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Version: 8.0

Purchase via business project


It is possible to generate a purchase from a project task, either from the task tree or from the Purchase tab of the task.

On the (business) Project form, open the Purchases tab.

Here, you will find the different panels: quotations, purchase orders, purchase order lines and supplier arrivals. It is also possible to generate a quotation from this tab.

This example is the continuation of the previous functional example (Follow-up of customer order on the project), i.e. the data from the previous example has been entered and taken into account (such as the ‘Project generation method’ field, where it was necessary to select ‘One task per line’).

Functional example

  1. Generate a quotation: click on the ‘generate a quotation’ button on the project sheet. A new page will open. Fill in the essential information. In the example, this is subcontracting.

  2. In the Content tab, add a new purchase order line. As a product, select the ‘project manager’ service for one day.

  3. Requested: click on the ‘Request’ button once you have added a purchase order line.

  4. Validate: click on ‘validate’ to validate the quotation.


Once the task linked to the purchase order has been set to Validated status, the pre-tax amount of the order is allocated to the actual costs of the task, and those of the project. The project and task linked to the supplier order can be viewed in the ‘Business project’ tab of the order.


To manage a purchase that is not linked to a specific task, simply go to the Purchases tab of the (business) project.

  1. Generate Supplier arrival: click on ‘generate Supplier arrival’ to generate an associated goods receipt. This will then open a stock movement form.

  2. Complete: click on ‘complete’ to complete the receipt of the order on the stock movement form.

  3. Return to the (business) Project form, open the Purchases tab. You will find the order that has been added, as well as the receipts.

Add a purchase from a task

You can add purchases that are associated with a task. The purchase will be associated with the project and the task at the same time. In addition, you will find a Purchases tab on the task sheet with all the information concerning the purchases that are linked to the task.

  1. Tasks tab: open the ‘Tasks’ tab to view the Task tree table. Click on the shopping trolley icon. Clicking on the shopping trolley allows you to create a supplier order.

  2. Confirm purchase order generation: clicking on the shopping trolley icon will open the pop-up window ‘Confirm purchase order generation’. Here, select a supplier and click on the button ‘Confirm purchase order generation’. Once you have clicked on this button, the purchase order form will open.

  3. Requested: on the purchase order form (which takes the form of a quotation), click on the button ‘Requested’.

  4. Validate: then click on the ‘Validate’ button.

  5. Go back to the project file.

  6. Compute project totals: click on the ‘Tools’ button and then click on the ‘Compute project totals’ action.

  7. Task tree: once you have calculated the project totals, click on the task in the ‘Task tree’ table. You will see that this task is linked to a customer order line (because you have Project generation method).

  8. Financial data: in the ‘Task’ pop-up window, click on the ‘Financial data’ tab. Here, you will find information concerning the costs associated with the purchase request.


If the times spent have not been generated, the costs will only come from the purchase.