Expenses & Reporting
When you enter an expense report, you can enter a business project on each expense report line. It is also possible to mark an expense as ‘to be invoiced’, so that it can be re-invoiced to the customer when the business project is invoiced.
View the expense reports in the Expense Reports tab of the Project file.
Show expense lines: click on this button to view the expense report lines on a project / business project file.
How to create an expense report?
Access: myHR → Expenses → +
General expenses: in the General expenses tab, select a project. Also select an expense type and then enter the start date. Then enter the amount with taxes and the total amount. For example :
Project: training
Type of expense: plane ticket
Departure date: 05/02/2024
Amount with taxes: €1,000
Amount: €20
Send expenses: click on the Send expenses report button.
Validate: once the expense has been sent, HR will be able to validate it.
Waiting expenses: once you have validated the expense, go back to the Project file.
You will see that the ‘Waiting expenses’ table is empty.
Validated expenses: the expense that has been validated will be found in the Validated expenses table.
Expense Lines: the details of the expense report will be found in the Expense Lines table.
To invoice: tick this box to trigger re-invoicing to the customer when invoicing the business project.
To invoice: you will be able to choose whether or not the note has been invoiced by clicking on the tick.
Project reporting
Compute project totals: all the fields in this tab are recalculated when you click the ‘Compute project totals’ button in the Tools menu of the toolbar (Project file). A business batch can also be used to launch this process.
Time follow-up
Time tracking is done at task level and aggregated over the project in the Reports tab. The unit (day/hour) is defined in the ‘Configuration’ tab of the business project, as well as the desired conversion rate between days and hours.
Financial follow-up
Find the financial follow-up on the Reports tab. Like time tracking, financial tracking is an aggregation of project task data.
In Financial follow-up, you will find following information :
Project tasks (sold) ;
Forecast ;
Real ;
Project tasks (Landing) ;
Invoicing (all invoices to the project are taken into account in these calculations).
Project history
Consult project history in Reporting tab.
Note : a ‘Save data to project history’ business batch is available. This batch allows to archive a value of indicators. It will also show the change in values between the last value that has been archived and the last update of the data. This information will be displayed via a pictogram.