Create task
Create a task: a functional example
In this example on tasks, the user has added task categories to the project sheet.
You can directly activate the ‘Business project’ option on the project file for versions below 8.2.
Access : Project → Project → on the project sheet, activate the ‘Business project’ option
You can create tasks either on a Project or a Business project file
Access : Project management → Project / Business project → +
Categories?: open the Configurations tab, and tick the Categories checkbox.
Type of authorized categories: in the ‘Type of authorized categories’ field, select the categories, for example, ‘Drafting’ and ‘Requirements analysis’.
Then follow these steps to create a new task.
Task tree: once the categories have been added, open the Task tree tab.
New Task: click on the ‘New Task’ button. The ‘Task’ window will then open.
Task: in the Task window, fill in the essential information about your task.
Enter the subject.
Project: in the Project field, link this task to another project, if necessary.
Parent task: link the task to a parent task. This will allow you to create a tree structure.
Assigned to: assign this task to a member of this project.
Category: select a category in the ‘Characteristics’ section, in the ‘Category’ field. In this example, the options are ‘Needs analysis’ and ‘Drafting’.
In order to be able to select categories on this field in the ‘Task’ window, make sure you have added categories in the Configuration tab on the Project / Business project.
Section: select an associated section here.
Priority: here, select a priority level (High / Low / Normal / Urgent).
Target version: indicate the version if it is an IT project.
Start date and Due date: enter the start and due dates here.
Task deadline: a task deadline represents the deadline associated with this assignment.
Label: add labels so that you can search for tasks more precisely.
Progress: in this field, enter the percentage of progress.
Time unit: select a time unit, for example, day or hour.
Financial data tab
When you add a task, a pop-up Task window will open. There, you will find a financial data tab. Enter the financial data associated with this task. This tab is used for financial monitoring of the task. You will find it in the pop-up window of a task.
Enter the product. For example, ‘Project manager’. A service type product can be selected. You are free to change the Unit price and Cost.
Next, enter the quantity.
Select the associated billing type (time spent / fixed price / no billing). This content will be used to deduce the turnover for the task, as well as the financial monitoring associated with the task.
You need to run the calculation each time you make a change using the Calculate project totals button.
Note that the costs of the Sold panel are calculated in relation to the unit price of the Content and its quantity.
The costs of the Provisional panel are calculated :
If the ticket is not a parent ticket, in relation to the unit cost of the Content.
If the ticket is a parent ticket, in relation to the unit cost of the Content of all the ‘Financial data’ tabs of the child tickets.
- The Actual data is calculated in relation to the time spent validated on the HR form. The calculation differs depending on the actual cost calculation method selected in the Project configuration tab:
If the Calculation Method is Employee, this time spent is multiplied by the employee's hourly rate.
If the Calculation Method is Product, it is multiplied by the unit cost of the Content product.
If the Calculation Method is Sales Order, it is multiplied by the cost indicated on the sales order line attached to the task. If no sales order line is attached, the Product method is used.
The actual turnover is obtained by multiplying the % progress of the task by the turnover sold.
- The Finish data is calculated by adding together the actual costs recorded and the Remainder to Do multiplied by the unit cost of the Content.
Frequency tab
In terms of frequency, it is possible to create a periodicity linked to this task, provided that the configuration is activated.
Internal description tab
Complete the internal description here to provide more detail about the purpose of this task. Add planning lines here.
Log times tab
On the Project/Business project file, open the Log times tab. The time tracking tab allows you to track the progress of the task.
Estimated time: Enter the estimated time here. This is the time sold to the customer.
Actual time: This is the estimated time associated with the task.
Planned time: the time planned for carrying out this task.
Time spent: the time spent carrying out this task.
Purchases tab
Here you can associate and link purchase orders to the task.
Create a child task
New task: click on the ‘New task’ button.
Subject: enter the subject. Here, it’s ‘Writing’.
Parent task: enter the parent task. In the example, it is ‘#28 Functional Audit’.
Assigned to: assign this task to a team member.
Category: select a new category. In this example, it is Writing.
Section: select an associated section here.
Priority: select the priority (High / Low / Normal / Urgent).
Dates: select the set of dates. The deadline is associated with this mission.
Time unit: you will notice that the time unit will correspond to the time unit defined in the parent task.
- Fill in the necessary information in all the tabs as described in the chapter ‘Creating tasks ’.
- Financial data tab
Enter the different content of the parent task, for example, in the Product field, you will enter ‘Consultant’ instead of ‘Project Manager’.
Enter the quantity.
Fill in the rest of the missing information.
Save your changes.
Task tree
Task Tree tab: once you have finished creating a child task, click on the Task Tree tab.
In the ‘Task Tree’ table you will find a tree structure that has just been created. Here you will find the parent task and the child task. You can click on the parent task to open or hide the child task.
Note that in the header of a task, you can select a parent task. This allows you to organise and subdivide the tasks in a project. As mentioned above, the financial data for a child task is carried over to the parent task.
You can view the task tree via :
The Tree tab from within a task, allowing you to view the subjacent child tasks
The task tree tab on a project / business project, to view all tasks and unfold child tickets.
Tasks & Tools
On the toolbar at the top of the page, you will find two buttons, ‘Tasks’ and ‘Tools’.
- Tasks: here you will find four available actions.
My open tasks: selecting this action will bring up a list of your currently open tasks.
Tasks created by me: selecting this action displays a list of your tasks that have been created by the user.
All open tasks: selecting this action will display a list of your currently open tasks.
All Tasks: a list of all tasks.
- Tools: the Tools menu offers a number of actions available to the user. Here are a few of them.
Gantt: this action allows you to access the Gantt schedule. Here you can create associated tasks and then manipulate them in the Gantt view.
From this view, you can easily :
Create and organise a task;
Highlight functional dependencies;
Easily modify the duration of the task and its start and end dates;
Easily view the progress associated with the task;
Print the schedule.
Task Editor: click on this action to access the task editor.
This feature is a way of managing project tasks. Using the task editor, you can :
Create new tasks;
Easily change start and end dates;
Easily view the progress associated with the task;
Indicate links between tasks;
Easily change the assignment of a task;
Easily create a task and a task section / sort by section.
By status (kanban view): click this action to display items in kanban view by status. Here you can easily move tasks according to their progress.
By status (calendar): click this action to display items in calendar view. You can create tasks, move them around and easily view existing tasks on the project. You can also sort tasks by their status, for example, click on New to display new tasks, or click on In progress to display tasks in progress.
You can open the calendar view by filtering by section.
By section: use this action to sort tasks by section.
By user: open the calendar view associated with each user (this is useful when tasks are shared between several users). Sort easily by clicking on the user you're interested in to see the associated tasks in calendar view.