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Version: 8.0

Move templates


Access : Accounting → Configuration → Move templates → Move templates

Access : Accounting → Configuration → Move templates → Move types


In AOS, you can configure templates for entry lines. In AOS, this term is referred to as “Move templates”, and consequently, Move types.

In order to generate entries from a template, you must first set up entry templates.

A template is used to pre-fill the characteristics of the future entry generated from this template, including the debit and credit lines which balance the entry.

The type of template can be used to classify entries, as well as to choose between two types of information for the debit and credit amounts of the entry: an amount, or a percentage of an amount.

Access: Accounting → Moves → Moves from template

All that remains here is to select the appropriate template, then enter the amount and, if applicable, the third party to be debited or credited.

The “Generate move” button will create the entries which you will find in the Moves menu.

Configure a template

Access : Accounting → Configuration → Move templates → Move templates

  1. Enter a name.

  2. Enter a code.

  3. Enter a company.

  4. Enter a journal.

  5. Enter a type.

  6. Next, add a move template line. Fill in all the necessary information (Name / Debit-Credit / Income / Accounting account, etc).

  7. Check Validity: once you have added the move template lines, you can check their validity by clicking on the button. This will help you to find your template when generating moves from a template. As soon as you press this button, the “Valid” box becomes ticked (with no possibility of un-ticking it) to inform you that the validity has been checked. Consequently, when you generate moves from a template, you will be able to select this template on the “Template” field (Access: Accounting → Moves → Moves from template).

Moves from template

Access : Accounting → Moves → Moves from template

  1. Select a type.

  2. Select a company.

  3. Enter a date.

  4. Select a template.

  5. Select the journal / type / enter the code.

  6. Generate moves: click on the “Generate moves” button to generate moves. Entries will be generated with the status “New”. You will find these entries in the Moves menu (Access: Accounting → Moves).

  7. Daybook: by opening the record of the move that has just been generated, you can account it or daybook it.