Business project invoicing
Invoicing sale orders
From a sale quotation or sale order line, it’s possible to select the ‘To be invoiced to job’ option. The quotation line will be invoiced via business project invoicing.
You can invoice a sale order in different ways:
Either invoice the order directly.
Or invoice the delivery notes.
Invoice via the business project.
Remember to select the business project.
Example: invoicing sales orders
Access : Sales → Sale quotations / Sales order → +
Open a sale quotation.
Select the customer.
In the Content tab, click on + and add a new detail line.
The Sales Order Line window will open / or if you have activated the feature ‘Line list display type - Editable / Editable tree’, you can then directly fill the information on the lines.
Enter the product details.
Business project tab: on the Sales Order Line, open the Business tab. Here, select a business project.
Invoicing mode: select the invoicing mode. For example, ‘Business (via business project)’.
Click on OK.
Finalize: finalize the sale quotation.
Confirm order: confirm the order. Once the order has been confirmed, you can generate the invoice.
Thereafter, you can generate an invoice. Access: Project management → Business project → select a business project.
Show financial data: click on this button in order to access different tabs, specifically the Invoicing tab.
Invoicing tab: open the Invoicing tab.
Create invoicing project: click on the ‘Invoice the business project’ button to invoice the business project.
Clicking on the button will open the Invoicing business project form. Here you can generate a summary of all the items that will be invoiced.
Elements to invoice: in this tab you will find all client lines that should be invoiced.
The delete icon: you always have the option of deleting elements that you do not wish to invoice.
Attach the annex to the invoice: click on this button to attach the annex. The annex is a PDF document containing all elements that should be invoiced.
Generate invoice: as soon as all the elements are ready, click on the ‘Generate invoice’ button.
Once you have clicked on ‘Generate invoice’, the system will open the ‘Invoice’ form. This is a proforma invoice and you can view it from the Invoicing menu (Access: Invoicing → Customer invoices / Supplier invoices).
Validate: click on the ‘Validate’ button to validate the invoice.
Ventilate: click on the ‘Ventilate’ button to generate invoice accounting entries.
Return to the business project file.
Refresh: go back to the business project file and refresh the page in order to update it after invoicing.
Invoicing tab: click on the ‘Show financial data’ and open the Invoicing tab. Here you will find all the business project related invoices that have been generated (‘Business project related invoices’ section), as well as customer invoices.
Invoicing supplier orders
Invoicing purchase orders from the business project enables the costs to be re-invoiced to the case customer. To do this, the ‘Invoicing Purchase’ option on Business project Invoicing tab must be ticked (click first on ‘Show financial data’ button in order to open an Invoicing tab).
When you create the Purchase Order line, you need to open each line, select a Business project and then select an Invoicing mode.
You also have the option of linking all the lines of the purchase order to a business project from the purchase order, however, you must ensure that the ‘Invoicing Purchase’ is active and that you selected an Invoicing mode.
Example: invoicing supplier orders
Access: Purchases → Purchase quotation → +
Fill in the necessary information.
Select a supplier.
Business project tab: in the Project field, select a business project.
You can select a business project from an order, or on each line.
Save the changes you have made.
Contents tab: add a new purchase order line.
Purchase Order Line: The Purchase Order Line window will open. Select the product and then click on the Business project tab.
When you activate the ‘Invoicing purchase’ option on a business project file, the ‘To invoice with project’ option on a purchase order line will be activated automatically. In this example, the ‘Invoicing purchase’ option on the case file has been activated.
Validate the order and click on ‘Requested’ so that the line appears on the business project invoice..
Open the business project file. Access: Project management → Business project → select a business project
Once you have carried out the operations on the purchase quotation, open the business project file.
Create Invoicing project: click on the ‘Show financial data’ and open the Invoicing tab. Then, click on the ‘Create Invoicing project’ button.
The Business project invoicing form will then open. You will find your products in the Purchase tab in the ‘Elements to invoice’ tab.
You will find the order number in the Purchases section on the ‘Elements to invoice’ tab.
Attach the annex to the invoice: click on this button to attach the annex if you need to. The annex is a PDF document containing all elements that should be invoiced.
Generate invoice: click on the ‘Generate invoice’ button to generate an invoice.
Invoicing tasks
Business project invoicing includes task invoicing.
There are two possible options:
Manual creation of tasks that will be invoiced via the business project. The financial data (Product, Quantity, Price) should be completed in the task file, in the Financial data tab.
Automatic creation of tasks linked to order lines with a possibility of business project invoicing for these order lines.
Functional example: manual creation of tasks
Access: Business project → Business project tasks → +
You can create a task directly on a business project file.
Enter the subject.
Select a business project in the Project field.
Financial data: complete the financial data in the Financial data tab. Select the invoicing type. In the example, the invoicing type is ‘Package’.
To invoice: the ‘to invoice’ box is automatically ticked. If it’s not ticked, you can tick it.
Save your changes.
Resolved: complete your task by clicking on the Resolved status.
Create Invoicing project: go back to the business project file, click on the ‘Show financial data’ button and open the Invoicing tab. Click on the ‘Create Invoicing project’ button. On the Business project Invoicing form, you will find the tasks you created beforehand.
Automatic creation of tasks
Access : Sales → Sale quotation / Sale order
Create a sale quotation.
Select a customer.
Content tab: create a new quotation line.
In the Sales Order Line window, select the product and enter the quantity. Also enter the unit.
Business project tab: select a business project.
Invoicing mode: select an invoicing mode (for example, ‘on progress via task’). In this example, instead of manually modifying the line, a task will be generated for a sale quotation line.
Task per line: open the Business tab on a sale quotation. In the ‘Project generation’ field, select the ‘Task per line’ option. This option allows you to generate one task per sale quotation line.
In the Business tab, in the Project field, select a business project.
To be invoiced via the task: activate this box to be able to invoice via the task.
Fill the project: click this button. The system will then generate a task.
If you consult this task, and in particular the financial data, you will find the same information you entered in the sale quotation line (product, quantity, unit, etc.).
Create Invoicing project: go back to the business project file. Click on the ‘Show financial data’ and open the Invoicing tab. Click on the ‘Create Invoicing project’ button. On the Business project Invoicing form, you will find the tasks you created earlier.
- Options to activate for package invoicing of tasks (Invoicing tab of the business project file):
Packaged task invoicing: check this box to activate the option of ‘package task invoicing’.
Invoicing sequence: pre-task / post-task. You can also select the time of invoicing, i.e. decide whether you invoice tasks at the beginning, or do you invoice them at the end. These options are invoicing statuses.
Pre-task: pre-task invoicing statuses include New / In Progress / Completed.
Post-task: statuses for post-task invoicing include the status Completed.
Application config → Apps management → Job costing → directly from the business project app, generate a business project invoicing where you will find the different tasks that can be invoiced.
Only tasks with the same status according to the invoicing mode will appear in the business project invoicing.
You can also exclude tasks by applying a filter in the ‘Exclude tasks for invoicing’ settings in the Invoicing section, on the Job costing app page (‘job costing’ corresponds to business project app).
Time invoicing
Project-based invoicing also includes invoicing of the time spent on the project and/or associated tasks.
Activate invoicing of the time that has been spent on a projet or task:
Access: Application config → Apps management → Job costing, configure → activate the ‘Enable to invoice timesheet’ option.
Configure the business project. Open the Configuration tab. Here, activate an option:
- Time spent.
- Invoicing Timesheet: click on the ‘Show financial data’ and open the Invoicing tab. Here, tick the ‘Timesheet invoicing’ option. The user can then enter their timesheets (HR) and ensure that the option ‘To invoice’ is ticked so that these time sheets are included in the business project invoicing.
Example: invoicing the time spent
First, check that all the options are configured correctly.
At business project level :
Access: Project management → Business project → select a Business project.
Invoicing tab: click on the ‘Show financial data’ and activate the ‘Timesheet invoicing’ option in the Invoicing tab.
Configuration tab: Activate the ‘Time spent’ option which allows you to enter the time spent on the sheet.
At the same time, in the application configuration, activate the ‘Enable to invoice timesheet’ option. Access: Application config → Apps management → Job costing, configure → activate the ‘Enable to invoice timesheet’ option.
Remember, the ‘Enable to invoice timesheet’ should be activated in the Job costing (i.e. Business project) app configuration.
On the other hand, it’s equally important to activate the option ‘Time spent’ in the Configuration tab on the business project file.
Next, add the invoicing elements (HR app). Access: MyHR → Timesheet → create a new timesheet.
Fill in the necessary information.
Timesheet lines: add a new line. Select your business project in the Project field and the date. Enter the activity and the number of days.
To invoice: the ‘To invoice’ checkbox must be activated for this line to be included in the business project invoicing (you can find it in the Timesheet lines table).
Task: in the Timesheet lines, you can attach the timesheet to a task, but this is not compulsory.
Complete: click on ‘Complete’ to finish the timesheet.
Return to the business project file.
Log times: click on the Log times tab. Here you will find the line you entered.
Create invoicing project: click on the ‘Show financial details’ and open the Invoicing tab. Invoice the business project by clicking on the ‘Create invoicing project’ button. This will open the Business project Invoicing page. Here you will find the time that has been spent in a table. To help you keep track of invoicing, the ‘To invoice’ and ‘Invoiced’ boxes show the current status.
Invoicing expenses
Expenses can be invoiced to a customer in the same way as purchase orders. However, you will need to apply a few options on a business project file and in the configuration of the Job costing application (i.e. Business project).
Example: invoicing expenses
To be able to invoice expense reports, you need to activate certain functions:
Access: Application config → Apps management → Job costing, configure → Activate the ‘Enable to invoice expense’ option.
Access: Business project (Project file) → Invoicing tab → activate the ‘Invoicing Expenses’ option. The user can then select a business project in expenses lines and check that the option ‘To invoice’ is ticked.
Access: MyHR → Expenses → open an expense report.
General expenses: on the Expense file, in the General expenses tab, select the relevant case in the Project field. Fill in the rest of the information, such as the type of expense, the date and the amount. You can also import a receipt.
Send expenses: validate your expense report by clicking first on ‘Send expense report’ and then on ‘Validate’.
Open your case file. Refresh the page if necessary.
Create invoicing project: click on the ‘Show financial details’ button and open the Invoicing tab. Then, click on the ‘Create invoicing project’ button. The Business project Invoicing page will then open. Here you will find the expense reports that should be invoiced.
Attach annex to the invoice: attach an annex if necessary.
Generate invoice: you can generate the invoice by clicking on the ‘Generate invoice’ button.
Validate: validate and then distribute your invoice.
You can have a single invoice for all elements that should be invoiced.