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Version: 8.2

Control plan & control entries


Control plans and control entries are used to check and record results. Thanks to this function, you can set up and create control plans, create statements, and take and record control results. This makes it possible to provide proof of control for the purchase, production or sale of products or services.

Configuration - Types of controls


Please note that this example uses elements from the studio. Please read the documentation on the ‘Studio Configuration’ section.

  1. Access : Quality → Configuration → Control type. Control types are used to classify controls and, above all, to set up a formula analysing controls and determining compliance or non-compliance. Example of a formula (here, elements from the studio have been used):

return $planAttrs.degreasedPart == $entryAttrs.isDegreasedPart && $planAttrs.burrsAbsence == $entryAttrs.isBurrsAbsence && $planAttrs.shavingsAbsence == $entryAttrs.isShavingsAbsence

  1. Access : Quality → Configuration → Control type. In the example of setting up the ‘Degreased part’ option, we now need to set a condition for control compliance. If the option is ticked in the control plan (we expect it to be ticked during the control) and it is ticked in the control entry, then the control is compliant. There are 3 options in the control plan and the control report: Part degreased, No chips, No burrs. The control Type formula must return ‘true’ for the control of these 3 points to be ‘compliant’:

return $planAttrs.degreasedPart == $entryAttrs.isDegreasedPart && $planAttrs.burrsAbsence == $entryAttrs.isBurrsAbsence && $planAttrs.shavingsAbsence == $entryAttrs.isShavingsAbsence

$planAttrs.degreasedPart : control plan value

$entryAttrs.isDegreasedPart : control entry value

== : equality condition

**&&**AND function between conditions

Studio configuration

Access : App → Studio

The studio is used to customise the control criteria in the control range and the control report. These fields can be displayed according to the type of control, for example. Access to the studio :

  • View ;

  • Model : ControlEntrPlanLine ;

  • View : control-plan-line-form ;

  • Custom fields: planAttrs (for the range) or entryAttrs (for the statement).

Range configuration - Studio

Custom fields: in the planAttrs area, located at the bottom of the form, use the available objects by dragging them into the area to add fields/tools.

Example: add the ‘Degreased part’ tickbox for the ‘Visual control’ control type in the control plan.

  1. Drag a Boolean from the toolbar to the planAttrs zone.

  2. In the right-hand pane, set the parameters as follows:

  • Name (unique) : degreasedPart - technical name without spaces ;

  • Title: Degreased part - title of the field, preferably in English with the addition of a translation (Administration / View Management / Translations);

  • Only if: controlType ;

  • Value: visual control (the control type must be created first).

  1. The degreasedPart field will be integrated into the control range model and can be used in the application.

Statement configuration - Studio

Example: adding the ‘Degreased part’ checkbox for the ‘Visual control’ control type in the control report.

  1. Custom fields : entryAttrs.

  2. Drag a Boolean from the toolbar to the entryAttrs zone.

  3. In the right-hand pane, set the parameters as follows:

  • Name (unique) : isDegreasedPart - technical name with no spaces, must be unique ;

  • Title: Degreased part - title of the field, preferably in English, with the addition of a translation (Administration / View Management / Translations);

  • Only if: controlType ;

  • Value: Visual control (the control type must be created first);

  1. The isDegreasedPart field will be integrated into the control statement template and can be used in the application.

Control plans

Access : Quality → Control plans

The control plan is the media that will be included in the control report.

Enter following information :

  1. Code: mandatory field, free code

  2. Name: compulsory field, free name

  3. Frequency: control frequency

  4. Description: description of control range


Only ranges with ‘Applicable’ status can be used in control reports.

Control plan lines

A control plan line corresponds to the control of one or more elements of the same type within a control.

Enter following information :

  1. Priority: optional, line order, free increment.

  2. Type: type of control, allows the bottom zone to be displayed.

  3. Characteristic: control characteristic.

  4. Name: mandatory, free name given to the control line.

  5. Control device type: optional, used to select a type of control device to be used for the control.

  6. Customised frequency: optional, used to customise a control frequency different from the rest of the range for this control operation.

  7. Description: optional.

  8. Degreased part, Absence of chips, Absence of burrs: fields or values as expected for the control to be compliant.

Use - control report

Access: Quality → control reports

  1. Step 1: Create the control statement header

Name: mandatory but free, can be a code ;

Sampling date: can be modified ;

Controller: operator connected ;

Number of samples: used to generate as many sample lines as required ;

Control range: support range for this control statement.

  1. Step 2: Generate the samples. Use the ‘Create samples’ button to create and pre-label the sample lines with the elements of the control plan.

Use - Sampling lines

Step 3: fill in the sampling line which contains as many control lines as control plan lines (two in this example).

  • Number: optional, free ;

  • Reference: optional, free;

  • Result: not inspected, compliant or non-compliant.

Usage - Control lines

Step 4: Fill in the fields to be checked.

  • In this example, tick the boxes according to the finding made on the part;

  • In this other example, enter the measured value;

  • Use the ‘Check conformity’ button to apply the formula (type of check) and automatically determine whether the check conforms or not.


The mobile application makes it easier to enter control reports than the standard web application. It is best used for entering test reports with many test lines in each sample.

Case study

In this example, you will see how to add a control type and how to modify the control range input form and the control line input form via the Studio.

  • Control type

Access : Quality → Configuration → Control type → +New

  1. Open a new ‘Control type’ form.

  2. Name: Enter the name of the control.


The control type is needed to set up the form in the Studio. Remember to create elements in the Studio beforehand, and then finish configuring a control type.

  1. Formula: add a formula to check whether the control is compliant or not. Here, it's ‘return $planAttrs.degreasedPart == $entryAttrs.isDegreasedPart’. The formula is used to perform a logical test to determine whether the statement is compliant. Next, move on to the Studio configuration.

Studio configuration

Access: App → Studio

In the Studio, go and find the view that corresponds to the form you want to modify. You have access to the two views (‘View’ field) which are the range form and the statement form. In this example, the range form will be modified.

  1. View: on the Studio form, between ‘Custom’ and ‘View’, select ‘View’.

  2. Model: select a model. For example, ControlEntryPlanLine.

  3. View: select between ‘control-entry-sample-line-form’ and ‘control-plan-line-form’. In this example, the ‘control-plan-line-form’ has been selected (because this is the form for the range that is going to be modified). Next, you need to select the attribute zones (‘Custom fields’). In the attributes area (Attrs), you will add fields that correspond to what will be found in the range.

  4. Custom fields: select the attribute zone. Here, planAttrs. Then configure the various attributes in the ‘planAttrs’ zone.

  5. Boolean: in the tools panel to your left, select a Boolean and drag and drop it to the attributes zone.


A Boolean is a technical term for a checkbox. A checkbox allows you to activate or deactivate a feature.

  1. Name: in the Preview section, give the Boolean a name (its type will be defined as ‘Boolean’). Here, the name is ‘degreasedPart’.

  2. Title: In the ‘Title’ field, enter a title in French. For example, ‘Pièce dégraissé’.

  3. Conditions: find the conditions and configure them to meet your needs. Here, you need to create the type to be able to condition the display of this field only if the control type is equal to ‘visual control’. For other types of control, this field will not appear (use the ‘Only if’ and ‘Value’ fields).

  • Only if: select ‘controlType’.

  • Value: select ‘Visual control’.


Do the same in the statement form.

  1. Custom fields: select entryAttrs to create an attribute field.

  2. Add a Boolean. This is the value you are going to measure and which will be read during a check.

  3. Name: in the Preview section, give a different name to the other Boolean so that you can then compare the value of two fields (the one expected in the range and the one measured in the reading). The title can be exactly the same.

  4. Conditions: use the same display conditions if the control type is the same as visual control.

  • Only if: select ‘controlType’.

  • Value: select ‘Visual control’.

  1. Save the information. In the two forms for the range and the control report, you will see the Boolean (tick box) that can be activated.

Other control range parameters

Control frequency

Access : Quality → Configuration → Control plan frequency → +New

The control plan frequency is used to define how often controls are carried out, or to determine the number of parts to be sampled for a control. They are indicative and will be displayed in the range. In this example, 10% of parts will be sampled.

  1. Sample type: sampling/systematic. Here, it is ‘sampling’.

If necessary, use the conversion between units to create a mixed frequency.

  1. Sample quantity: 1.

  2. Unit: unit.

  3. Frequency of withdrawal: 10.00.

  4. Unit: unit.

  5. Save.

Control plan characteristics

Access: Quality → Configuration → Control plan characteristics

You can then create control plan characteristics. Control plan characteristics are used for information purposes. For example, ‘Surface finish’ and ‘Cleanliness’.

  1. Open a new control plan characteristic sheet. Give it a name. Save.

Control plan

Access : Quality → Control Plan

Once all the elements are ready, you can create a control plan. A control plan is defined by a code and a name.

  1. Code: enter a code. For example, GC001.

  2. Name: enter a name. For example, ‘Training range’.

  3. Frequency: select a frequency from the drop-down list. Please note that it is necessary to create a frequency beforehand.

  4. Description: add a description.

  5. Control plan line: click on + to add a control plan line.

  • Type: select a type. Here it is ‘Visual control’. This will display the field you created earlier: defatted parts.

  • Characteristics: select the characteristic to be inspected from the list created (Surface condition/Cleanliness). For example, ‘Cleanliness’.

  • Name: Next, choose a name for the range line. For example, ‘Aspect Control’.

  • Type of control device: it is possible to add a control device type from the list of machine types in the Axelor Production menu.

  • Custom frequency: if required, you can modulate the control frequency of this line by a custom frequency, 5% or 1% if necessary.

  • Description: a description allows you to specify what you expect in terms of appearance and cleanliness control.

  • Degreased parts: tick the ‘Degreased parts’ box to indicate that the parts have been degreased. Of course, it is to be expected that the parts will be degreased. This will be the reference value which will be compared with the measured value during the control.

  1. Status: once you closed the “Control plan line” click on the workflow at the top of the page to define the status of the range. For example, ‘Applicable’.

Control plans, like a number of other documents in Axelor, have a workflow that allows you to define the status of the plan. Simply click on a status to change it.

Once the control plan has been created, you can proceed to the control report.

Control report

Access : Quality → Control entry → +New

  1. Name: a record is defined by a name or code, for example RC 001.

  2. Control plan: select a control plan on which you are going to base this control report.

  3. Number of samples: you must then define the number of samples to be taken as part of this test.

  4. Create control entry samples: click on the ‘Create samples’ button to create the samples.

  5. Sample count: the ‘Control entry samples’ table will then appear on the control statement form. Click on it. A pop-up window will open.

  • Number: you can add a direct debit number.

  • Reference: you can add a reference.

  1. Control entry sample lines: here, click on a line (for example, ‘appearance check’) to carry out the check and approve conformity. You must go to each control line to record the measurements.

Initially, the result is ‘unchecked’. You need to go to each control line to record the measurements.

It's a question of checking the appearance and cleanliness of the part, by carrying out a visual check, where you need to see that the part is degreased.

For the degreased part, you will have two ‘Degreased parts’ boxes to tick. One will be ticked by default and cannot be changed, while the second can be ticked or unticked.

Ticking the box confirms that the part has been degreased. If the part has not been degreased, do not tick the box.

Check conformity: by clicking on this button, you validate the conformity of the product. As a result, the result changes from ‘non-conforming’ to ‘conforming’.

Finish: you will see that the result is compliant. Finish the check to be able to progress the workflow.