Custom View


The custom view allows to show arbitrary data using templates. This view is generally useful for creating readonly reports.

The custom view definition is:

<custom name="view-name" title="View Title">

  <!-- dataset fields (optional) -->
  <field name="some" type="integer" />
  <field name="total" type="decimal" scale="4"/>

  <!-- dataset is required -->
  <dataset type="jpql|sql|rpc">
  // jpql or sql or method call

  <!-- template is require -->
  // template, data can be accessed using `data`, and first data item
  // is accessible as `first`.

Example usage with a custom template:

<!-- Dashboard box with custom template -->
<custom name="" title="Total sale" css="report-box">
  <dataset type="jpql">
  select sum(self.totalAmount) as total from Order self
    <Box d="flex" flexDirection="column" flex={1}>
        <Box d="flex" flexDirection="row" justifyContent="space-between">
            <small>Total sale</small>
            <Box d="flex" alignItems="center" style={{fontWeight: "bold", color: "red"}}>
                20% <Icon icon="trending_down"/>

The attributes are:




name of the view


display title of the view

The elements are:




field definitions for the dataset (optional, can be multiple)


dataset definition


a template


The <field> element can be used to provide metadata information about a dataset item. This is the same as fields in grid view.


The <dataset> element is used to define a dataset.

  • type - dataset type (jpql, sql or rpc)

  • limit - query result limit (in case of jpql and sql)


The <template> element is used to define a template to render the data.

The dataset result is available as data and the first result of the data is available as first.

Built-in templates

Two template tags are built in:


This template renders data as a small and simple report box (useful in dashboard).

Static attributes:

  • icon - icon name

  • label - a label to describe the value

Dynamic expressions:

  • value - a number value in dataset

  • percent - a percent value in dataset (formatted with percent filter)

  • up - boolean expression for the up or down icon beside the percent value (or no icon if null)

  • tag - a tag to show on title area of the box

  • tag-css - CSS class to apply to tag

Example usage:

<!-- Sample custom view definition using report-box template -->
<custom name="report-box-sales-month" title="Sales this month">
  <dataset type="rpc"></dataset>
  <report-box icon='search' label='Total sales' value=''
    percent='first.percent' up='first.up' tag='first.tag' tag-css='first.tagCss'/>
public class SaleOrderController {

  public void reportMonthly(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) {
    // ...

    Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
    data.put("total", total);
    data.put("percent", percent);
    data.put("up", total.compareTo(last) > 0);
    data.put("tag", I18n.get("Monthly"));
    data.put("tagCss", "label-bg-success");

    // This data will be put into dataset.
    // For report-box, we send a list with a single item accessible as `first`.
Sample report box
Figure 1. Sample report box


This template renders the dataset as a table. It uses field metadata for formatting and can use any widgets supported on grid view. It also supports sorting by columns.

Static attributes:

  • columns - comma-separated list of dataset fields as table columns (if not specified, uses keys from dataset items)

  • sums - comma-separated list of dataset fields to show sums

Example usage:

<!-- Sample custom view definition using report-table template -->
<custom name="report-table-order-lines" title="Order lines">
  <field name="name" title="Order name"/>
  <field name="statusSelect" title="Status" type="integer"
    selection="selection-order-status" widget="single-select"/>
  <field name="productName" title="Product" type="string" x-translatable="true"/>
  <field name="total" type="decimal" x-scale="2"/>
  <dataset type="jpql" limit="40">
  SELECT AS name, self.statusSelect AS statusSelect, as productName, item.quantity * item.price AS total
  FROM Order self
  JOIN self.items item
  <report-table sums='total'/>
Sample report table
Figure 2. Sample report table