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Version: 8.2

Quality control

Quality control allows you to monitor, record results and ensure simple follow-up. With quality control, you can set up and create processes, record the results of control points and issue corrective actions. Carry out an intermediate or final inspection (project or case level).

How to use - Quality processes

Access : Quality → Quality Controls → Quality Processes

The process is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Label: a mandatory field, but you’re free to write in there any label you want.

  2. Code : indicate a code (non-compulsory).

  3. Control point: this point is used to describe the various compulsory or optional checkpoint models that you can use in a quality control based on this quality process.

  4. Corrective Actions: describe the different corrective action models applicable in a quality control based on this quality process.

Control point

In the table “Control point model list”, click on + in order to add a new control point. A new pop-up window will appear.

The control point applies to :

  1. List of control point models.

  2. List of optional checkpoints.

Fill in the following fields:

  1. Name: a mandatory field.

  2. Type: a mandatory field.

  3. Sequence: an increment used to order the control points.

  4. Description: add a description.

  5. Measuring points list.

Measuring point

Measuring points are the controls to be carried out within the control point in the quality process. These points will be included in the Control. These points can be of two types: a note out of 5 or binary compliance.

Fill in the following fields:

  1. Name: enter a name here.

  2. Measuring type: select between Note (out of 5) or Compliance (Compliant - 5/5 or NC - 0/5).

  3. Coefficient: a coefficient of a note that has been obtained for this measuring point within the final note of the inspection.

Corrective actions

Corrective actions are models which will be reused in Quality Controls. They are for information purposes only because there is no follow-up. For more detail and follow-up, use the Quality Improvements detailed in this document.

Fill in the following fields:

  1. Name: enter a name.

  2. Details: add a detail.

Quality control

Access : Quality → Quality Controls → Quality Controls

Step 1: fill in the basic information.

  1. Status: used to prepare, perform or end a Quality Control (draft / planned / in progress / standby / canceled / finished).

  2. Name: enter a name ;

  3. Project: select a project ;

  4. Responsible: select a person who will be responsible for this control from the internal contacts ;

  5. Team: select a team from the quality teams ;

  6. Start and end date**: select dates that will be displayed on a calendar ;

  7. Deadline: enter the deadline.

Step 2: Select a process to create checkpoints.

  1. Choose a quality process : by clicking on the ‘Choose a quality process’ button, the control points will be pre-filled based on the mandatory points of the process.

  2. Add optional control points : by clicking on ‘Add optional control points’, it is possible to add one or more optional process points.

Step 3: change the status of the Quality Control.

The available statuses are : Draft - Planned - In progress - Standby - Canceled - Finished

  1. By clicking on the buttons in the upper panel, the status of the Quality Control will change.

it is possible to change its status in the Kanban view of processes by using drag and drop.

Control points

Step 4: create control points

Access the list of control points in order to perform a control.


Note that the ‘Close’ button changes the status of the control point from ‘Standby’ to ‘Finished’.

Measuring points

Step 5: add measuring points

When you add a control point, a pop-window “Control points” will appear. There, you can add measuring points.

  1. Measuring type : define whether it’s a note or a conformity;
  • Add a picture if required;

  • Add an observation if required;

  • Confirm by clicking OK.

Control points

Step 6: Closing the control point

Once the measing points have been entered, click on the ‘Close’ button to validate the control point.

Corrective actions

Step 7: define corrective actions

In Quality Control, in the corrective actions table, you can :

  • Modify the corrective actions that had been pre-filled on the basis of the process;

  • Add corrective actions manually.

For each Quality Control corrective action, remember to indicate whether it is applicable or not.

Signature, validation, editing

Step 9: quality Control signature. you can upload the inspector's and/or customer's signatures to generate a signed report. This step is optional.

Step 10: complete the Quality Control. Use the ‘Finish’ button to change its status. The Inspection Report shows all the elements, as well as the final Quality Control note (calculated on the basis of the note /5 and the coefficients).

Quality control - case study

Quality team

Configure the quality control functionality in order to use it. In a team, you will be able to filter roles or add members.

Quality teams: define quality teams, based on internal contacts.

Access : Quality → Configuration → Quality teams

  1. Open a quality team file.

  2. Give it a name. For example, ‘Quality Team’.

  3. Authorized roles : select authorized roles. For example : role.admin / role.customer / role.manager etc.

  4. Members: add members. For example, Anne, Daniel and Cyril will be part of the quality team.

  5. Image: you can also add an image.

Next we have the types of control point.

Types of control point

Access : Quality → Configuration → Control Point Types

For example, define two types: documentary and regulatory. These control types can be reused in the quality processes.

  1. Name: Give your control type a name. For example, ‘regulatory’.

  2. Add the second control type.

  3. Save.

Once you have finished configuring the control point types, you need to create your first quality process. You can then create a control based on it.

Quality process

Access : Quality → Quality control → Quality process

  1. Label: give it a label. For example, ‘Offer review’.

  2. Code: enter a code. For example, pQ001.

  3. Control point model list: next, add the control points that will be used in the control based on this offer review. Note that it is also possible to add optional control points (the second table “Optional control point list”).

  • Click + to add a new template.

  • Add a control point name. For example, ‘Input data’.

  • Type: select a type. For example, ‘Documentary’.

  • Sequence: use a sequence to prioritise the different control points if required.


When you are reviewing an offer, you need to check that all the input data allows you to carry out the offer under the right conditions.

  1. Measuring point list: still on the control point configuration window, you can set subdivisions, which are the measuring points.
  • Click on + to add a control point.

  • Measuring type: a measuring point can be evaluated in 2 different ways, either with a note of 0 to 5 stars, or with a compliance rating of 0 or 5 stars. In this example, a response time in the form of a note has been added. This note can be weighted by the coefficient as part of an overall note for quality control.

  • Name: give a name. For example, ‘Sufficient response time.

  • Coefficient: enter a coefficient, for example, 2.

  1. List of measurement points: next, create other control points: one on the conformity of indices and the other on the presence of specifications. These two points will be assessed by conformity, not by a note.
  • Click + to add a checkpoint.

  • Measuring typet: select ‘Conformity’.

  • Name: give a name. For example, ‘The plan indices correspond to the application indices’.

  • Coefficient: enter a coefficient, for example 5.

  • Repeat the same steps and create a ‘Customer-supplied specifications’ measurement point with the ‘Conformity’ measuring type and a coefficient of 5.


The control point is configured and will be divided into 3 parts. The note and the two conformities will be used to calculate the final note for this check, using the coefficients. Once these points have been checked, corrective actions may need to be added. These need to be defined in the process so that they can be selected during the inspection.

  1. Corrective actions list: define the corrective actions that will be applied to this offer review. They can be selected during the control.
  • Click + to add a corrective action. In the example, only the case of document index compliance has been treated.

  • Give your corrective action a name. For example, ‘Ask the customer to modify the plan to match the request’. This corrective action is useful if the request indicates higher indices than the plans supplied to you. You should therefore ask for the plans to be updated to match the request.

  • Add another corrective action. For example, ‘Ask the customer to amend their request to match the indexes in the plans’. Once all the elements are ready, you can create a quality control.

Quality control

Access : Quality → Quality Controls → Quality Controls

Quality controls are displayed in a kanban view. You can use this view to change their status.

Create a quality control.


It is important to note that a quality control is attached to a project.

  1. Name: enter a name. The name of the control could be the number of the offer to be controlled. For example, ‘Offer no. 123’.

  2. Project: select a project. For example, 123Service Project.

  3. Responsible: add an employee who will be responsible for this quality control.

  4. Team: add a team.

  5. Start/End dates: use dates to prioritise controls and display them in the control calendar, by team or by manager.

  6. Choose a quality process: you must then choose a quality process to copy the process information into the control. Click on the ‘Choose a quality process’ button. The control is then pre-filled with control points and possible corrective actions. A ‘Choose a quality process’ pop-up window will appear. Here, in the ‘Quality process’ field, select a process (for example, “Offer review”). To confirm, click on the ‘Pre-fill control points’ button.

  7. Plan: click on the ‘Plan’ button. The status changes to ‘Planned’.

  8. Start: click on the ‘Start’ button to start the inspection. The status changes to ‘In progress’.


You will see the evolution of the control status in the kanban view.

  1. If you return to the ‘Quality control’ file in edit mode, you will be able to work on each of the lines of the control point (‘Control points list’ table).
  • Open a line in the ‘Control points list’ table. The ‘Control points’ pop-up window will open.

  • Click on a line in the ‘Measuring point list’ table. For example, the line ‘Sufficient reply delay?’.

  • You think that the reply delay is ok, but not too long. You can therefore give it a rating of 4 out of 5 stars.

  • Name: identify yourself to indicate that you carried out the control.

  • Photos: add a photo corresponding to the measurement point if necessary.

Non-compliance of a control

Here is an example where the plan indices do not comply.

  1. On the quality control form, click on a line in the ‘Control point list’’ table. The ‘Control points’ pop-up window will open. Then, click on a measuring point in the table.

  2. Click on the line ‘Specifications supplied by the customer’ (measuring point list). In this example, the specifications have been received. For example, these are the paint specifications or the surface treatment specifications for the manufacture of the parts.

  • Compliant: to validate compliance, tick the ‘Compliant’ box.
  1. Non-compliant: if you click on a line, for example the line ‘The indexes of the plans correspond to the indexes of the request’, do not click on the ‘Compliant’ checkbox. In this way, the line will be non-compliant because you believe that the plan indices do not match the application indices.

  2. Close: click on the ‘Close’ button to change the status of this checkpoint.


Note that at the end of this part of the control, there is a subtlety.

If you click OK, you will save the control, but without completing it.

This is why you must first click on the ‘Close’ button to change the status of this control.

  1. OK: then click on ‘OK’ to save. As a result, the status of the document check is changed to ‘Done’.

  2. You have indicated that the indexes of the plans do not correspond to those indicated in the application. For example, the plans have a higher index than in the application. In this case, you can keep the first corrective action (‘Ask the customer to modify the request to match the plan indices’) and delete the second (‘Ask the customer to modify the plans to match the request’).

  3. Signature: add a signature.


What is the point of notes? When you print out the quality control report, you will see a note that has been calculated on the basis of the coefficients and notes. In this example, the final note is 55%.

This is a simplified case. You need to think ahead to a much more complex quality control, to a review of offers that could be much more detailed. Quality control can also be used as a stopping point in the case of custom manufacturing in project mode, as in the case of a special machine or a mechanically-welded assembly.