for semi-finished products / components for the parts to be manufactured.


“FP” stands for “finished product”.

For example:

  1. Multi-Level Planning: click on the “Multi-Level Planning” button.

  2. In the ‘Multi-level planning’ window, select a product (in the example, this is the drilled part used in the manufacturing of the finished product).

  3. Generate MO : click on the ‘Generate MO’ button (generate a manufacturing order).

  4. Draft order: in the ‘Draft order’ window, select the product again (in the example, it’s the drilled part).

  5. Plan selected orders and discard others: click on the ‘Plan selected orders and discard others’ button.

  6. You will then be redirected to the Manufacturing Orders page, where you will find the production order for the selected product.

  7. Open the file for this manufacturing order. Note that this production order is in Planned status.


In addition, in the ‘Consumed products’ tab, you will find the “Children MO” (i.e. derived manufacturing orders).

Either follow up or complete this section simply by clicking on Modify (the pencil icon).

Allocate resources to phases

Employee scheduling

To assign resources to the phases of a manufacturing order, activate certain options in the manufacturing app configuration.

  1. Employee scheduling: Application config → Apps management → Manufacturing, configure → in the ‘Main configurations’ section, activate the ‘Employee scheduling’ option.

  2. In addition, in the ‘Production process’ section, activate the Generate timesheet line on manufacturing operations option.


Generate timesheet line on manufacturing operations option appears only when certain options are activated first.

  1. Activate “Manage business production”. “Enable timesheet on manufacturing orders” option will appear.

  2. Activate “Enable timesheet on manufacturing orders”. “Generate timesheet line on manufacturing operations” option will appear.

  3. Activate “Generate timesheet line on manufacturing operations”.

  1. Remember to save the changes you have made and refresh the browser.

Return to your manufacturing order file.

  1. Click on a line (first operation) in the ‘Manufacturing operations’ table.

  2. Employees: In the ‘Operation’ window, in the ‘Resources’ section, click on the ‘Employees’ field. Here, select employees.

  3. Thanks to this configuration, you will find this operation on a calendar. Access : Manufacturing → Calendars → Calendar per employee → Employee planned operations → on the calendar, you will find the phase (operation) planned for the employee who was selected beforehand on the ‘Operation’ window.

Manifacturing sequence

Start / Pause / Finish

Planned operations can be monitored from a manufacturing order or from the menu entry: Manufacturing → Manufacturing operations.

You must first create a manufacturing order and then proceed with the other steps. The sequence of operations is as follows:

  1. Planned status:
  • Start: you can start the operation via the ‘Start’ button, the actual start date is filled in on the operation.

You can start an operation by clicking on a line in the ‘Manufacturing operations’ table. The ‘Operation’ window then opens, where you can click on the ‘Start’ button.

  1. In Progress status:
  • Pause: you can pause the operation by clicking on ‘Pause’ (a stop date is filled in the ‘Manufacturing order durations’ panel).

  • Partial finish : you can partially complete the operation by clicking on the button ‘Partial Finish’ , which allows you to carry out the stock moves without completing the operation. In other words, the operation will be in ‘In progress’ status while the associated stock moves are being carried out.

  • Finish: you can finish your operation, which completes the actual end date and allows you to deduct the actual duration of the operation (visible in the Operation window, in the ‘Real dates’ section).

  1. In Standby status:
  • Resume: you can resume your operation by clicking on the ‘Resume’ button, creating a new duration in the associated panel.

Tracking manufacturing times

Once the operations have been carried out, you can consult the actual durations of the manufacturing operations:

  • By operation from a manufacturing order or from the menu entry: Manufacturing → Manufacturing operations.

  • In the Dates tab, you can consult the entire manufacturing order.

  • Timesheet lines can be found on the line of an operation (manufacturing order file → manufacturing operation → click on a line → in the Operation window, find the Timesheet Lines section).

Activate the Generate timesheet line function in the Manufacturing app so that you can generate automatically calculated timesheets directly from the manufacturing operation sequence. This timesheet is completed for an active user.

Example: manufacturing order file

Start, Pause, Finish, Partial finish

On the manufacturing order file :

  1. You have created a manufacturing order.

  2. The manufacturing order is in ‘Planned’ status (the manufacturing operation has been planned).

  3. Click on the ‘Start’ button. It will start the manufacturing.

  4. You can start an operation by clicking on a line. Click directly on a line in the ‘Manufacturing operation’ table. The ‘Operation’ window will open. In this window, click on the ‘Start’ button.


In addition, the ‘Start’, ‘Pause’ and ‘Finish’ buttons are directly available in the ‘Manufacturing operation’ table in the form of icons for each operation line. It is therefore possible to start an operation without opening the ‘Operation’ window and without clicking on the operation line.

  1. In the Operation window, once you have clicked on ‘Start’, the actual start date will be entered.

  2. When you press ‘Pause’, you will notice that the time measurement has stopped. You can resume the operation and complete it by clicking on the ‘Finish’ button. Clicking on the ‘Finish’ button completes the actual end and deducts the actual duration of the operation.

If you click on ‘Partial finish’, the operation will be in ‘In progress’ status and the associated stock moves will be carried out.

  1. Timesheet lines are created automatically from various entries. As soon as you press Start and End an operation, a timesheet entry is made.

Activate the ‘Generate timesheet line’ function in the Manufacturing app.

Access: Application config → Apps management → Manufacturing, configure → activate the ‘Generate timesheet line’ option.

Generate timesheet line on manufacturing operations option appears only when certain options are activated first.

  1. Activate “Manage business production”. “Enable timesheet on manufacturing orders” option will appear.

  2. Activate “Enable timesheet on manufacturing orders”. “Generate timesheet line on manufacturing operations” option will appear.

  3. Activate “Generate timesheet line on manufacturing operations”.

  1. The operation is complete. The manufacturing order is also complete.

  2. On the manufacturing order file, click on the Stock movements tab: the associated moves have been carried out.

  3. On the manufacturing order file, click on the ‘Consumed products’ tab. The consumed products have been tracked.

  4. On the Finished Products tab, you will find the finished products that have been manufactured.

  5. If this was the Child MO (manufacturing order), go back to the Parent manufacturing order. You will notice on the Parent MO file that the Child MO has the status ‘Finished’.

  6. In the example, on the Parent MO file you have the option of carrying out two operations. You can click directly on the ‘Start’ icon located on an operation line. Starting an operation will automatically fill in the actual start date. Completing an operation will automatically fill in the actual end date. Timesheets are generated.


Select when the consumption will take place: “at start”.

If the selection is made at the beginning, the stock moves will be carried out.


If ‘Manage consumption by phase’ is present in the manufacturing process, resources that are going to be consumed must be added by phase.

Depending on whether or not manufacturing operations have been carried out, stock moves will be carried out consistently.

  1. Complete the operations. You will find residual products in the ‘Residual products’ tab. You will find finished products in the ‘Finished products’ tab.

Consumption monitoring

Manufacturing in AOS is simulated via stock moves. Input moves are linked to the components of the product that will be manufactured. Output moves are linked to a product that has been created from the virtual manufacturing stock location.

When a manufacturing order is planned, in your manufacturing order, you will find in your Inventory movements tab, all the stock movements: Inward / Outward / Customer delivery (if there is a linked order).

  • Consumed products tab allows you to track products that will be consumed and products that are already consumed. You can also update scheduled quantities on the manufacturing order and plan multi-level manufacturing orders, which correspond to the manufacturing orders for semi-finished products defined in the BOM of the product to be manufactured as a component (for components with or without missing quantities). It is in this tab that you can track or complete the tracking numbers for consumed products to ensure traceability.

  • Finished Products tab allows you to trace products that will be manufactured (“products to produce” in AOS), manufactured products (i.e.”produced products”) and waste. You can also update planned quantities and the quantities that have been actually produced on the manufacturing order. In the same tab, you can also find “Residual products”.

  • Residual Products: in this section, you will find the residual products that have appeared after a manufacturing process.