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Version: 8.1

Create an invoice

Classic Invoice / Balance Invoice

Manual creation

Access: Invoicing → Customer Invoice → +

When a new invoice is created, some data will be pre-filled automatically, depending on the logged-in user. By default, the invoice type is defined as “Classic invoice”.

You will retrieve the data based on the active company associated with the user.

When a partner (third party) is selected, the invoice and accounting data will be pre-filled on the invoice (payment method / payment conditions / address).

Functionally in AOS, there is no difference between a balance invoice and a standard invoice. This is just a mention for information purposes.

  1. Enter an invoice line.

  2. Select a product.

  3. Enter the quantity.


The information that has been entered, when creating a product file, will be automatically transferred and will help when you add an invoice line.

  1. Validate: once the invoice lines have been filled in, click on the Validate button.

  2. Ventilate: click on “Ventilate” to ventilate the invoice.

  3. In the case of a supplier invoice, you will have two additional mandatory fields to fill in before the ventilation:

  • Date: the “Date” field on the supporting document.

  • Reference of the supporting document.

Generate an invoice

As we saw earlier, an invoice can be generated automatically in various ways from a sale order, a delivery/receipt slip, a business project, etc.

When an invoice is generated, it will generally have the “Standard invoice” or “Balance invoice” tag (if the amount to be paid is equal to the amount of the generated invoice / if you have not selected to create an advanced payment invoice).

Balance Invoice will be generated when the amount of the invoice corresponds to the amount that is left to pay for the order.

Invoice on account

Create a new department

Access : Sales / Purchases → Products & Services → +

To create or generate an advance payment invoice, you must first configure a down-payment product if one is not already present.

On the file for a new product / service, add an accounting family.

For more details, see the documentation on this subject.

Manual creation

Access : Invoicing → Customer/Supplier invoice → +New

  1. When creating a new invoice, select the invoice sub-type as “Advance payment”.

  2. Select a partner and enter the invoice line.

  3. Enter the price, quantity, etc.

  4. Validate the advance payment. You will notice that the workflow does not change to the “Ventilated” status.


There is no Ventilation step for advanced payment invoices. This is because an advanced payment invoice does not generate any accounting entries. However, it will be possible to record a payment for this invoice in the accounts. This payment can be charged to the invoices that are linked to the concerned third party.

Automatic generation

Invoice advanced payment: when the invoice is generated (from a sale order, for example), you need to select the ”Invoice advanced payment” option and enter the amount of the deposit as a number or percentage.

  1. Registrer payment: to be able to charge the deposit to another invoice, you must first record the payment.

  2. Advance payments tab: to use an advance payment, open the invoice you wish to pay and then open the Advance payments tab. Select an Advance payment here.

If a deposit was generated first from a sale order, the final invoice generated automatically takes the deposit into account.


The Advance payments tab is no longer accessible once an invoice has been ventilated. You must select a deposit before ventilation.

  1. Ventilation: click on the “Ventilation” button. A payment is generated from the down payment. The amount of the down payment is deducted from the amount payable on the invoice.

NB: if you want to be able to invoice an advance payment, you must first have created an invoice on a product with an advance payment, with an accounting configuration, in your product database, in the Sales module.

Contract invoice, end of contract invoice, periodic contract

These invoice sub-types are linked to the notion of AOS contract (seen previously in the Contract Module).

Invoices that have a Contract invoice sub-type, are generated on a contract, on a condition that the contract configuration is not periodic. When the contract in question is periodic, the generated invoice will be of the “Periodic contract” sub-type. The billing period in question is then visible in the invoice.

  • When the contract end date corresponds to the billing date, the generated invoice is of the “End of contract invoice” sub-type.

Subscription invoice

The subscription invoice is used to generate periodic invoices according to the configured period.

-Subscription customer order

  1. It is possible to create a Subscription customer quotation. To do this, select this option when you create it.

  2. Contract/Subscription: a new tab is then available to configure the subscription.

  3. Contract start date: enter the contract start date here.

  4. Contract period in months/End of current contract period: enter the length of contract periods.

  5. Next invoicing date: enter the date of the next invoice.


This information will be updated automatically once the invoice has been generated.

  1. In the Content tab, enter the sale quotation lines.

  2. Finalize/Confirm: finalise and confirm the sale quotation.

To generate a subscription invoice, open the menu Subscription invoices. Access : Invoicing → Subscription invoices to be validate.

  1. Tools: once you have opened the Subscription Invoices to Validate menu, click on the “Tools” button.

  2. Generate Subscription Invoices: click on the “Tools” button and select the “Generate Subscription Invoices” action. By clicking on it, the pending subscription invoices will be processed and generated.

  3. Subscription Invoice: the generated invoice will be tagged ‘Subscription Invoice’. This invoice will contain the internal reference to the sales order. The internal reference is visible in the Reference documents section.

Multi invoice terms

Apply Multi invoice terms on an invoice file

Allow multi invoice terms: Application config → Apps management → Accounting, configure. Activate in order to be able to manage multiple invoice terms (for example, on an invoice that has multiple deadlines).

Access: Invoicing → Customer Invoice

Payment condition : to generate an invoice with multiple due dates, simply select a Payment condition with several due dates in the Invoicing information. Generated due dates can be found in the Due dates tab on the invoice file.

Show related invoice terms : access the list of due dates in the Terms tab by clicking on the button. For example, you could have 3 instalments of 40%, 40% and 15%, plus a 5% holdback.

  1. Select a Partner.

  2. Payment condition: in the Invoicing information, find the payment condition that has been transferred from the partner file. You can select a payment condition that includes several instalments (40%, 40% and 15%).

  3. Terms: open the Terms tab. In this tab, you will find a list of all due dates that will be generated.

  4. Content: add content to the invoice. For example, a hard drive.

  5. If you have selected a payment condition with several due dates, the due dates will be separated into several lines (40%, 40% and 15%).

  6. Validate / Ventilate: click on the “Validate” button to validate the invoice. You can then ventilate the invoice.

  7. Accounting entry: when the invoice is ventilated, the sales/purchases accounting entry will be generated (a move). You can find this entry in the Accounting tab. Simply click on the entry number. Compared with a standard entry line, you have an additional line: 411700 (Holdback).

In the window for an entry line, in the Terms tab, you will find the list of invoice due dates associated with this entry line.

  1. Register payment: the last step is to make the payment. The Payment pop-up window will open. The default system will suggest that you pay the first instalment. You will find two tables, “Unpaid invoice terms” and “Invoice term payments”. In the “Invoice term payments” table, you will find details about what you are going to pay with the indicated amount (the “Paid amount” field). Click on OK. When you validate, the payment will be charged in the same way as when you make a standard unit payment.

Holdback: the holdback is visible on the move (sales entry), where part of the debit from the customer account has been transferred to the customer holdback account.

When a payment is recorded, the holdback line is not included in the unpaid invoice term lines. It must be treated separately.

Once all the due dates have been paid, the system will offer to pay the holdback. The holdback will be charged to another account.

  1. Due dates: after payment, when you return to the invoice page, in the Due dates tab, you will see which line has been paid (it will be marked as paid). You will also be able to see the column with the Amount left to pay.


Access : Invoicing → Payment Schedules

In the Payment Schedules menu, view all the due dates for all invoices combined, for monitoring or reporting purposes.


From a ventilated invoice (on a condition that Multi invoice terms are activated), the payment registration screen is modified. You will find :

  • A table of unpaid invoice terms. Note that holdback instalments will only be displayed if all the other instalments have been paid.

  • A table of invoice terms that will be paid by the current payment. This table is updated according to the amount entered in “Amount paid”. The instalments are paid progressively, in chronological order. An instalment may be partially paid.

  • Payment is made when you click “Ok”.

Invoice with discount

Apply an invoice with a discount

First, activate the feature in order to be able to apply a discount.

Access : Application config → Apps management → Accounting, configure → Activate Manage financial discounts

Then, open a customer invoice file.

Access: Invoicing → Customer Invoice


When the financial discount management is activated, a “Financial discount” tab will appear on the invoice. If the selected customer has a discount applied on their customer file, then the financial discount will be automatically included. Otherwise, you can select it manually and modify it until the invoice is ventilated.

The due date and the amount with a discount will be calculated in this section.

  1. Partner: open an invoice and enter a partner that has a default discount.

  2. Discount: after selecting a partner with a discount, the Discount tab will appear on the right. In this tab, you will find the discount that has been indicated on the partner file and that it has been applied by default. For example, “Discount 2% at 10 days (taxes included)”.

  3. Content: add content in order to apply the discount. Click on +. An “Invoice Line” pop-up window will appear. Select a product and a quantity. The system will automatically calculate the discount based on the rate and the total amount of your invoice. It will also calculate the amount that remains to be paid after applying a discount.

The financial discount deadline date is the date by which the customer must pay in order to benefit from the discount. The discount deadline will be calculated following the ventilation.

  1. Validate/Ventilate: validate and ventilate the invoice.

  2. Register payment: when you click on “Register payment”, the system will display a ‘Payment’ pop-up window.

  3. Apply financial discount: In the “Payment” pop-up window, you will see the “Apply financial discount” checkbox. Uncheck this box if you wish to proceed with a standard payment. If you decide to apply the discount, you will get the amount of the invoice with the discount. Click “Ok” to apply it. The discount will be visible on the invoice.


When the payment is recorded on the invoice, the discount is automatically applied if the payment date is due before the discount deadline. This fact is reflected as a new “Discount” section on the payment screen.

You can manually choose not to apply the discount, even if the date condition is met.

Once payment with the discount has been confirmed, the system automatically generates the discount charge to settle the invoice.


Once you have applied the discount, it will be visible on the invoice on the right side, next to the total amount.

Click on the discount to view the additional information. At the bottom of the page, you can view the accounting entries (moves). Click on the entry number to open it.

In the accounting entries (moves), if you have applied a discount, you will find the discount lines.