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Version: 8.2

Header management


To facilitate overloading with the addition or modification of actions available in the top right-hand corner of the screen, headers are managed using a key system. For each screen, the actions to be displayed must be registered via a provider available in the core package.

These registrations are carried out by hooks, enabling access to the various tools provided in the packages (translations, themes, store, etc.), as well as the updating of headers when necessary.

Each module must therefore provide its own hook to record header actions for its screens.

const useCustomerDeliveryDetailsActions = () => {
const {mobileSettings} = useSelector(state => state.config);
const {customerDelivery} = useSelector(state => state.customerDelivery);

useEffect(() => {
headerActionsProvider.registerModel('stock_customerDelivery_details', {
model: 'com.axelor.apps.stock.db.StockMove',
modelId: customerDelivery?.id,
disableMailMessages: !mobileSettings?.isTrackerMessageOnStockApp,
}, [mobileSettings, customerDelivery]);

The headerActionsProvider tool must therefore be used to associate a key with an object containing all the information required for the various header actions.

A nomenclature has been set up to help understand the origin of a key: <Module><Object><Screen type>.

Actions are defined through a structure named HeaderOptions :

export interface HeaderActions {
[key: string]: HeaderOptions;

export interface HeaderOptions {
model?: string;
modelId?: number;
disableMailMessages?: boolean;
disableJsonFields?: boolean;
attachedFileScreenTitle?: string;
barcodeFieldname?: string;
headerTitle?: string;
actions?: ActionType[];

The core package provides several header actions by default, including follow-up messages on each object, file attachments, studio fields, report printing and barcode display. These can be configured via the following props:

  • model: full name of the ERP model.
  • modelId: object identifier.
  • disablePrint: condition for displaying or not the report printout.
  • disableMailMessages: condition for displaying follow-up messages on the object.
  • disableJsonFields: whether or not to display studio fields.
  • attachedFileScreenTitle: screen name for attached files.
  • barcodeFieldname: name of attribute containing barcode file on ERP (default barCode).
  • headerTitle: screen name for dynamic titles.

These actions are displayed when the model and modelId attributes are set and the actions are not disabled by the associated attributes.

Additional actions can then be added using the actions attribute. Each action then has the following structure:

export interface ActionType {
key: string;
order: number;
title: string;
iconName: string;
iconColor?: string;
indicator?: number;
hideIf?: boolean;
disableIf?: boolean;
onPress: () => void;
showInHeader?: boolean;
customComponent?: ReactElement<any>;

The various attributes available are :

  • key : [Required] is used to give an identifier to the action so that it can be modified via an overload.
  • order : [Required] is used to order the display of actions.
  • title : [Required] title of the action when reduced in the DropdownMenu.
  • iconName : [Required] name of the icon associated with this action
  • iconColor : icon color, set to secondaryColor_dark.background by default.
  • indicator: small number to be displayed at the top of the action icon (e.g. number of attached files or pending messages).
  • hideIf: condition for displaying the action.
  • disableIf: action deactivation condition
  • onPress : [Required] action to be executed when user clicks on icon
  • showInHeader: condition for whether the action can be displayed directly in the header or whether it must always be present in the drop-down actions. By default, actions are set to be displayed in the drop-down list.
  • customComponent: possibility to add a custom react element

From a functional point of view, the set of actions is passed to the HeaderOptionsMenu component, which then performs the following steps:

  • retrieve the default actions set with the information provided
  • remove hidden actions from the list
  • sort the list by ascending order
  • display the first two actions with the showInHeader attribute set to true directly in the header
  • display the rest of the actions in the DropdownMenu.

For small screens, all actions are displayed in the drop-down list.

Generic actions

It is possible to create generic actions from any functional package.

As for actions, this is done through a hook.

const useAttachedFilesAction = () => {
const navigation = useNavigation();
const I18n = useTranslator();

useEffect(() => {
({model, modelId, options}) => ({
key: 'attachedFiles',
order: 10,
onPress: () =>
navigation.navigate('AttachedFilesScreen', {model, modelId, options}),
hideIf: options.disabled,
indicator: ...,
iconName: 'bell-fill',
title: options.screenTitle,
showInHeader: true,
}, [...]);

You must therefore use registerGenericAction from the headerActionsProvider tool to associate a key with a function. This function takes model, modelId and options as parameters. It returns all the information necessary for the different actions of the header.

The options parameter allows you to pass custom parameters from a screen using the key used to create the generic action.

const useProductDetailsActions = () => {
const {mobileSettings} = useSelector(state => state.appConfig);
const {product} = useSelector(state => state.product);

useEffect(() => {
headerActionsProvider.registerModel('stock_product_details', {
model: 'com.axelor.apps.base.db.Product',
modelId: product?.id,
options: {
dms_attachedFiles: {
disabled: !mobileSettings?.isAttachedFilesEnabled,
screenTitle: product?.name,
}, [mobileSettings, product]);


It is possible to add banners to be displayed above the header to inform the user of a global application situation (offline mode, loss of connection or test environment).

To facilitate the addition and/or modification of a banner, this functionality is managed by a key system. A context available in the core package is used to register banners when they are to appear or disappear.

These registrations are carried out by hooks, providing access to the various tools available in the packages (translations, themes, store, etc.), as well as updating headers when necessary.

Headers are managed by a context to enable updating at the slightest change. To retrieve the registration function, use the useHeaderBand hook.

const {registerHeaderBand} = useHeaderBand();


const checkInternetConnection = useCallback(async () => {
const {isConnected} = await getNetInfo();

key: 'noInternetConnection',
text: I18n.t('Base_NoConnection'),
color: Colors.secondaryColor,
order: 15,
showIf: !isConnected,
}, [Colors, I18n, registerHeaderBand]);

useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(checkInternetConnection, 2000);
return () => clearInterval(interval.current);
}, [checkInternetConnection]);

To register a banner, simply use the registerHeaderBand function, providing all the information required for display:

export interface HeaderBandItem {
key: string; // Banner key
color: Color; // Banner color
text: string; // Text to display
showIf: boolean; // Display condition
order?: number; // Display order in the list

To update/modify a banner, simply use the same registration function, using the same key and modifying the necessary information.