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Version: 8.1

Training and Appraisal

Access: HR → Training → Configuration

You can configure trainings from the Configuration menu. Through trainings, your employees can participate in various workshops to acquire new skills. At the end of a training session, evaluate the employees and indicate which skills were acquired.

Create a Training


You have the option to define categories from the corresponding submenu in the Training menu.

Access: HR → Training → Configuration → Categories

You can configure a category. An existing category will be automatically applied on the trainings.

Access: HR → Training → Configuration → Trainings → +New

  1. Define the name (mandatory).

  2. Category: associate a category in the category field.

  3. Company: by default, the company is automatically retrieved.

  4. Number of hours: enter the number of hours.

  5. Mandatory training: determine if this training is mandatory.

  6. Skill: you have the ability to create skills from this training (e.g., Forklift license, HR License, Basic HR knowledge). You can create skills directly on the training record, or from the menu HR → Recruitment → Configuration → Skills

  7. Required training: determine if another training is necessary before this one can be undertaken. Select the trainings in the dedicated table by clicking on "Select" (the magnifying glass icon) or add a new one by clicking on +New to create a new training.

  8. Description / Program / Objectives: you have free fields that allow you to detail the training.

  9. Save the changes made.

Create a Training Session

Once the training is created, you can proceed to create a training session.

Access: HR → Training → Configuration → Training sessions

  1. Training: select a training that you have created beforehand.

  2. Location: select a location of the training.

  3. From date… to: enter the dates. Entering the start and end dates is mandatory.

  4. Number of hours: if you have indicated the number of hours on the training form, this number will be automatically retrieved.

  5. Training register list: you can register candidates (employees) using the "Register training" button or do it directly on the training file.

  6. Event-type notification: once an employee is registered, an event-type notification will be displayed in the schedule of each employee according to the entered dates.


You can manage registered employees from the training session form via the Training register list. The list contains lines corresponding to each registered employee. Just click on the line to open it. The "Training register" window will open.

Training completed: if the person has completed the training, click on the "Training Completed" button found in the "Training register" window.

Rating: you have the ability to rate the candidate between 0 and 100.

  1. Overall rating to apply: you can also enter a global rating on the training session form.

  2. Update all rating: click this button to update all ratings.

  3. Complete session: conduct the training by clicking on this button. Clicking on this button will conduct all trainings. You will notice that their status changes to Completed.

  4. If you open a line contained in the list of registrations (the "Training register list" window will open), you will be able to view the data of each employee who participated in the training. Click on the employee's name to access their form. The employee form will then open. Next, click on the Training tab. Here, you can view the skills acquired, the trainings completed, and the assessment.

Managing an appraisal


You can define appraisal types to select during the creation of an appraisal.

You also have the ability to define appraisal templates and generate appraisals from these templates.

Access: HR → Appraisals → Configuration → Appraisals template

Access: HR → Appraisals → Configuration → Appraisals types

Create an appraisal:

Access HR → Appraisals → Appraisals

  1. Select an employee.

  2. Select a company.

  3. Enter the type of appraisal (the type is configurable).

  4. Enter the deadline.

  5. Indicate who is responsible of appraisal (reviewer).

  6. Add a description of the content.


The workflow of an appraisal is controlled by the buttons Draft → Sent → Completed → Canceled.