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Version: 8.2

Budget Tracking

Workflow for Updating Amounts

Here is an example that allows you to learn more about interpreting budget data.

In this example, you enter a budget distribution from a supplier order:

  • Amount 30 euros;

  • The initial and available budget is 100 euros.

  1. Requested: on the supplier order form, change the status to "Requested".

  2. Committed Amount: the committed amount is 30 euros. At this stage, there is no impact on the realized and available amounts.

  3. Generate/Allocate the Invoice: upon generating and allocating the invoice, the available amount is reduced to 70 euros. The committed amount shifts to the realized with commitment amount.

This means, on the order, you will have the following amounts:

  • Initial: 100
  • Available: 100
  • Committed: 30
  • Realized with commitment: 0

And on the invoice:

  • Initial: 100
  • Available: 70
  • Committed: 0
  • Realized with commitment: 30

In the case of a manually entered invoice without an order:

  1. Allocation: upon the allocation of this invoice, the realized without commitment amount directly becomes 30 euros. Meanwhile, the available amount becomes 70 euros.

This means, you will have the following amounts:

  • Initial: 100
  • Available: 70
  • Realized without commitment: 30

In the case of a manually entered accounting entry:

  1. Simulated: when changing to the simulated status on an accounting entry, the "simulated entry amount" and the "available amount with simulations" will be impacted. Only when the entry is posted does the "realized without commitment amount" change → consequently, the available amount will be updated.

This means, you will have the following amounts:

  • Initial: 100
  • Available: 100
  • Simulated entries: 30
  • Available with simulations: 70
  • Realized without commitment: 0

These examples illustrating the workflow have been simplified, and previous distributions allocated to the budget have not been included.

Otherwise, the amounts will add up or subtract.

Budget Form View

In the budget form view, you will also have several buttons allowing you to view the details of the budget distribution. For example:

  • Show Commitment Lines: these commitment lines have been entered from orders.

  • View Details of Realized Without Commitment: the "View Details of Realized Without Commitment" button allows you to see budget distributions associated with invoices without orders or accounting entries.

  • View Details of Realized With Commitment: the "View Details of Realized With Commitment" button allows you to see budget distributions associated with invoices from orders.

  • Show Simulated Entries: view the simulated entries if you have entered budget distributions for entries with simulated status. Note, this button appears when you work with simulated entries in the budget.

1.1. The “Show Simulated Entries” button. This button appears when you apply simulated entries to your budget.
1.1. The “Show Simulated Entries” button. This button appears when you apply simulated entries to your budget.