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Version: 8.2



Companies have a legal obligation to carry out at least one inventory annually.

For example, if a part was lost, or spare parts have been found, keep in mind, it’s possible to take an inventory or stock rectification to update the stock in AOS.

Inventory sheet & Details tab

Access : Stock management → Inventories → +

On the sheet, find Draft, Planned, In progress, Completed, Validated and Cancelled statuses.

move from and to the stock location that is being inventoried are blocked on the “In progress” and “Completed” statuses.

When an inventory is validated, move are created and carried out to adjust the stock.

The Details tab consists of the following fields:

  1. Company.

  2. Planned start date: these dates will be displayed in the calendar view.

  3. Planned end date: these dates will be displayed in the calendar view.

  4. Stock location (parent): for example, the main warehouse.

  5. Type: select from “Yearly” or “Cycle counting” (Rotating). The type is used to filter products with this type of inventory.

  6. Description : add a description.

  7. Save the changes you have made.

  8. Plan: click on this button. This button changes the status to “Planned”.

Inventory lines tab

In the “Inventory lines” tab, find “Inventory lines” table containing several fields. Click on +New to add new lines manually. Edit already existing lines. Or, fill in multiple lines by using “Fill inventory” button.

On the inventory lines you will find the fields :

  • Product: select the product.

  • Location: for example, main warehouse. It is also possible to select a sub-location.

  • Current quantity: the current quantity is calculated automatically for the product and location selected.

  • Real quantity: the actual quantity is the quantity that the user will physically find in the stock location.

What is the difference between these two quantities? The current quantity is what you have electronically in the system, whereas the actual quantity is what you will physically find in the stock location when you take inventory.

  • Unit: this is a read-only column for the product.

  • Description: add a description.

  • Tracking Number: allows you to assign a tracking number. Must be filled in for products managed by tracking number.

  • Gap : gap is read only information. It’s a discrepancy based on the subtraction of the current quantity by the actual quantity.

  • Gap value : gap value is read only information. It’s the difference multiplied by the inventory valuation method.

  • Real valuation : real valuation is read only information. It represents the new valuation of the line's stock.


Once you have finished configuring the Inventory sheet and after you have carried out the move, you will be able to find the column Gap in the Inventory Lines tab, as well as the column Gap value.

Section “Fill the inventory with”

Still on the “Inventory lines” tab, find the “Fill inventory with” section. AOS offers several options to help you fill in the inventory lines:

  1. Accounting family: the “Accounting family” field is used to fill in the products for the location with the selected accounting account, which belongs to an accounting family that was pre-defined beforehand. Select between the accounting family and the product category. Or, select a specific product.

  2. Product Category: the “Product Category” field is used to fill in the products for the stock location with the selected product category.

  3. Product: the Product field is used to fill in the products in the selected stock location.

  4. Exclude out of stock products: this checkbox is used to exclude product lines whose current quantity is 0.

  5. Include obsolete products: this checkbox is used to include obsolete products.

  6. Include stock sub location stock: this checkbox is used to include products in the sub stock location of stock location where the inventory is taken.

  7. Fill inventory: the button will result in adding the inventory lines if the conditions have been met.


Once you have completed the inventory lines, return to the Details tab. Then select the file format (PDF) and click on the “Export” button. The lines will then be generated. These lines can be supplied to the operator for completion (manually on paper / via the application or mobile application).


In order to finalise the inventory, it may be necessary to enter the actual quantity, which may be different from the current quantity. In this case, enter the actual quantity and click on the “Validate” button.

Example of how to fill in the inventory:

  1. Select the Accounting family, in this case “Component”.

  2. Tick the “Include stock sub location stock” box.

  3. Click on the “Fill inventory” button.

  4. The Inventory lines list will then be completed. Click on the “Inventory lines” tab. All the products in the Components account family will be displayed.

Start, Complete, Validate

  1. Start : once the inventory lines have been filled in and the essential information has been entered on the Inventory sheet, click on the “Start” button.

  2. Clicking on the “Start” button takes the inventory to the “In Progress” stage. At this point, move will be blocked to and from the stock location. This applies to the “In Progress” and “Completed” stages.


The block on move is removed once the inventory sheet passes to the ‘Validated’ stage.

  1. Complete : then click on the “Complete” button to complete the inventory.

  2. Validate : once the inventory has been completed, it must be validated. Validating the inventory is necessary so that the person in charge of the inventory operators can check that there are no errors. The manager then validates the inventory by clicking on the “Validate” button. Validating inventory will result in the move to be carried out. Once the move have been carried out, it is possible to record it.

  3. On the Inventory sheet, click on the “Tools” button and then click on “Show stock moves”. You will be redirected to the “Internal moves” page. On this page you will be able to view all moves that have been made. Click on a move to view its “Stock Move” sheet.

Stock move sheet

On the Stock Move sheet, following information is available :

  • Source stock location (for example, Inventory).

  • To which stock location this move is being made (for example, the Main Warehouse).

  • Internal move lines.

Stock correction

Access: Stock → Stock correction → +

When the user notices a stock discrepancy on a reference, it can be tedious to go through an inventory to correct the stock.

To simplify this process, AOS allows you to use stock correction. Open the Stock correction file. On a stock correction file, following information can be found :

  1. Status: Draft / Validated

  2. Stock location. For example, the main warehouse.

  3. Product. For example, SATA hard disk.

  4. Quantity in database: for example, 102.

  5. Actual quantity: for example, 101.

  6. Reason: enter the reason for the stock correction that has been previously defined. Select from Stock error / Part destroyed. Note : it’s possible to configure other stock correction reasons.

Access: Stock → Configuration → Stock correction reason.

  1. Tracking number (see more details in the section on tracking number).

  2. Leave a comment, if necessary.

  3. Validate: click on the “Validate” button. A move will be made to rectify the quantity in stock.

  4. The validation date is filled in automatically when the stock correction is validated, which generates the stock correction moves.


The move carried out on the Stock Correction form will be reflected in the Internal move.

Access: Stocks → Internal moves

Correct stock from stock location

It is also possible to correct stock from the stock location.

For example:

Access: Stock → Stock locations → Main warehouse (or any other location on which you wish to correct the quantity).

  1. Click on the stock location on which you wish to correct the stock.

  2. On the “Stock location” sheet, modify the location lines directly in the “Location contents” tab.

  3. After clicking on the “Edit” button (the pencil icon), you will be redirected to the “Stock correction” page.

  4. Fill in the “Stock correction” page as required. Save the changes you have made.


It is necessary to talk about inventories during the restocking process. It is advisable to use inventories to carry out the stock takeover, which enables the origin of the parts in stock to be identified, particularly if there is a problem with the initial data (in terms of quantity or valuation).

As a general rule, at the time of a stock takeover, there is no stock at the locations in the system and, therefore, no weighted average price value.

If the inventory valuation model is set to “Weighted average price” value or “Weighted average price value of stock location”, then the products will be returned to stock with a PMP valuation of 0.


You will need to plan an import to update the weighted average price of the stock locations, right after the recovery inventory.


  1. Use inventories to take back stock. This will enable you to identify the origin of the parts in stock, should a problem arise later. It can happen that the data entered initially is incorrect.

  2. Go through several inventories of a few lines rather than one inventory of many lines. The ERP will process 1,000 one-line inventories much more quickly than a 1,000-line inventory.