XML DataSource
XML is another widely used format to store information.
The XML data transform requires xml-config
files which are xml based data
mapping rules.
Data Mapping
The XML data mapping definitions are defined using XML syntax. A typical config file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xml-inputs xmlns="http://axelor.com/xml/ns/data-import"
<input file="contacts.xml" root="address-book">
<bind node="configs/titles/title" type="com.axelor.contact.db.Title"
search="self.code = :code" update="false">
<bind node="@code" to="code" />
<bind node="text()" to="name" />
<bind node="configs/country" type="com.axelor.contact.db.Country"
search="self.code = :code" update="false">
<bind node="@code" to="code" />
<bind node="text()" to="name" />
<bind node="contacts/contact" type="com.axelor.contact.db.Contact">
<bind node="title" to="title" search="self.name = :title" />
<!-- if @code of node title exist and not empty then bind to field notes -->
<bind node="title/@code" to="notes" alias="title_code"
if="title_code && !title_code.empty" /> <!-- NOT SURE -->
<!-- MEV_ERP_ID is provided with "context" : so here it may be null -->
<bind eval="MEV_ERP_ID" to="notes" if="MEV_ERP_ID"/>
<bind node="name[@type='F']" to="firstName" />
<bind node="name[@type='L']" to="lastName" />
<bind node="email" to="email"/>
<!-- generate email if doesn't exist -->
<bind to="email" eval='"${firstName}.${lastName}@gmail.com".toLowerCase()'
if="email == null || email.empty"/>
<!-- bind multi-value field -->
<bind node="my/address-list/address" to="addresses">
<bind node="line1" to="street"/>
<bind node="line2" to="area"/>
<bind node="city" to="city"/>
<bind node="@zip" to="zip"/>
<!-- find country codes and put them in the context -->
<bind node="../../../@location" alias="location_contact"/>
<bind node="city/@country" alias="city_country"/>
if location_contact exists then use it,
if city_country exists then use it
else use 'FR'
<bind to="country" search="self.code = :country"
eval="location_contact" if="location_contact != null"/>
<bind to="country" search="self.code = :country"
eval="city_country" if="city_country != null"/>
<bind to="country" search="self.code = :country"
eval="'FR'" if="location_contact == null && city_country == null"/>
You can see the mapping is almost identical to CSV mapping format. The only
difference is the <bind>
tag which required node
attribute that tags xpath
expressions to bind a particular node to the object field.
Let’s see the binding in details:
The <input>
tag is used to map a source xml file to a target model type.
Attribute | Description |
the source input file name |
the root element name |
The <bind>
tag can be used to map nodes to target object fields.
Attribute | Description |
xpath expression to locate the node |
if node is relative xpath, a simple name to be used in context |
the target model field name |
type adapter, followed by an optional string argument separated by |
jpql where clause search for existing record |
groovy expression, to transform the value |
boolean groovy expression, only bind if condition passed |
only update the target value if target field is empty (or null) |
The <bind>
tag can again have nested <bind>
tags in case of binding
relational fields.
Node Binding
Node binding uses xpath expressions to bind a node (element or attribute) values to the object fields.
The xpath is relative to the parent node or the root
node of the given <input>
attribute nodes can be located with
syntax -
text nodes can be located with
Some examples:
<!-- bind value of code attribute -->
<bind node="@code" to="code" />
<!-- bind text value of a node -->
<bind node="text()" to="name" />
<!-- bind name node depending on type attribute value -->
<bind node="name[@type='F']" to="firstName" />
<bind node="name[@type='L']" to="lastName" />
<!-- find country codes and put them in the context -->
<bind node="../../../@location" alias="location_contact"/>
<bind node="city/@country" alias="city_country"/>