
Axelor connect is an Enterprise module, that can be installed and used from Axelor’s nexus repository.

Nexus Configuration


In settings.gradle file, inside dependencyResolutionManagement, declare a new repository to let gradle install axelor-connect module from the dedicated Nexus repository.

dependencyResolutionManagement {
  repositories {
    // keep the declaration of your other repositories there
    maven {
      name 'maven-enterprise'
      url ''
      credentials {
        username axelorMavenUsername
        password axelorMavenPassword

Create the file ~/.gradle/ (if it doesn’t exist yet). Copy the following lines and use your own nexus credentials:


Notice: Nexus credentials should be provided by Axelor.


In the file build.gradle of your custom module, add axelor-connect dependency:

dependencies {
  // keep your other dependencies there
  implementation 'com.axelor.addons:axelor-connect:2.2.0'


Axelor Connect requires Basic authentication to be enabled. To do so, add the following line to file:

auth.local.basic-auth = indirect, direct


To install axelor connect:

  • Go to the menu Apps management

  • Search for Axelor connect

  • In Connect app card, click Install

Connect App

After installing Connect, its menu will appear in left sidebar with the following entry menus:

Connect menu

Organizations configuration

To initialize the organizations the user belongs to, it is recommended to set a token with the less possible permissions to enhance security and data consistency.

Generate an access token

  1. Go to connect instance (i.e.

  2. In left sidebar at the bottom, click Profile.

  3. Switch to API access tab.

  4. Click Add token button.

  5. Enter a label (i.e. ERP access token).

  6. Select scope: organizations:read.

  7. Save.


  1. Go to Connect config view.

  2. Set the generated token in Connect token field.

  3. Click on Initialize organizations to list the organizations the user belongs to.

Connect configuration