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Version: 8.2

Contract templates

Creating a contract template

Access : Contract → Configuration → Contract template → +

A contract template groups together all the configurations of a contract. You can then use this template to create contracts with the same configurations.

Fill in the required fields:

  • The type (customer or supplier). The type will be used to create either a customer contract or a supplier contract.

  • The company and the currency (the currency may be different from the company's currency) used to generate any invoices. Currency conversion is carried out at accounting entry level.

Configuration tab

This tab allows you to configure Invoicing. It is not mandatory to manage it from the contracts.

Invoicing configuration (Configuration tab)

You can manage invoicing on the contracts or not. If there is no invoicing, you can create the contract, attach the signed contract and track the versions of this contract (for example, you can track the history of signed documents).

  • Invoicing management: when this option is activated, the Invoicing content table appears on the contract. These items are what you will invoice (either periodically or all at once). You can add contract lines by clicking on ‘new’. Select the product, quantity and tax. Invoice content cannot be modified while the contract is in progress.

  • Additional benefit management: these are items/services that you can add to a contract over a period (the current month, for example). Each line added is invoiced once only.


Price and quantity are not contractual, so the user can specify any price and any quantity.

  • Consumption management: when you activate consumption management, add the line in the Invoicing content, then add the consumption line just below it. It must be exactly the same product/service that has been already indicated in the Invoicing content (i.e. all products must be declared). If another product/service is indicated, there will be an error during an invoicing process. Select the payment method. The payment terms will appear on the invoice.

  • Automatic invoicing: activate automatic invoicing. Automatic invoicing means that the system can generate invoices automatically in bulk via a pre-configured batch. If bulk invoicing is activated, the system will generate a single invoice for all the contracts of the same customer/supplier with the same invoice dates. You can select when you wish to invoice.

  • Periodic invoicing: you can choose to invoice for the entire contract period or activate periodic invoicing, which will generate invoices at a pre-defined frequency. When periodic Invoicing is activated, you can activate 'Prorata temporis'.You can either activate the 'Prorate temporally' option, or you can activate the 'Prorate from versions' option. The prorata is calculated on the basis of the first Invoicing period.

  • Payment conditions: paiement terms are used to set the due date. Example: if you start a contract during the month (on the 10th), the first invoice will only take into account the concerned period, i.e. from the 10th to the end of the month. You must also specify the end date of the Invoicing period.

Renewal configurations

Tacit renewal: in the Configuration tab, you can apply a tacit renewal to the contract. If the tacit renewal option is activated, the contract will renew automatically for a period that can be specified.

Auto enable version on renew: with the ‘Auto enable version on renew’ option activated, at each renewal there will be a new version.

Engagement configurations

With enagement: activate the engagement and define an engagement duration. As long as the contract is under engagement, it's impossible to terminate it.

With prior notice: activate a prior notice period and define its duration. The contract cannot be terminated before the end of the notice period.

Functional Example

Create a contract template

In this practical example, let's create a new template. This template will be used to create a new contract.

Access : Contract → Configuration → Contract templates → +

  1. Specify a title. For example, ‘IT hosting all options’.

  2. Enter a type, in this case Customer.

  3. Enter the company and currency. Open Configuration tab to access Invoicing configurations.

  4. Invoicing Management: activate this option in the Configuration tab to be able to manage Invoicing.

  5. Additional benefit management: activate this option to manage additional services.

  6. Consumption management: activate this option to manage consumption.

  7. Payment mode: select the payment method. Here, it is Other cashing.

  8. Payment conditions: set the payment terms. Here it is 30 days end of month.

  9. Automatic invoicing: activate automatic invoicing to invoice automatically via the batch.

  10. Invoicing time: define the invoicing time, here it is at the end of the period.

  11. Periodic invoicing: activate this option and enter the invoicing frequency.


Duration: if you wish to configure an Invoicing frequency yourself, you can do so directly from the Duration menu.

Access : Contracts → Configuration → Durations

  1. Prorate temporally: activate time-proportioning if you need to.

  2. Tacit renewal: activate tacit renewal and enter the renewal period (here, 6 months).

  3. Save the changes you have made.

Next, add some more information in the Content tab on the contract template form.

  1. Invoicing content: add a new contract line. In this example, this line is invoiced monthly. Select a product, tax, etc.

  2. In this example, another contract line is added: a consumption line (for example, a consultant). In the Contract Line window, activate the ‘Invoice from consumption’ option.


When adding a contract line for a product that is not invoiced periodically, it is not possible to enter the quantity for this product.

By default, the quantity for a consumable product is zero and cannot be changed.

However, it is still possible to define the unit price that will be contractually binding.

  1. Save the changes you have made and go on to create a customer contract.