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Version: 8.1

Cut-off batch (prepaid expenses / deferred incomes)

Access: Application Config → Batches → Accounting batches.

This batch is used to generate cut-off entries (cut off moves) as well as a reverse move if this option is checked.


A move in AOS corresponds to an accounting entry.

  1. Open a batch record.

  2. Action - Accounting cut-off : when the batch is created, select the Accounting cut-off action.

  3. Type : select the type (Prepaid expenses / Deferred incomes / Forecasted customer invoice / Forecasted supplier invoice ).

  4. Dates : the move date must always correspond to the last day of the selected month. The reverse move date is the first day of the following month.


Dates are filled in automatically by the system. You can change the date.

  1. Move description : give a description of the move.

  2. Automatic reverse : by checking this option, the process will also generate a reverse move of the cut-off move in the following year.

  3. Automatic reconcile : by checking this option, the reverse move is automatically reconciled to the cut-off move. This checkbox only appears if you have checked the “Automatic reverse” checkbox.

  4. Reverse move description : give a description of the reverse move.

  5. Misc. Operation Journal : you can also choose the journal in which the moves will be registered. For example, manual Misc. Operation.

  6. Research journals : you can also limit the search by selecting journals to which you wish to limit the search.

  7. Generated moves status : you can define the status of created moves (daybook/ Accounted). Statuses depend on the statuses authorized on the journal. For example, another journal may allow simulated / daybook / accounted entries.

  8. Prefix for accounting voucher : add a prefix for the accounting voucher here.

  9. Preview records to process : before starting processing, it is possible to preview the entries that are concerned, by checking this option.


Preview records to process (prepaid expenses / deferred incomes) :

In the case of prepaid expenses and deferred incomes, the process will search for accounting moves whose cut-off period includes the entry date.

  1. Run accounting cut-off : once all the information has been entered, click on the “Run accounting cut-off” button.

  2. Move lines concerned by cut-off : a new tab will open. Here you'll find the accounting entry that has been generated.

Several details are then displayed on the move lines:

  • Prorata duration: this is the number of days between the entry date and the end date / total number of days in the cut-off period for the move line.

  • Prorata amount: this is the ex-tax amount x prorata duration (example: 20,000 x 182 / 366).

  • From and to date: the cut-off period entered in the entry line.

  • Lines that are displayed in red correspond to lines for which a cut-off has already been generated.

  • Lines that are displayed are grouped by accounting move

  1. Select the moves you wish to validate.

  2. Generate cut-off - Validate : click on the “Validate” button to generate cut-offs.

  • If you select a line in a entry(a move line in a move OR a stock move line in a delivery/receipt), the cut-off is generated for the entire entry.

  • At the end of the process, a pop-up message is displayed, summarizing the number of entries processed and the number of anomalies that have been encountered.

  • You can view details of the processed and generated lines by going to the Batch History tab (remember to refresh the batch tab first).

  1. If you wish to view the information that has been generated, return to the batch file.

  2. Refresh : remember to refresh the batch record (accounting routine) by clicking on the triangle icon in the top toolbar and selecting the “Refresh” action.

  3. Information tab : in the Information tab, you'll find the “Batches” table, which contains the process history. Click on the line to view the details.

  • Anomalies: by opening the batch line, you can consult the anomalies by clicking on the “Anomalies” button.

  • Generated account moves: you also have access to generated account moves. Click on the button to view them.

  • Processed account moves: you also have access to processed account moves. Click on the button to view them.

  1. Batch result :
  • If you have chosen to generate the reverse move, you will have two moves created, the cut-off move and the reverse move, each associated with the correct accounting date.

  • For cut-off moves, you'll find the link to the original move or transaction in the Details tab of the cut-off move record.

  • Next to the original move, you'll find a table summarizing the cut-off moves created.


On the original move, you'll also be able to view related cut-off entries in the details tab.