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Version: 8.0

Purchase quotations

Access: Purchases → Purchase quotations

It is also possible to create a purchase quotation from a supplier file / a Business Project / an internal purchase request / from the MRP.

Create a Quotation

Header data entry: includes information related to the supplier.

  1. Enter the essential information. For example, the supplier.

  2. If you have the price list for this supplier, the price list will be automatically entered here. However, you have the option to select any supplier price list in this field.

  3. Define what tax is applied.

  4. Fiscal position : then enter the fiscal position of your supplier.

  5. Content tab: in this tab, find the Detail table. Click on +New. Add new lines with products.

  6. PO Line : the Purchase Order Line window will open.

  7. In this window, you will be able to enter information about this purchase order line.

  8. To select a product, use the products linked to the suppliers. By default, the “Filter by supplier” box is checked. Uncheck it to have access to all products.


If you uncheck it, you will have access to all products in the database.

  1. When you select a product, for example, a hard drive, information related to the product will be automatically filled in, such as the label, its quantity, unit, purchase unit price, description. Enter the quantity / price / taxes (which are retrieved from the product sheet).

Discount Type: select the type of discount (in % or in fixed amount on the unit price). This field is automatically filled if a price list has been selected for the order, but it remains modifiable specifically for the line in question.

Maximum Purchase Price: the maximum recommended purchase price is calculated from the product's selling price and the associated management coefficient.

  1. Title Line: by activating this option, you have the possibility to have a title line. The title line allows you to separate the detail lines with titles. This separation is also visible on the printed quotation.

  2. Product Description: add a product description here to provide more information about the product. This will be visible on the printed quotation

  3. Supplier Requests: from this tab, generate a quotation request to several suppliers.

  4. Order History: in this tab, you have a list of the latest orders placed for this product.

  5. Delivery: delivery includes the delivery details per product. You will find:

  • The desired receipt date and the estimated receipt date ;

  • The quantities received ;

  • The supplier comment.

  • You will also find all the delivery notes related to this product.

  1. Invoicing: you will find the billed amount and the invoice lines associated with this product.

  2. Business Project: in this tab, you can link projects to the purchase order line.

  3. Budget: link a product line to a budget. You can also select an accounting account. This account is used when the budget key is activated (Budget Management menu).

  4. Analytical: you can link a product line to an analytical distribution. This tab is only visible if the accounting account, selected in the budget tab, allows analytical distribution.

  5. Once the product is selected, you will have your product line displayed in the detail field. The amounts will be updated (in the right hand column).

Purchases follow-up: in the follow-up section, you have information related to the follow-up (buyer, team). Therefore, depending on the user, you will have information that will appear automatically.

Dates: in the dates section, you will find the order date. Once the quotation is validated (“Validation Date” and “Validated by”), certain information will be filled in automatically.

References: in the References section, you can enter the supplier quotation reference and your internal reference.

Characteristics: in the Characteristics section, enter the characteristics of the payment mode, or payment condition (e.g., 15 days net). This information is automatically filled in, based on the selected partner.

Description to display: the information entered in this field will be retrieved from the supplier sheet in the Supplier tab, in the Comment displayed on the purchase order section. Note that you have the option to modify it if necessary.

Other information by tab: there is more information is editable / viewable (different tabs such as Invoicing, Tax, Delivery, Production, Timetable) on the purchase order file.

  • Tax: find different tax lines, that will be generated and based on the products selected in the quotation.

  • Delivery: find or enter information regarding the stock location (receipt), such as “Main Warehouse”. You can also enter or find information regarding the source stock location (e.g., supplier) / address / shipping mode - carrier.

  • Business Project: here, you have the option to link a Business Project to a quotation.

  • PO Management: this tab is related to the management of supplier consultations.

  • Timetable: here, you can set up a invoicing schedule. Each schedule can be the subject of a separate invoice.

  • Budget Distribution: this tab allows you to view all the budget distributions created at the quotation line level. You can also select a project and a service. This allows you to limit the selection of budgets (at the quotation line level) to those associated with the selected project and/or service.

  • Printing: enter the print settings here. Here, you can check the box “Show prices on quotation request”. Additionally, you can add a quotation request message.

Finalize a quotation

  1. Requested: once all the information is entered, click on the “Requested” button.

  2. The following actions become available as soon as a quotation enters Requested status:

  • Create a New version: the quotation then returns to Draft status ;

  • Validate or cancel the quotation ;

  • Export the quotation in pdf / word / excel format ;

  • Send an email to the customer (Tools) ;

  • Validate: validating the quotation turns it into a Purchase Order. The process will follow through to Invoicing and the generation of a receipt.

Create a New Version

New Version: the new version button in the “Requested” status allows you to create a new version of the quotation. This configuration must be activated beforehand in the Purchases app. The initial version is then incremented, the first version is archived in PDF form in the documents.


Activate this configuration beforehand in the Purchases module.

Access: Application config → Apps management → Purchases, configure → activate the option "Manage purchase order versions".


On the quotation sheet, you will find the version number in general information.