Accounting app configurations
Access : Application config → Apps management → Accounting, configure
In the Accounting app configurations, you will find several global features that will apply.
Manage analytic accounting: activate this option to be able to manage analytical accounting. Once activated, this feature will cause new fields to appear in the company parameters.
Manage factors: activate factor management if you need it.
Manage advance payment invoice: activate the management of down payments in the form of invoices. Invoices can be of the deposit type or a standard invoice can use a deposit product.
Activate passed for payment: this feature activates the management of payment slips. When you activate management for payment slips, it can be used to indicate whether or not a payment has been agreed on the goods receipt (either when goods are received without inspection, or after quality inspection), and it will be included on the invoice.
Allow multi invoice terms: with this option, manage multiple instalments over time.
Manage cut-off period: with the cut-off active, automatically generate entries for prepaid expenses to comply with the principle of the independence of financial years.
Manage customer credit: with this feature active, manage the level of customer outstanding amounts and set a maximum amount. Define in the company sales configurations a default maximum outstanding amount that will be accepted for all customers. The outstanding amount can be configured per customer, in the accounting information of customer records.
Accounting configurations by company
Open the accounting configurations by company. There are two ways of doing this:
Access: Application config → Apps management → Accounting, config → click on the company file at the bottom of the page.
Access: Application config → Users / Company → Companies → open a company file and click on the Accounting configurations button on the right-hand side.
When you configure the accounting settings using the second method, you will have additional functionalities that will not be available if you access the company file via Application Config.
Import account chart only: select the default chart of accounts used by the company.
Activate simulated moves: activate simulated entries. The simulated entry has no direct accounting impact (it is not reflected on payments). You will only find a simulated entry on certain reports.
Accounting daybook: a new Daybook step (equivalent of a draft) is added to the entry, allowing you to simply write the entry. This is a provisional step for an entry awaiting validation. Modifications can still be made during this stage. When you switch to the Accounted status, the entry will be definitively recorded and accounted.
Accounting tab
Open the configurations on the company file. Click on the accounting tab.
In this tab, define the different default financial accounts. You will be able to manage different customer accounts (doubtful / irrecoverable / etc).
Supplier Accounts: manage supplier accounts.
Discount accounts: define discount accounts. When you add an invoice with a discount, the discount will be applied and a new line will be generated (with the financial account you have entered).
You'll also find cut-off accounts, factors, annual closings, etc.
If there is an auxiliary management of third-party accounting (customers, suppliers), you should leave the field empty.
Invoicing tab
Find the various parameters relating to the selected company in the invoicing tab.
Invoice sequences: sequences will be used when creating invoices and then during the breakdown. Following the breakdown, a sequence will be used as the invoice identifier.
A breakdown corresponds to “ventilation” in AOS.
Products: these are the default products. They will be used when generating an advance payment. For example, you will be able to manage a down-payment invoice product that will include all the accounting settings and accounts.
Printing parameters: activate or deactivate certain options to be displayed/hidden when the invoice is printed.
In a multi-company context, the parameters can be differentiated by company.
Journals tab
Configure the default journals that will be used when generating entries. When you generate an entry from a customer invoice, it will be generated in the Sales journal, for example.
In the Journals tab, you will find the association between journal types and default journals.
Receivables recovery tab
“Receivables recovery” tab corresponds to the Debt recovery.
In this tab, manage the various steps that should be taken when a payment is delayed. For example, you can:
Late payment account blocking: tick this box to block customers with late payments.
Number of days before account is blocked: enter the number of days before the account is blocked. This field appears when you tick the “Block customers with late payments” box.
Mail transit time: enter the deadline for sending the mail. When there is a payment due date, select the number of days before the letter is sent.
Debt recovery configuration table: you will find the table where you can configure debt recoveries by category of a partner / customer / supplier (most often customers) with the dunning method by customer type.
Reimbursement tab
In this tab, manage the reimbursement settings.
Doubtful receivables tab
Use this tab to automate the conversion of customer records into doubtful customers once a certain threshold has been reached in terms of number of months. The expression “Doubtful debt” or “Doubtful customer” refers to a debt that is certain, liquid and due, but for which recovery is uncertain. In practical terms, this is a current and existing debt whose recovery is compromised by the debtor's financial situation, failure to meet previously agreed payment dates or failure to respond to customer reminders.
In all these cases, the debt is considered doubtful. Doubtful debts are generally recognised in the accounts at the end of the financial year.
Account clearance tab
In the Account clearance tab, find the parameters in order to define the accounts in which the automatic processing of customer balances will make entries. Below a certain threshold, customer balances will go through the balancing stage, which will enable you to liquidate these balances.
These financial account settings are applied when you create a specific “Accounts clearance” batch; but this process is also closely linked to the Reimbursement tab described above.
The batch will generate entries using the financial accounts defined in the settings if the customer balance is below the threshold set in the .
In effect, it clears overpayments according to the threshold. For example, all customer balances of less than 20 euros are cleared (it will depend on the settings in account 778000 “Other exceptional goods”) and those above this threshold go through the refund procedure.
If the threshold is higher than the limit indicated in the Reimbursement tab, you will trigger a refund and not a clearance.
Analytic tab
This tab is only active if you have activated the Manage analytical accounting option (Application config → Apps management → Accounting, configure → activate the “Manage analytic accounting” option).
In the Analytic tab, you will find the option that allows you to manage cost accounting for the selected company.
You will also be able to choose the distribution type, the number of axes that can be configured and the default analytic journal.
The rest of the settings are made via the Analytic menu entry.
Manage analytic accounting: be aware that in the Analytic tab, you can activate/deactivate cost accounting by company by checking/unchecking the “Manage analytic accounting” box.
Number of analytical axes: indicate the number of analytical axes to be managed.
Analytic distribution type: select a type (Free / By third party / By product-family-account).
Free: manage invoices, orders and analytical entries manually, i.e. you can select your own models.
Per partner: import the analytical configuration from the third party file.
Per product-family-account: select the analytical distribution defined in the product and if it does not exist, it will be transferred from the family or the financial account.
Enable budget key: activate budget management by activating the budget key. Then select the roles.
Budget distribution role: select the user roles who will manage the budget.
Printings tab
This tab contains the default print settings. This is where you will find the templates (Birt) that you wish to apply to your invoices, cheque deposit slips and purchase invoice details.
Financial account settings
Financial accounts are the nomenclature elements that make up the general chart of accounts.
When configuring financial accounts, it is possible to apply parameters by product, by tax or by payment. The file will change according to the type of selected parameters.
In the case of configuration by product, for a product (item or service) you will have to define the accounts that are assigned to the purchase, sale and what taxes will be applicable to these accounts.
To make the settings easier, we recommend that you define these configurations for the accounting families first.
Chart of accounts
The General Chart of Accounts (abbreviated PCG in French) is an accounting standard in France, issued by the French Accounting Standards Authority (ANC in French). The PCG defines the accounting rules applicable to companies domiciled in France, as well as the presentation of their financial accounts, balance sheets, income statements, reports and notes.
The chart of accounts is organised as follows:
A. Classes 1 to 5 ⇒ balance sheet accounts :
Capital and reserves
Fixed assets.
Third parties (customers, suppliers, government, partners, etc.).
Cash position.
B. Classes 6 to 7 ⇒ Profit and loss accounts :
- Expenses (disbursed and calculated).
Operating ;
Financial ;
Exceptional ;
- Income. Access : Accounting → Configuration → Financial → Chart of accounts. From the ‘Chart of Accounts’ submenu, you can view the entire tree structure of the imported chart of accounts. All the characteristics of an account can be accessed from this view. Note that the list of all financial accounts is accessible from the “Financial accounts” submenu (Access : Accounting → Configuration → Financial → Financial accounts).
Configurations of financial account file
Reconcilable: this option allows you to authorise lettering on this account.
Debit/Credit balance: under the button “Set active/inactive”; you will find the balance of the account, in debit or credit.
Code: the code corresponds to the type of account and can be used to group together several accounts of the same class.
Access : Accounting → Configuration → Financial → Financial account management
In the “Financial account management” menu, you will find all your settings relating to the various objects, in particular product records and taxes. You will be able to configure default financial accounts for product records and taxes.
Example of settings on a product record
Access : Application Config → Referential → Products → Products
Click on the Accounting tab. Then, add a new line in the table by clicking on +. Modify the line directly in the table and add further information. Or, add a line and click on the line to open a new pop-up window “Account Management”.
Purchase account: select a purchase account. It will be applied automatically when the product is selected on an invoice, for example a supplier invoice.
Sales account: on a customer invoice, a sales account is applied.
Sales/Purchase taxes: select a tax. This tax will be applied automatically when the product is selected.
Accounting family: if it wasn’t selected beforehand on a product file in the general information section, then, select an accounting family. For example, “Components”. The Components accounting family can be applied to different products, which allows you to group together the accounting settings for a family of products and avoid replicating them for each product individually.
If you have a configuration that applies to a single product, you will need to delete the accounting family and simply select the product to which this configuration applies.
Access : Accounting → Configuration → Financial → Financial account management
In the “Financial account management” menu, you will find all your settings relating to the various objects, in particular product files and taxes. You will be able to configure default financial accounts for product files and taxes.
Tax - Sales account
On the tax form, you can fill in the various fields that belong to the different areas, such as Purchases or Sales.
Type - Tax : open a new file. Select its type as “Tax”.
Tax: in the Tax section, define the tax. For example, it could be VAT collected at a reduced rate of 10%.
Sales: in the Sales section, you will find the financial account settings that will be used when a sale is made. These financial accounts are applied when you select the tax on an invoice. An entry will then be generated and this financial account will be applied to your tax line.
Payment account
Access : Accounting → Configuration → Financial → Financial account management
In the “Financial account management” menu, you will find all your settings relating to the various objects, in particular the payment slips. You will be able to configure default financial accounts for payment.
Type - Payment : open a new file. Select its type as “Payment”.
Payment account: on the payment file, you will find various financial accounts that will be used for the payment, and in particular the payment financial account (for example, a bank account).
Sequence: a financial account will be applied with a sequence. The sequence allow you to assign a unique identifier to the payment entries.
Journal: select the journal on which the payment entries will be created.
Payment mode: select the payment method.
Interbank code: enter the interbank code.
Globalisation account: use this account for payment sessions with a globalisation account.
Accounting families
First, activate the functionality in the application configuration.
Access: Application config → Referential → Configuration → Product accounting families
In this menu, manage all your accounting families, in which you will find accounting information that can be broken down by company. You will find information about the Purchase or Sales financial accounts / the taxes to apply / as well as information about fixed assets.
With the help of the accounting family, you will be able to gather the financial account configurations for a product family, group them together and avoid variations for each product. When you make a change, you won't need to go back to each product.
Although the product referential is shared by all companies, accounting configuration can be done on a company-by-company basis. If you wish to manage exceptions, then you should apply the configuration directly to the product. The product configuration takes precedence over the accounting family configuration.
Partner files
A “partner” corresponds to a third party in AOS.
You also have the option of entering accounting configurations on partner files to help you enter invoices.
Access : Application config → Referential → Partner
The partner file can also be accessed from the Purchases (supplier files) and Sales (customer files) apps.
By modifying the partner file, it is possible to configure certain accounting information such as the customer or supplier accounts, the default income or expense account (in order to automate invoice entry), the VAT system (VAT on receipts or debits), the outstanding amounts, etc.
From the partner file, you can view the account balance, the balance that is due and information on outstanding amounts.
Open a partner file :
Accounting situation: open the Accounting situation tab. This is where you will find all the accounting information with the financial account configurations to be used for supplier accounts / customer accounts when you generate entries from an invoice.
Passed for payment: If you have activated the “Passed for payment” functionality, you will be able to enter the default validator.
You will also find the customer and supplier accounts linked to the holdback / VAT system / and the balances. The balances will show the current status of the customer or supplier file. These configurations are available for each company.
- Compensation: activate this option (Accounting information tab) to be able to manage offset on a payment. Offsetting allows you to deduct sales amounts from supplier purchases. For example, if you make a sale of 1000 euros, and you have to pay 2000 euros, you will be able to deduct 1000 euros from the sale amount.
Accounting periods and tax years
The tax year is a limited period during which a company records all the economic events that go to make up its accounts.
This period is generally based on 12 months (whether or not it is similar to a calendar year).
The financial year ends with the production of accounting statements.
In Axelor, a fiscal year consists of accounting periods. Accounting periods may be 1 month or longer. The creation of a monthly accounting period enables monthly closings to be carried out.
The monthly closure makes a month intangible, i.e. it prevents any modification of the entry lines (addition, modification or deletion). Once you have closed your accounts, it will be impossible to create new entries for the month you have closed.
Fiscal year
Access : Accounting → Configuration → Financial → Fiscal years
Fiscal years are created by entering a start date and an end date in the corresponding file, then choosing the length of the periods corresponding to this fiscal year.
Generate periods: the “Generate periods” button is then used to create all the tax periods associated with the tax year.
Close fiscal year : close fiscal year by clicking on the button.
Before closing the financial year for a fiscal year, you must close each of its periods.
Accounting period
Access : Accounting → Configuration → Financial → Periods
Close journals on the period: click on this button in order to close the creation or modification of journals for the linked period.
For example, accounting period 12/AF2023 corresponds to the open period from 01/12/2023 to 31/12/2023 and is linked to accounting year AF2023.