Setup Axelor BI

Axelor BI is an enterprise module, that can be installed and used from Axelor’s nexus repository.

Nexus Configuration


In settings.gradle file, inside dependencyResolutionManagement, declare a new repository to let gradle install axelor-bi module from the dedicated Nexus repository.

dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
    // keep the declaration of your other repositories there
    maven {
      name 'maven-enterprise'
      url ''
      credentials {
        username axelorMavenUsername
        password axelorMavenPassword

Create the file ~/.gradle/ (if it doesn’t exist yet). Copy the following lines and use your own nexus credentials:


Notice: Nexus credentials should be provided by Axelor.


In the file build.gradle of your custom module, add axelor-bi dependency:

dependencies {
  // keep your other dependencies there
  implementation 'com.axelor.addons:axelor-bi:3.0.0'

Application configuration

Axelor BI depends on two other modules, Axelor BI Studio and Axelor Library. You need to add a set of parameters to configure the application.

Axelor BI Studio configuration

BI Studio configuration will be managed from AppBi config page and follows these steps:

  • Install BI app.

  • On the configuration page, go to the BI Studio tab.

  • Add manually the Database connection or click on Load DB info button.

  • Add BI URL if it is not set in the license or if it has been changed

  • Click on Activate Connection.

  • Fill the fields on the popup window:

  • BI Admin username: The username of BI studio admin user.

  • BI Admin password: The password of BI studio admin user.

  • Click on Activate connection

  • If it is well established a message appears: BI tenant activated successfully.

  • If it is failed, the error message encountered appears.

  • To deactivate the connection click on button Deactivate connection.

The user set on the popup view should have the permissions to create Users, Roles and Database connections on BI studio.

AppBi configuration page

The page above in the BI Studio tab show the following sections:

BI Url

The URL of BI Studio tenant


The tag on right side displays the current status of the tenant:




Represent the database information used for BI Studio connection:

  • DB type: MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL are supported.

  • DB port

  • DB name

  • DB host

  • DB username

  • DB password

BI User reader

The credentials of BI user with read-only permissions, used to fetch Dashboards from BI studio:

  • BI admin username

  • BI admin password


  • Reset DB information: Reset DB connection information from file.

  • Reset URL: Reset BI Url from license file.

  • Activate connection: It creates User, Role and DB connection in superset.

  • Deactivate connection: Deactivate the tenant.

No connection will be established to BI Studio when the tenant is INACTIVE.

On click on the button Activate connection, a popup form appears to set the credentials of a Studio admin user with creation permissions.

The BI studio admin credentials are not stored in DB.

Axelor Library configuration

The configuration of Axelor Library can be done in three ways in the following priority:

  • AppBi

  • Local configuration

  • License


The high level priority configuration is the configuration page of the module, the library credentials defined in the configuration page will override the ones defined in and license metadata.

Library configuration page

Local configuration

When Axelor Library configuration is set locally, then it requires adding the following parameters to the file:

  • bi.library.url: the url of library server

  • bi.library.user: library admin username

  • bi.library.password: library admin password (request it to BI module team)

Sample of axelor library configuration:

# Library settings
bi.library.url =
bi.library.user = biUser
bi.library.password = password


The license provider will set up all the required configuration for library

Notice: BI Studio and Library credentials should be provided by Axelor.


To install axelor BI:

  • Go to the menu Apps management

  • Search for Axelor BI

  • In BI app card, click Install

Axelor BI install

The BI module is now available on the sidebar menu with the following menus:

BI menu
  • Dashboard: List all the dashboards created on studio

  • Snapshots: List all snapshots of dashboards user has access to.

  • Studio: Redirect to BI Studio server

  • Library: The library of dashboards provided by Axelor. It allows you to install dashboards from the library.