How the tool works
The operation of Axelor Template is relatively simple, both in its technical operation and in its handling on the user side.
Axelor Template searches for all {…}
markers in the template and replaces these markers with the corresponding dynamic data.
Several syntaxes allow many operations to be performed, including:
Replacing a field with dynamic data
Data formatting
Repetition of a portion of a document (a table line or anything else)
Conditional display of data

Process of creating a document
1. Creation of templates from a text editor
The model allows you to create the document of your choice using the functionalities of Word, for example. Template creation is therefore accessible to everyone because it does not require any technical skills. We can then insert dynamic information inside using a specific syntax.
The dynamic information must be in this format: {d.parameterName}

Here is the list of document extensions available for your templates and the associated output formats:

Axelor Template supports a diversity of formats, such as DOCX, PPTX or HTML to name but a few. Once the template is completed and saved in the desired format, you can add your template to Axelor Template from the menu Template > Template print models.
2. Creation of your printing model
To create your template print model, click on the + button (at the top left on the grid view).

The form view allows you to link the settings, therefore the JSON data and the model. Here is the template creation interface:

Name: The name of the print model.
Template: This is where you upload your template file.
Rendering conversion format: This is the target extension for the documents generated with this template. The available output formats are directly filtered according to the template file extension.
Template settings: This corresponds to the name of the linked template settings.
Application condition: This field allows you to show/hide the template print model only on some records, according to a groovy condition.
Attach the generated file to the record: This allows you to attach the printed document directly to the business object corresponding to the
defined in the settings. -
Print title: The name of the printed document.
Mention in the title of document: This parameter allows you to complete the name of the printed document with a dynamic variable. For example, if you want to enter the invoice ID in the printed document.
To use the print template created, it is necessary to click on the “Upload” button in the toolbar. A unique ID is generated for your print template.
To modify the model, change the template file and other relevant fields. Then, click on the 'Upload' button in the toolbar.
3. Creation of your dataset in JSON format
Datasets in JSON format are used to populate the templates.
These are the data that will replace the {}
tags in your template.
The datasets are generated from Axelor models, but it is also possible to add your own tags to the JSON.
The creation of these datasets is done from the menu Template > Template settings.
It is necessary to create a setting for each business object used (Company, Address, City, etc).
This is where we ask from our template to replace the tags with JSON variables. This data is entered in the Template settings.
To create your template settings, click on the + button (at the top left on the grid view).

Here is the interface for creating your Template settings:

Name: Name of the Template setting.
Model: This is the object in Axelor that we wish to target to retrieve its attributes, which will be used in our template print model.
Is default ?: Allows to define our template settings as a reference.
The template setting lines represent the structure of our JSON. The list of Template settings lines should ideally contain only the fields which are really used in the template. There are several ways to fill this list.
Option 1. Manually

To add a line manually, click on '+ New'. A pop-up opens:

Name in template: Attribute name in JSON.
Field: Simple or pointed database field, this is the value linked to the attribute. To fill in this field, you must respect the groovy syntax.
Template settings to use: In the case of relational fields, you must define a setting for the corresponding object and enter it there.
Selection Name to use: In the case of selection type fields, you must enter the name of the selection associated with the field in the domain definition.
Option 2. Fill lines
By clicking on Fill lines,
all the fields are automatically added by taking the attributes of the MetaModel
selected before.
You must then delete those which are not used.

Option 3. Automatic configuration
This option allows the automatic generation of template settings configuration based on the provided document.
Let’s see how we can automatically configure the template settings for the sample template below:

Open your template settings. Fill the Name and the Model.
Click on Automatic configuration.
In the popup view, upload the template file.
Click on OK. And voilà, the settings are generated!
Option 4. Query line template
By using the query line template, thus retrieving data from a view action.
To display sub-objects, there are several possibilities:
Create all fields one by one in each model and in the model call the pointed fields.
Create the pointed field directly in the concerned setting (in this case, you have to think about the '?' to verify that the object exists, it is not obligatory but recommended).
4. The printing
To print your document, go to the view of the selected template and click on the button Print Template.
This button is available if and only if there is a template print model compatible with your business object.
This implies by its template settings relies on the same MetaModel
as your business object.