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Version: 8.1

Cut-off batch (forecasted supplier/customer invoices)

Access: Application Config → Batches → Accounting batches.

This batch is used to generate cut-off moves as well as reverse moves if this option is checked.


A move in AOS corresponds to an accounting entry.

  1. Open a batch record.

  2. Action - Accounting cut-off : when the batch is created, select the Accounting cut-off action.

  3. Dates : the posting date must always correspond to the last day of the selected month. The reversal date is the first day of the following month.

  4. Type : select the type (Prepaid expenses / Deferred incomes / Forecasted customer invoice / Forecasted supplier invoice).Here, it is Forecasted customer invoice / Forecasted supplier invoice . In this case, additional options are available.

  5. Forecasted invoice supplier account / Forecasted invoice customer account : you can choose the supplier account or the customer account if you wish to use a different account from the one configured in the company. To manage taxes, two options are available: Recovered tax and A.T.I. If neither of these options is checked, you will generate a move taking into account only the ex-tax amount.

  6. A.T.I: if the option All Taxes Included is checked, you will generate a move using the A.T.I amount. However, tax move lines will not be generated.

  7. Recovered Tax: if this option is checked, you will generate a move using the A.T.I amount. The move with include as well the tax move lines (for example, on one side you have the A.T.I amount of 1200 and on the other side the ex-tax amount of 1000 € + tax line at 200 €).

  8. Include not stock-managed product : this option will include in the search all stock move lines associated with a non-stock-managed product.

  9. Run accounting cut-off : by launching this process, you will search for stock move lines linked to deliveries or arrivals with unbilled quantities and a move date prior to the accounting move date entered in the batch. You will be able to preview the entries that are concerned. For information purposes, you will see the quantities that have already been invoiced and unbilled amounts. The red lines correspond to stock moves for which a cut-off has already been generated. However, you can generate a new cut-off.

  10. Validate : select the lines you are interested in and click on the “Validate” button.

  11. A pop-up window will appear showing the number of entries processed and/or the number of anomalies encountered.

  12. Return to the batch page. Remember to refresh the page.

  13. Information : you can view the details in the Information tab, in the “Batchs” table. Click on a line to view more details.

  14. Batch : In the batch window, you can view the accounting moves that have been generated. You will also notice that the amount of the move corresponds to the amount of the stock move. You'll also see the link from the accounting move to the stock movement, and, at the stock move record, you'll find a list of associated cut-off moves.


Preview records to process :

In the case of forecasted supplier/customer invoices, the process will search for stock moves (delivery/arrival) with unbilled quantities and whose date is prior to the date of the entry.

Several details are then displayed on the openned view of stock move lines:

  • Invoiced quantity: the quantity already invoiced.

  • Amount not invoiced: the amount of the move not yet invoiced. Calculated from the unit price.

  • Lines displayed in red correspond to lines for which a cut-off has already been generated.

  • Lines displayed are grouped by stock moves.