Creating a module
The application uses a module structure. Each functional package must export an object in the Module format defined in the CORE package.
A module is defined with the following elements:
export interface Module {
name: string;
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
icon?: string;
compatibilityAOS?: {
/** Name of the web module */
moduleName: string;
/** Version of the web module, this value will be filled in automatically with the information obtained from the web instance. */
moduleVersion?: version;
/** Minimum web module version (included) */
downToVersion?: version;
/** Maximum web module version (excluded) */
upToVersion?: version;
disabled?: boolean;
menus?: {
[menuKey: string]: Menu;
screens?: {
[screenKey: string]: Screen;
translations?: {
[languageKey: string]: any;
reducers?: {
[key: string]: Reducer;
backgroundFunctions?: Function[];
models?: {
objectFields?: ObjectFields;
sortFields?: SortFields;
searchFields?: SearchFields;
formsRegister?: FormConfigs;
headerRegisters?: Function;
typeObjects?: ModuleSelections;
requiredConfig?: string[];
moduleRegister?: Function;
globalTools?: Tool[];
A module therefore has :
- a name (name) to give the module an identity key. This name must be unique among the modules used in the application, to avoid confusion.
- a title (title) to be displayed to the user on the drawer when no app is selected.
- a subtitle (subtitle) to be displayed to the user under the module button in the drawer to aid comprehension. The display of these subtitles can be configured in the Application component using the showModulesSubtitle. attribute.
- an icon name (icon) to be displayed on the module button in the drawer. Please note that this icon must belong to the Bootstrap database.
- web instance compatibility information (compatibilityAOS). It's possible to overload this information from another module by indicating different versions of the same web module name. A version must be a string composed of three numbers. The web module version is automatically retrieved from the server information.
- a set of menus (menus) to be displayed in the drawer.
- a set of screens belonging to the module (screens).
- a set of translations for the module (translations). Translations must be supplied in key-value format for each supported language.
- a set of reducers for the module (reducers). A reducer is a simple function that updates the state of an object according to the action passed to it. In our context, reducers are the redux functions that update the store during API calls, for example. All reducers created in the module must be exported to access the corresponding part of the store in the various screens.
- a list of functions to be executed in the background if necessary (backgroundFunctions). These functions are executed every 5 minutes.
- a configuration of templates for API calls (models).
- a list of web application names to retrieve the associated configuration (requiredConfig), such as 'AppBase' or 'AppMobileSettings'. Each configuration will then be retrieved using the application's router. The associated routes must therefore be specified to the router. New routes can be set in the application configuration file via the additionalRoutes attribute.
- a function for dynamically registering modules (moduleRegister). This function will be executed once when the user logs in, to enable the creation of menus and screens from ERP data such as dashboards or customized web views.
- a list of tools to display globally on the application (globalTools).
Dynamic module creation
It is sometimes necessary to create menus or screens according to a configuration defined on the ERP, which is not possible with the normal management of menus and screens in the Module object. In this case, a new module must be dynamically created to register these elements, which is made possible by the modulesProvider and the moduleRegister attribute of the Module object:
export const functionalModule: Module = {
name: 'app-functional',
title: 'Title',
icon: 'icon-name',
menus: {...staticMenus},
screens: {...staticMenus},
moduleRegister: async (userId: number) => {
const {screens, menus} = await fetchCustomMenusAndScreens(userId);
name: 'app-custom',
When the user logs in, all the functions specified in this attribute will be executed with the user's identifier on the instance to which he/she has logged in as an argument. The use of the modulesProvider tool outside the dedicated attribute is not recommended to avoid excessive updating problems, as the list of modules is the central object of the application, and many functions depend on it.
Dynamically registered modules are managed in the same way as the others, so it is possible to use the principles of overriding different objects to add a menu to an existing module with the parent attribute, or to modify an existing screen.