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Version: 8.1

Product file

Access : Application Config → Referential → Products

From the Products menu, access following menus :

  • Products.

  • Services.

  • Product models.


Access : Application config → Referential → Products → Products

In the Products menu, at the top of the page, there are several available actions:

  • Check duplicate: check for existing duplicates.

  • Catalog: access the catalog in PDF format which contains all the products.

Products : check for duplicates

Access : Application config → Referential → Products → Products → click the "Check for duplicates" button at the top of the page

  1. Open the Products menu.

  2. Click on "Check duplicates".

  3. In the "Check duplicates" window, click on the magnifying glass icon (Select) and select a field from which you wish to search for duplicates. For example, you can search for products with the same name by selecting the Name field.


Access : Application config → Referential → Products → Products → On the list of products, click on the "Catalog" button at the top of the page.

Catalog: access the catalogue in PDF format containing all the products. The reference, description and price are shown for each product.

Create a product or edit an existing product

Access : Application config → Referential → Products → select either Articles, Services or Product model.

You can also access it via the Sales / Purchases app by clicking on the products & Services menu to access the products and Services Referential.


In different apps you will find different types of products.

  1. In the Sales app, find all the products and services that can be sold. These products will be selectable on the sales quotation.

  2. This means that if you click on a product sheet, you will see that the "Sellable" box is ticked in the Sale tab.

  3. The products that you can buy, have a "Purchasable" box (the Purchases/Costs tab on the product file), and are found in the Purchases app.

  4. Manage different products stock from Stock management app.

  5. In the Manufacturing app find all the components, finished and semi-finished products that can be used in Manufacturing.

Create a product


Create products from different app (Sales, Purchases, Stocks, Manufacturing, Application config).

  1. Open an app of your choice to create a new file, for example, Sales. Click on + to create a new product file.

  2. On the product sheet, enter information such as the product code and name.


If you need to, it is possible to add a sequence (the sequence will put a specific code at each product creation).

  1. Indicate the type of product (service / product). An product is a product that can be managed in stock, whereas a service is considered to be a service and due to its nature, it doesn't have any physical stock.

  2. If it is an product, you can indicate the product sub-type (finished / semi-finished / component). The product sub-type is displayed when the Manufacturing app is installed.

  3. The accounting family is used to automatically retrieve the family's accounting configurations at product level.

  • If there is no accounting family, click on the Accounting tab in the product file. Click on "New" and enter the purchase/sale accounting account, taxes and, if necessary, an analytic distribution model and a fixed asset category. Therefore, if the accounting family has not been entered, you will have to fill in the Accounting section manually for each product.

  • The accounting family therefore allows the product to inherit the pre-existing configuration of the accounting family.

  • Select an accounting family and click on the "View" icon. A new "Accounting family" tab will open.

  • On this tab, click on the file to open and consult the Accounting Configuration. Selecting the accounting family avoids having to configure each product manually. Accounting families are configured in : Application config → Referential → Configuration → Product accounting families.

  1. Product Category: used to categorise the product. On the product sheet, enter the product category in the Category field. It is also possible to create a product category (Access: Application config → Referential → Configuration → Categories). Categories can have a tree structure, and there can be parent and child categories.

  2. Add a product image.

  3. Barcode : activate a bar code. Select among different types. Access: Application config → Apps management → Base, configure → in the Configuration tab, in the Product barcode section, tick the box "Activate barcode generation for products".Then select the type applied by default. Tick the "Edit product barcode type" box. Enabling this box will allow to apply several types of barcode. Save and refresh the browser.


Save changes in the configurations of the Base app. Save changes on a product sheet. Please keep in mind, when refreshing a browser, the product sheet might get closed.

  1. Procurement method : next, on the product sheet find the "Procurement method" field (meaning, a supply method). If this is a product that will be bought from a supplier, select the "Buy" supply method. If a product is manufactured, select the "Produce" supply method. Some products may correspond to both notions, Buy and Produce, in which case select the "Buy and Produce" option.

Product configuration by company

Manage different company characteristics (selling prices, cost prices or purchase prices).

Product configuration is useful when there are multiple companies. Define different management methods or different prices for certain products.

For example, in some cases a product may be sellable or purchasable depending on the company, the supply method may differ from one product to another, or price calculations and management coefficients may be different, etc.

Products by company are configured in :

Access : Application config → Apps management → Base, configure → "Company-specific product fields" table.

Manage the product fields by company in the "Company-specific product fields" table. Add other fields by clicking on "Select".

The fields from the "Company-specific product fields" table can be found on the product sheet in the "Products per companies" section. There are two possible cases: single-company and multi-company.

  • Single company
  1. The tabs at the bottom of the page (Sales / Purchases - Costs / etc.) are all you need to configure the product on the product sheet.

  2. The Complementary products tab is activated from the Sales app (access: Application config → Apps management → Sales, configure → activate the "Manage partner complementary product" function).

  • Multi-company
  1. Configure certain settings per company. These settings are found in the "Products per companies" section.

  2. Click on a company to configure it.

  3. Indicate whether the product is sellable or purchasable, or both.

  4. Define the supply method.

  5. Define prices, etc.


Same configurations by company can also be found on service sheets.


If there is no need in products by company, if it's a single-company, you can delete product fields.

Open the Base app page, select all product fields in the "Company-specific product fields" table and click on "Delete".

Please note that for the "Delete" button to appear, you must first select the fields in the table.

Sales Tab

In this tab, find products for sale. In order for a product to be sold, tick the "Sellable" box.


If this box is not ticked, it will be impossible to select this product on sale quotations or orders.

  1. Product dates: in this section, find the dates on which the product is launched for sale and the dates on which it will be pulled off market.

Product launch date: if the date on sale quotation is set too early in comparison to the launch date, it will be impossible to select this product. For example, if the product launch date starts on 01/12/2023 and the date on sale quotation starts on 01/11/2023, the product cannot be selected on sale quotation.

Product pulled off market date: if the date is set too late in comparison to the pulled off market date, it will also be impossible to select the product on a sale order.

  1. The following values can be used to filter products:
  • Prototype: check this box in order to indicate whether the product is a prototype.

  • Unrenewed: check this box in order to indicate whether the product is not renewed.

  • Version: here, indicate the version of a product (there is no process behind this, this box is for information only).

  1. Sales price W.T.: price without taxes. Fill in this field manually.

  2. Update sale price from cost price : when this box is ticked, the sales price will be updated automatically according to the cost price defined in the Purchases/Costs tab.

  3. Sale currency : define the sales currency in the Sales tab.

  4. Sale supply default method on sale order : select a default supply method for sale orders.

  • From Stock: when a customer places an order for a product with this supply method, a product will be managed from stock (i.e. if you have this product in stock, you take it from stock). This option is therefore preferable for products that are often in stock. However, it is possible to select other options.

  • Buy: this product will be bought from a supplier following an order from a customer. This option can be used for products that are rarely in stock.


This process can be automated (the customer order triggers the purchase from the supplier).

In the Supplychain app, activate the ”Generate purchase orders automatically" option (found in the "Sale orders" panel). If the product's supply method is "Buy" and this configuration is activated, a supplier order with draft status will be automatically generated when the sales order is confirmed.

  • Produce: this option is for products that are going to be manufactured on demand, and therefore offer the possibility of generating a Manufacturing order from the sales order.

  • None: no supply method has been defined for this product and therefore it will be defined on a case-by-case basis on a sale quotation/order file.


The default supply method can be found pn a sale quotation/customer order file, in the Configuration tab.

Access : Sales app → Sale quotation → click on a sale quotation → on the sale quotation sheet, click on the Contents tab → in the Contents tab, click on a line in the Details lines table → you will be redirected to the Sales Order Line.

On the Sales Order Line, click on Configuration and find the "Supply method" field.

Important: it is always possible to select another supply method on the Sales Order Line tab on a sale quotation file.

Multiple units & quantities

  1. Default units can be defined on the Sales app page (Application config → Apps management → Sales, configure → Define values in the Default unit field).

  2. On a product sheet in the Sales tab, define different stock / sales / purchase units. For example, if you buy a product in tonnes, you can define that it is sold in kilograms. These settings are useful for automatic conversions.


Create custom units (Application config → General data → Units → New).

  1. Unit conversions : create unit conversions. Unit conversions allow the system to operate between different purchase, sales and storage units. For example, define a conversion from a box of 100 pieces to the unit. There are different types of conversion, such as coefficients or formulas. In addition, on the product sheet in the Sales tab you can click on the button "Update stock location". This button updates the unit in the stock location.
  • Multiple sales quantities

This feature is activated on the Sales app page by activating the option "Manage multiple sales quantity" (access: Application config → Apps management → Sales, configure → activate the option).

This feature indicates that you want to sell products only under certain multiples.

For example, to buy coffee capsules you are obliged to buy them in dozens, therefore it will only be possible to buy 10, 20, 30 capsules etc and it will be impossible to buy 2 or 5 capsules.

The order will be blocked at sale quotation level and a message indicating "the quantity must have been a multiple of..." will appear. It will then be impossible to validate the Sales Order Line on a sale quotation form.

However, it is possible to tick the box "Allow to force sale quantities". Ticking this box allows you to bypass the obligation to sell multiple quantities.

Customer Catalogue / description / complementary product tab

For the Customer Catalogue to appear on the product sheet, you need to activate the functionality on the Sales app page (access: Application configuration → Apps management → Sales, configure → click on "Enable customer catalog management").

The customer catalogue makes it possible to give different names / codes for a product, depending on a customer. A name or code may be different from the one displayed on the product sheet.

  • Enable product description copy : the description can be retrieved from sale quotations, orders and invoices. To be able to fill in a description, activate the function in the Sales app. On the Sales app page, activate the "Enable product description copy" option.

  • View description : the description of a product appears in printed documents. For example, once a sale quotation has been validated, click on "Reports" and then on "Print". On the generated PDF document, the Description column will contain the product description.

  • Internal description: this is for internal use only and therefore does not appear on quotation or orders.

  • Complementary Product tab offers multiple possibilites when it comes to complementary products :

  1. Possibility to automatically add a complementary product to the selected product. For example, when selling a smartphone, a warranty extension is automatically added to a sale quotation.

  2. Or, when selling a selected product, an additional product is offered as an option.

  3. The "Complementary products" table is visible and configurable on the Sales Order Line if sale quotation sheet. However, additional products must be pre-configured on the product sheet.

Purchases/Costs tab

  • Supplier catalogue on product sheet : if the product is marked as "Purchasable", it will be possible to select it on supplier quotations and purchase orders.
  1. In the Purchases/Costs tab, fill in the necessary information.

  2. Note that the system shows you the last purchase price (once an order has been confirmed, the price will be automatically shown) and the date of the last purchase.

  3. Define the default supplier.

  4. Enter the "Supplier delivery time (days)". Entering the supplier's delivery time can be useful when a product is going to take a long time to get delivered, in order to anticipate the purchase. This field is taken into account in calculations of requirements when purchase proposals are made.

  5. The Supplier Catalog table: in this table list various suppliers, simply by adding a line. Click on +New to add a new line. You need to enter a catalogue product code.


This field is not mandatory. As a general rule, this code is obtained from the supplier who sends you their catalogue.

In order for the supplier catalog table to appear, activate the feature in Purchases app "Manage supplier catalog" (Application config → Apps management → Purchases → activate "Manage supplier catalog").


This action can also be performed from the supplier file (access: Purchases → Suppliers → on the file, click on the Supplier tab which contains the Supplier Catalogue table). You can always add a new line to this table by clicking on +New. Import a catalogue via a CSV file.

  1. The different types of costing : on the Purchases/Costs tab, in the Cost section, define different types of costs. The management coefficient is used to calculate a margin if you automatically define the selling price via the cost price. Otherwise, the margin will be the difference between the selling price and the cost price.

  2. Average price: average price. This price takes into account the different purchase prices of products in stock in order to produce an average price.

  3. Calculation formula: (quantity in stock _ existing average price) + (quantity received _ unit price)/ total quantity of product in stock.


Other characteristics may be taken into account in this calculation, such as the approach cost coefficient for receipts, or the valuation at actual or standard cost for Manufacturing if it is a manufactured product.

  1. Last purchase price: in order to select this type of cost, the product must be purchasable (tick the "Purchasable" box in the Purchases/Costs tab). The product's cost price is then automatically calculated at the last purchase price.

  2. Define the shipping coef by partner: shipping coefficients are used to calculate the final price for suppliers (which includes other expenses than the purchase price). The final costs of receiving the product into stock, which can be defined either at product level or at supplier level. In this case, tick the box "Define the shipping coef by partner". In this case, the "Shipping coefficient" field will disappear from the product sheet.

Example: the cost price is 40 euros and the shipping coefficient is 2.00 (i.e. the cost is doubled). As a result, once the product has been put into stock and received, in the Stock tab, inside Stock table, the product's average price became 80 euros because of the shipping costs.

For example :

  1. The box "Update sale price from cost price" is ticked on the product sheet (Sales tab).

  2. In the Purchases/Costs tab, the cost price is at 40 euros, the cost type has been defined as manual, with the management coefficient equal to 1.

  3. When you return to the Sales tab, you will see that the sales price W.T. is equal to 40 as you defined it in the Purchases/Costs tab.

  4. However, if you want to apply a 50% margin, enter a value of 1.50 in the "Management coefficient" field (Purchase/Cost tab).

  5. Consequently, when you return to the Sales tab, you will see that the sales price excluding VAT is 60 euros (the cost price of 40 + a margin of 50%).

Stock tab on the product sheet

Open a stock tab on a product sheet for a product type merchandise.

  1. Stock managed : indicate whether or not the product is managed in stock by ticking the box "Stock managed". If the box is ticked, this means that the product is therefore managed in stock.

  2. Exclude from MRP : tick the box "Exclude from MRP". When active, the product will not be taken into account when calculating requirements. It's also possible to assign it to a MRP family.

  3. Inventory type : define the inventory type (cycle counting or yearly).

  4. Indicate whether there is a standard or approval.

  5. Control on receipt : if necessary, tick the "Control on receipt" box. This means that when a product is recieved, carry out an incoming inspection and confirm whether the product is compliant or non-compliant, in order to validate the delivery note. Consequently, ticking this box will force a conformity check on receipt.

  6. Show all stock movements : click on this button to view the history of stock movements.

  7. There is another information, available on the Stock tab :

  • Stock table and the stock location (note, a product can be found in several locations in case of multi-locations) ;

  • Available quantity at the stock ;

  • View stock levels ;

  • View stocks by period ;

  • Consult stock history.

  1. Stock rules: define stock rules for each product. For example, define safety thresholds with the minimum quantities you wish to have in stock for these products. These rules will be taken into account when calculating requirements. It can also send alerts when stock levels are too low.

Production information tab

This tab appears when product supply method is set to "Produce" (or "Buy and Produce") and when the product is a finished product, or if the product is of the semi-finished or component type.

Find more information relating to the manufacturing of the product in the Production information tab.


Production information tab is related to Manufacturing app. For more details, see the Manufacturing documentation.

In this tab, find the Product Bill of Materials, and consult the product tree. When it is a component, in the "Where-used" table consult the BOMs (bill of material) in which this component is used.

Tracking number tab

  1. Guarantee : indicate whether this product is subject to a guarantee. In this case, enter the duration of the warranty (in months).

  2. Perishable : indicate whether the product is perishable. When the box is ticked, the field "Expiry period (months)" will appear in order to enter the period.

  3. Check expiry date on customer delivery : the "Check expiry date on customer delivery" box is used to check that the product has not expired before it is dispatched to the customer.

  4. Tracking number configuration: is used to define a tracking/batch number. On the other hand, a number can be defined when the product is received, in which case the supplier has given the batch number.

  5. It can also be a tracking / batch number that will be automatically assigned to the products you manufacture (a batch number assigned during manufacture).

  6. Assigning a tracking/batch number during manufacture can be either manual or automatic. It can be a sequence that automatically assigns a tracking number.


When you manufacture a product, a tracking number will be added automatically.


  1. On the product sheet, in the Tracking Number tab, select a Tracking Number Configuration in the dedicated field, for example, "Sales and Manufacturing". Add a new configuration by clicking on + in the "Tracking number configuration" field. However, Tracking No. Configurations can be configured separately in: Stock → Configuration → Configuration Tracking No.

  2. In order to be able to define a Sequence, check either the "Manage tracking no. on purchase" box or the "Manage tracking no. on Manufacturing" box in the open tab of the Tracking No. Configuration. Next, check the "Generate Purchase/Manufacturing Tracking Number" box and select a Sequence.

  3. If you click on a Sequence, you will be redirected to the Sequence tab, however it is available in "Read only" mode. Keep in mind, it is possible to make certain changes to sequences from Application config → General data → Sequences.

  4. In addition, on the Tracking No. Configuration tab, you can tick the "Automatic sales serial number selection" box. This option allows you to select a serial number on sale. The same choice is available for "Automatic Manufacturing serial number selection". Activating these boxes brings up identically named fields, where you can enter a FIFO or LIFO value (first in, first out / last in, last out).


See the Stock app documentation for more details.

In this tab, view all stock movements linked to a product (forecast / planned / historical / consumption movements).

Packing tab

In this tab, indicate the weight of a product / the dimensions of a product. If the product is subject to an exchange of goods declaration, you can tick the box "Used in DEB". When this box is ticked, two additional fields "Customs code" and "Country of origin" are displayed and can be filled in.


See the Stock app documentation for more details.

Service type product

There is a possibility to configure service-type products.

  1. Type Service: select a type "Service". With this type, configure a service. These may be subscription-type services, services billed on a fixed-price or time-and-a-half basis, etc.For example: you sell a Service Licence which belongs to the Subscription accounting family; or you sell consulting or project management days, etc.

For services, there is no need to manage stock. In this case, it's a simpler file. There are no Stock tab or a Manufacturing tab on the service type product sheet, but the same logic applies for the rest of the sheet.

  1. Indicate the method of supply (for example, whether the service is purchased or subcontracted).

  2. Find information about Sales or Purchases/Costs on the file, as well as the Accounting tab. The configuration of the service is fairly similar to that of a physical product.

  3. The product Referential will differ from app to the app : in the Sales app, these are saleable products; in the Purchasing app, these are purchasable products; and in the Manufacturing app, these are products used to manufacture another product.


Attach data sheets to the product page or either generate a product sheet or send an email.


To create a sale quotation, you don't have to define a product catalogue and you can enter the product name yourself.

Product variants

In order to configure variants, first activate it.

  1. Manage product variants : activate product variants in the Base app (accès : Application config → Apps management → Base, configure → on the base app page tick the box "Manage product variants"). Ticking this box allows you to have a product with variants.

  2. Simple variants have up to 5 attributes (size, colour, etc) and can be used to manage products with simple customisations. However, if you wish to create customised products with complex configurations and numerous attributes, it is better to use a product configurator.

Variant configuration

Accès : Sales → Products & Services → click on a Product record → on the product sheet, click on the Variants tab, which should appear right after the feature is enabled on the Base app page.

  1. In the "Product variant config" field, define an attribute to apply (colour / size / or create a new attribute).

  2. Then select an attribute value. When colour is selected as an attribute, select a specific shade (white, blue, yellow etc) in the attribute value field. It is always possible to customise the variants, including the attribute values.

  3. To customise an attribute value, click on a value that has already been applied. For example, "Blue" is defined as the value. To access the "Attribute value" customisation tab, click directly on the attribute value "Blue".

  4. On the Attribute Value tab, select a display colour (purely cosmetic, it's useful for viewing applied colours). If you generate a product sheet with the variants, the system will generate a product sheet for each combination of variants. For example, for a t-shirt with colour and size variants, there will be multiple product sheets, for example a red t-shirt size "L" product sheet, a red t-shirt size "XL" product sheet, etc.

  5. Define additional costs on the Attribute Value tab. For example, the colour red has an additional cost of 5 euros compared to the initial price. In addition, the surcharge can be negative, i.e. you can fix the price at 5 euros.

  6. On the Attribute Value tab, in the "Scope" field, indicate whether the price is a price before tax / the cost price / the purchase price.


You can add up to 5 attributes. Therefore, it's possible to have combinations of variants.

In this case, if you click on the "Generate product variants" button, the system will produce combinations of different variants in order to create as many product sheets.

  1. Manage prices for product variants: tick this box to take into account the additional costs.

  2. Click on "Generate product variants" to generate product sheets of different variants.

  3. The file from which were created the variants can now be viewed from the menu Product models (access : Application config → Referential → Products → Product models). This means that the product has become a model from which you have generated variants.

Create a customised product


To create a fully customised product, use the product configurators. First, activate it in the Base app (access : Application config → Apps management → Base, configure → click on "Enable business configurator" option). Then, open the Configurator creator menu (access : Sales → Configuration → Configurators → Configurators creator).

You can also customise attributes on the product sheet for each product (access : Application config → Referential → Product → open a product file)

  1. Variants tab : on the product sheet, click on the Variants tab to configure and manage the product variants.

  2. Product variant config : in the "Product variant config" field, define which attribute to apply (colour / size / or create a new attribute).

  3. Then select an attribute value. If you have chosen colour as an attribute, you will need to select a specific shade (white, blue, yellow etc) in the attribute value field. In the example, the colour has been defined as "Blue".

  4. Click directly on the selected attribute to open the "Attribute value" customisation tab.

  5. Next, customise the selected attribute. Define the additional cost associated with the variant, e.g. the colour "Blue" may cost 10 euros more than the colour "Yellow".

  6. It is also possible to select the display colour (a visual cue that allows you to differentiate between several attributes).

  7. Enter the code.

  8. Indicate the area of applicability so that you know whether the price entered is a price before tax / the cost price / the purchase price.

Product pack

Activate the feature on the Sales app page (access: Application config → Apps management → Sales, configure → on the Sales app page, activate the "Pack management" option). Save the changes you have made and refresh the browser. A Pack menu entry will appear in the Sales app.

  • Create a new pack.
  1. A pack contains several components (for example, a processor, a SSD hard disk, a Rack case). Enter the necessary information (code; name; unit; currency).

  2. Show total: this displays the total price of the pack at the end of the pack, which is the sum of the prices of the components in the pack.

  3. Hide unit amounts : this box appears if the "Show total" box is active. When the "Hide unit amounts" box is ticked, it hides the unit price of each component on the estimate, and only the total of all components will be displayed. Otherwise, the component prices will be displayed.

  4. The "Do not display pack header and footer" box: if this box is ticked, it means that the pack header and footer are not displayed.

  • Select packs on a sale quotation file
  1. Add a pack : on the quotation form, click on the "Add a pack" button. The pack will be displayed on sale quotation form, on the Contents tab, in the Details lines table. The total price is displayed in the "End of pack" line visible from the Details lines table.

  2. Title lines : add "Title lines" to classify the pack. The title lines will be visible on the sale quotation form.

  3. The "Start of pack" and "End of pack" lines (on the Pack Line tab, Pack File) allow you to customise the start and end lines of the pack and are used to delimit where the pack starts and ends. For example, the "End of pack" line can be named "Subtotal" and will therefore be displayed on a sale quotation as "Subtotal".

Other useful information

Product model

Access: Application config → Referential → Product models

The product model is used to create "basic" products. In other words, a product model will allow you to create product variants. For example, you have created a "Ballpoint pen" product model. In the product model file, click on the "Variants" tab. Create variants of the model. For example, create ballpoint pens in different colours.


If the Product models menu is not visible from the Referential, remember to activate the "Manage product variants" feature in the Base app.

Access : Application configuration → Apps management → Base, configure → activate the "Manage product variants" feature.


Access: Application config → Referential → Reportings

  • Customers / Prospects: consult the reports to find out about the different origins and the breakdown by sales rep.

  • Products : these reports include quantitative analysis of products, analysis by category, by accounting family, by product type, etc.

  • Maps : find the geographical position of customers / prospects / suppliers.