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Version: 8.1

Ergonomics & AOS settings

Home screen

  • The home screen consists of a side menu on the left. This menu contains the drop-down menus for all existing business apps (Accounting, Sales, Purchases, etc.).

  • In the top left-hand corner you'll find an icon next to the company logo. Clicking on this icon will result in hiding or showing the side menu.

  • Each business app has a menu entry and sub-menus specific to that app.

Use the Search bar to quickly access a menu.

Enter a keyword (for example, invoice) to find the menu you are looking for.


For the time being, the search bar is limited to menus in various business apps. As a result, it will be impossible to find a particular object, like an invoice 1234 belonging to a customer.

  1. You can open several pages and navigate between several open tabs. In addition, you can perform the following actions on a tab by right-clicking:
  • Refresh: to refresh an open tab.

  • Close: to close an open tab.

  • Close others: to close the other tabs.

  • Close all: to close all open tabs.

  1. The Favorites icon. The Favorites icon is used to access and organise saved menus:
  • Add to Favorites: adds an open tab to the user's favorites. Once added, a favorite tab can be accessed by clicking the Favorites icon.

  • Organize Favorites: opens a list view of the user's favorites. It is then possible to edit the title or ranking of favourites, or to delete them.

  1. Notifications. Click on the Notifications icon to view messages and tasks. For more information, read more in the Teamwork and Messenger documentation.

  2. The User preferences icon. With Preferences, quickly access the user settings by clicking on the icon and then clicking on Preferences.

The settings allow you to select various parameters such as the language used in the software (English or French), the theme of the application (light or dark), or the possibility of entering an email address.

It is also possible to determine the active company in the dedicated field. This information is then included by default in the input forms (this can be particularly useful in the case of multiple companies). Please note, this configuration must be activated on the App Base page.

Single tab: if you activate this option, only a single work tab will be available.

Other settings, such as "Followed users" or "Main calendar", are also available.


To be able to manage several companies, activate the "Enable multi-company management" feature on the App Base page in the Configuration tab.

Access: Application Config → Apps management → Base, Configure → on the Configuration tab, at the bottom right of the page is the "Enable multi-company management" functionality.

  • Shortcuts: click on shortcuts to view the available keyboard shortcuts.

  • About: consult the information concerning current deployed version of the Axelor Open Suite software, as well as the version of the Axelor framework (Axelor SDK). You can also access the website or documentation by clicking on the links in the "About" window.

  • Logout: clicking logout will log you out of your current session.


At the top of a tab page, you will find the toolbar. Note that the toolbar may vary from one app to another. Available actions are very self-explanatory. Sometimes, certain buttons such as "Check duplicate" is placed directly on the toolbar.


The + icon: click + to create a new record of the open object (for example, track).


Pencil icon - Edit: to edit a record, click on the pencil icon in the toolbar or the one at the level of the record you want to edit.

Mass update

The first triangle icon - Mass update: this icon allows you to perform a mass update. Select a field in which you wish to perform a mass update (for example, "team" or "assigned to") and then select a value (for example, for "assigned to", select the assigned user name). You can either update certain data by selecting them, or you can tick the "Update all " box.


Mass updates don't allow you to log changes. This option is only available for certain objects and fields.


Delete icon: select a line and then click "Delete" to delete a record.

Archive or Unarchive

The second triangle icon - Archive or Unarchive: select a line and then click this icon to archive or unarchive the record.


Arrow icon - Refresh: refresh a record by clicking on this icon.

Additional actions

Additional actions may be available on the toolbar and vary from app to app.

Report icon - print a report: for exemple, in CRM app, open the menu "Opened leads", then select one or more records and click "Report" to print the selected lines as a PDF document.

The Tools icon: open CRM app, then open "Opened leads" menu. Click on "Tools" and then on the "Assign to me" button, you can assign selected leads to yourself. You can also click on the "Check duplicates" button to check for duplicates in the leads. In the Sales app in the Sale quotation menu, click on Tools to see other options, such as "Merge quotations" or "See quotation lines".

Advanced search bar: this search bar allows you to carry out a simple search of the list. Note that by clicking on the triangle button you can access the advanced search. Use the suggested filters or add your own. You can find an advanced search bar in sale quotation menu, for example.

  1. Select between "And" / "Or".

  2. And: selecting “And” allows you to apply several filters at the same time (search by name and function, for example). Or: selecting “Or” allows you to apply one of the two filters (search by name OR function, for example).

  3. Next, select the variable to be filtered (the address, for example). Then define the condition (equal / unequal / contains etc.). Note that you can add another filter by clicking on "Add a filter". You can save this filter by clicking on "Save" and share it with other users by ticking the Share box.

  4. If you click on "Export" in the advanced search window, you will be able to export the data in CSV format (for example, for the "Open tracks" menu, this data will correspond to the columns / lines in the list, by selecting a particular field / column). Clicking on "Export all" allows you to export all the data (including all the fields and columns).

  5. Click "Apply" to apply the filter.


When you are in a list view, on the toolbar to the right you can see how many lines are displayed on the page. You can move from one page to another by clicking on the arrows. For example, 10 lines out of 32 are displayed. You can change the number of lines displayed by clicking directly on the number. A field will appear in which you can enter the number of lines to display on a page.


Switch between several types of views to suit your needs: grid view, cards view, form view, Kanban view and calendar view.

The available views may vary, depending on the object. For example, the calendar view is only available for certain objects such as events, while the cards view is available for contacts or products.

Form view opens the record form. If you have not selected a particular record, a new record will open. Select the most appropriate view by clicking on the icons.

Cards view

The cards view presents records in the form of cards, containing an overview of main information.

List view

  • In the List view, sort or group the records in the list by clicking on various columns. For example, click on the "Full name" column. Then, group by full name, hide the column or sort the list in ascending or descending order.

  • In the List view, each column offers the option of performing a search restricted to that column.

  • In the top right-hand corner, click on three dots to customise your columns. You can add or remove information. In addition, you can rearrange the order of existing columns by clicking on the two-line icon and dragging & dropping.

Form view

  • The form view opens a record form. If you have not selected a particular record, clicking on the form view icon will open a new form. To open a record in form view, simply double-click on the line. Clicking on + also opens a new form to create a new record.

  • On the form, you can either modify the existing record or enter information for a new record. You will also find the workflow associated with the app. For example, for a lead, these are statuses associated with the different stages of a lead (e.g. Qualification call, Nurturing, Closed won or Closed lost, etc.).

  • On each record there is a toolbar at the top. Note that the different actions in the toolbar vary from one object to another. Next actions can be available from the form view:

  1. + icon allows you to create a new record directly.

  2. Disk icon: after each modification, save the changes.

  3. Left arrow icon: click to get back to the general view (grid view).

  4. Paperclip icon: with this icon, view or attach files.

  5. Triangle button: several actions are available by clicking on this button: refresh, delete, archive/unarchive, duplicate or view details of the latest modifications of an open record. At the bottom of the form page, access modifications history and exchanges around this record.

Kanban view

The Kanban view can be useful when you need to manage a workflow (for example, leads). This view allows you to drag a track directly from one status to another: simply click on a displayed track record and drag & drop.

Calendar view

The Calendar view display either events or records, depending on their type. For example, select events on the calendar by ticking one of the available boxes, such as "Call", "Meeting", "Task" or "Note". If you open the Calendar view for customer quotation, for example, it will be possible to select between "Draft quotation" and "Finalised quotation". Then click on the type.