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Version: 8.1

Cut-off settings

You first need to activate cut-offs in the Accounting module.

Access : Application Config → Apps management → Accounting, configure → activate the option ‘Manage Cut off period’.


Once this function has been activated, a new ‘Cut-off configuration’ panel will appear on all class 6 and 7 financial accounts. For example, on account 607000.

Accounting configuration by company

Access : Application Config → Apps management → Accounting, configure → click on the company record in the Account configurations page.

Prepaid expenses account / Deferred incomes account / Forecasted invoice customer account / Forecasted invoice supplier account: these accounts are used when the cut-off generation batch is launched.

Financial account settings

Access: Accounting → Configuration → Financial → Financial Accounts

The ‘Cut-off configuration’ panel is displayed in the ‘Settings’ tab once you have activated the cut-off period in the application's accounting configuration. This panel contains two options to activate:

  1. Manage Cut off period: this option is used to display a panel for entering the cut-off period for invoice lines and move lines using the associated financial account. When this option is active, the cut-off period must be entered for the associated account.

  2. Automatic application of accounting date : this option is used to automatically fill the cut-off period with the accounting date in different scenarios (when creating a new invoice, when accounting an entry (move), when generating an entry from a payment or a payment session)