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Version: 8.1

Product file

Access: Purchases → Product and Services

General Information

At the top of the product file, you will find an overview of stocks (in the case of inventory),the accounting family and the category of the product.

On the product file, you will also find general and accounting information, as well as product configurations by company.

Products are divided into two types: service and product.

Accounting Family: attach the product to an accounting family. Using the accounting family facilitates the entry of accounting data and avoids repeating the entry on each product file.

The accounting family contains following information: the company, financial accounts for purchase, sales details, and Taxes.

Product Category: enter the product category (e.g., hard drive).

Product Types

There are two types of products:

  1. Service: a service is an activity for which a stock doesn't exist.

  2. Product : if you select a product, a new field "Product subtype" will appear.

Product subtype: here, you will find 3 sub-types of product according to its procurement method (Finished Product / Semi-Finished Product / Component).


Procurement Method: buy / produce / buy & produce. In the procurement method field, define the default replenishment method, i.e., the method to use in case of insufficient stock. You can, for example, buy and/or produce the product in question.

Accounting Tab

It is possible to set the accounting information in two ways:

  • Directly on the product file (Accounting Configuration tab) ;

  • In the accounting family.

Using an accounting family facilitates the entry and maintainability of accounting data, and thus avoids repeating the accounting entry for each product.

Available accounting information:

  • Default accounting accounts for purchase/sale.

  • Tax rate for purchase/sale.

  • Analytical data.

Product Configuration by Company

It is also possible to define a specific product configuration by company.

The product repository is shared by all companies on the Axelor application. You can configure specifically the fields related to your company. For example, depending on Company A, you can buy the product, but not with Company B. This information must be overridden and is configurable in the Base configuration.


The product fields to be overridden are configurable in the “Base” application configuration (Configuration tab).

Access: Application config → Apps management → Base, configure → configure the product fields to override in the Configuration tab.

Among the configurable data, you will find:

  • Sales and purchase prices.

  • Cost prices, WAP, management coefficient, etc.

  • Indicate whether the product is sellable and/or purchasable.

You can retrieve the necessary information directly from the Products by Companies table. Otherwise, you can retrieve the information in the Purchases / Costs or Sales tab.

Configuration from the Purchases / Costs Tab

The Purchases / Costs tab contains information related to:

  1. The purchase of the product (purchase price incl. tax, default supplier, etc.).

  2. Costs associated with the product (cost calculation type, management, approach).

  3. The catalog of suppliers producing this item.

  4. You can also determine a default supplier.

  5. Enter the supplier delivery time (days).

  6. The purchase order history of the product.

  7. You can also determine the Costs related to this product.

Cost Price Calculation

The cost price can be calculated in several ways:

Manual: the value is entered manually.

Last purchase price: the cost price corresponding to the last purchase price.

Last production price: the cost price corresponding to the last production price.

Average price: the cost price is calculated automatically with the following formula:

[( stock quantity x existing average price ) + ( delivery quantity x unit price )] / ( stock quantity + delivery quantity )

Once the cost type “Average price” is selected, depending on the stock and delivery, the cost price is calculated with the average price.

If the average price and cost price fields are overridden by company in the product, you will find the information on the product file.

These fields can be overridden for products by company, so this information will not be carried over to orders, but this information will be taken into account at the product configuration level by company if it was configured in the Base application.