BI Snapshots

  • Snapshot is one of Axelor BI module features that allows taking snapshots of dashboards.

  • A click on Snapshots menu redirects to a grid of snapshots grouped by dashboard.

snapshot entry menu


Form view

Snapshot form view contains 3 sections:

  • Overview panel

  • Charts panel

  • Comments section

Snapshot view


Contains general information about the snapshot, the dashboard, snapshot date, last amendment date, author and description.

Snapshot overview


Lists the charts in the dashboard.

Snapshot charts

Each chart has a Capture and CSV data that can be downloaded from the button on the toolbar of the chart form view.

Chart toolbar

Create snapshots

In the toolbar of the Dashboard form view, click on the entry menu Snapshots. It has two sub entries:

  • All Snapshots: Redirects to a new window with the list of the snapshots of the dashboard.

  • Take a snapshot: Generates a snapshot for the current dashboard and open it in a new tab.

Dashboard toolbar

Snapshot menu

Send a snapshot

  • A snapshot can be sent via an email by clicking on Send Email from the snapshot form view.

  • A window lets you select the email template to use for the email generation.

  • All charts captures and CSV files will be attached to the email.

Send email