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Version: 8.1

Sale quotation

The different methods for creating a sale quotation and a sale order

There are several ways to create a sale quotation:

  • Create a new sale quotation from the sale quotation menu ;

  • Duplicate an existing quotation / order ;

  • Use a sale quotation templates;

  • Via CRM-Opportunities / customer file / prospect file;

  • Via Job Management.

Access: Sales → Sale quotation → New OR CRM → Customer follow-up → Sale quotation → New

  1. Create a new sale quotation from the sale quotation menu by clicking on +New (Sales or CRM app → Sale quotation → New).

  2. Duplicating a sale quotation: you can also duplicate an existing sale quotation or an existing order.

Duplicate a sale quotation: open a sale quotation, and in the top bar click on the triangle icon to open the drop-down menu. Among the suggested actions, click on "Duplicate".

Duplicate the orders in the same way.

This action will create a sale quotation in draft status which will include the information from the duplicated sale quotation/order. The information on the sale quotation in draft status is completely editable.


Since version 8.0, a new feature has been added: Editable quotation lines.

This new feature enables you to activate an editable list on sale quotation lines, allowing you to quickly add and complete sale quotation lines from the quotation line list view.

The aim is to enable quotation lines to be entered quickly and on the fly, using the keyboard, without having to open a pop-up window every time you want to create a line. That's why only the information you need appears in the editable quotation line grid, so you can enter it quickly. Other information can be accessed in the usual way by clicking on the line.

This new feature includes all the classic functions associated with sale quotations: multiple quantities, price lists, additional products, discounts, packs, etc.

This new functionality is activated via the "Enable editable grid on quotation / sales order lines" configuration in the Sales application configuration (access: Application config → Apps management → Sales, configure → enable the ‘Enable editable grid on quotation / sales order lines’ option).

Once activated, the "Enable discounts on editable lines" configuration offers the possibility of entering discounts directly from the editable grid of quotation lines. In this case, the ‘Discount type’ and ‘Discount amount’ fields appear.

On another note, vou can still access the large Sales Order Line configuration window. Simply select the new line in the table and then click on the Modify pencil icon.

Quotation templates

Access : Sales → Configuration → Quotation template

You can use quotation templates as a basis. Quotation templates are useful by having pre-filled lines that save time, when you often use the same type of quotation for your customers.

The quotation template allows you to add pre-filled order lines.

  1. On the template form, in the Customer information tab, fill in the details of the customer for whom you wish to create a quotation. In addition, fill in the other information (assigned salesperson, team, etc.) on the ‘Other information’ tab. However, this information can be filled in directly on the quotation.

  2. Next, click on the "Create order from this template" button to create the quotation.

  3. Once you have clicked on the button, enter the currency and select the price list in the "Create the quotation" window.

  4. The draft sale quotation has now been created. The content defined in the template can be modified, and you can add or delete lines.

Creating an sale quotation from an opportunity / a customer record / a prospect record

Access : CRM → Opportunity → My Opportunities/Opened opportunities → open an Opportunity file

  1. Click on "Tools" in the toolbar at the top and click on "Create a quotation".

  2. If you click on "Create a quotation", this quotation will be attached to the opportunity/customer record/prospect record.


If the configuration "Close the opportunity when one of the linked orders is confirmed" in the Sales app is activated, as soon as a quotation is attached to an opportunity and transformed into an order, the opportunity automatically changes status to closed-won.


You can also create new quotations using the customer and prospect files.

Creating a sale quotation from the Sale quotation menu

In the sale quotation menu, you can monitor existing quotations and create a new quotation.

Access: Sales → Sale quotations → Click + to create a new quotation

There are five stages : draft quotation / finalised quotation / confirmed order / completed order / cancelled.

  1. Standard or subscription quotation: select in the field whether this is a standard or subscription quotation. The subscription quotation allows you to invoice the same order on a recurring basis.

  2. Select a company with which you are going to issue a quotation.

  3. Select the price list. Note that you can create a price list in Sales → Configuration → Price list.

  4. Fill in the customer information. For an existing customer, the fields will fill in automatically (main address / billing address, currency, etc).

  5. Contacts can be attached to the customer file: in this case, select the referring customer contact in the "Customer contact" field for this quotation.

  6. Enter the invoicing and delivery addresses. These addresses may be different. The address field can be filled in automatically once you have selected the customer, but it is always possible to change the address if necessary.

  7. Save the changes you have made. When you save, the system will assign a number to the quotation. This number is temporary and will change when the quotation becomes a Finalised quotation.

Creating a quotation line

  1. On the sale quotation form, click on the Content tab.

  2. In the Detail lines table, click on +New to add new sale quotation line.

  3. On the Sales Order Line tab:

  • Type - Standard: allows you to add Products to the Product field.

  • Type - Title: this type is used to create title lines in order to add titles, for example product categories (‘Processor’).

  • When you create a Sales Order Line with a product, the information on the tab will be filled in automatically.

  • If the product is attached to a price list, the prices will be filled in, taking into account the negotiated rates.


For more information, consult the documentation on price lists.

However, if there is no price list, you can enter Discount Type manually in the dedicated field.

  • Discount derogation (if you select a discount): allows you to override the prohibition on modifying a discount (for example, it has been indicated that the price is non-negotiable on the price list; in this case the override allows you to modify them anyway if the user has the right to do so).

  • How to view every single line in all the quotations?

Access: Sales → Sale quotation → on the list of quotations, click on "Tools" → select "See quotation lines".

This action allows you to view every single line of all the quotations; in addition, you will be able to make queries and filter the data.

Tax Tab

The Tax tab contains the tax lines that will be deducted and calculated automatically from the lines found in the Contents tab.

Delivery tab

The Delivery tab contains information about stock location, shpiment mode, carrier etc.

Invoicing tab

Contains details about invoicing.

Production tab

Production tab contains details about production.

Business tab

Find the link to the business project in this tab.

Schedule tab

In the Schedule tab, you can generate schedules and invoices for the quotation.

Sales follow-up

In the panel on the right, find the Sales follow-up tab.

  1. Salesperson field: define a salesperson attached to this quotation, who will become a salesperson to contact.

  2. Team field: define a team responsible for this quotation.


  1. Payment method: enter the payment method. This information can be retrieved automatically from the selected customer. It is possible to modify information that has been filled in automatically.

  2. Payment condition: enter the payment condition. This information can be retrieved automatically from the selected customer. You can modify the information that has been filled in automatically.


  1. Customer reference: fill in this field when a customer requests a reference on the quotation to be sent so that it can be referred to internally.

  2. Opportunity: attach an opportunity from this field. Attaching an opportunity creates a link with the CRM module.


In the Margin tab, find the total of each margin for all quotation lines (accounted revenue, total cost price, gross profit, margin, markup, company currency).


  1. Creation date: is automatically created on the day a quotation is created.

  2. Validity period / end of validity: enter the validity period.

  3. Last reminder: enter the date of a last reminder.

  4. Comment: add a comment. The comment is visible, while the internal note is for internal use only.

  5. Internal note: enter an internal note in this space.

Follow-up on the quotation form

In this field, you will find all the information relating to the latest actions taken on the quotation form (creation date, assigned customer, status change, etc.).

Content tab & editable lines

The Content tab contains the detail lines.

Find the elements specific to the sale quotation in the Content tab, while the Delivery, Billing, Operations and Business tabs link the sale quotation to other application elements.

Access : Application config → Apps management → Sales, configure → click on the option "Enable editable list on quotation/customer order lines" and then click on ”Enable discounts on editable list".

These options allow you to fill in the information directly in the Detail lines table in the Content tab on the Quotation / Sales order form. If the "Enable discount on editable lines" option is also activated, you can also add discounts directly in the table.

The information will be retrieved automatically from the product file, and some of this information can be modified, using the keyboard by pressing the Tab key to move from one window to another.


You can still access the large Sales Order Line configuration window. Simply select the new line in the table and then click on the Modify pencil icon.

All the classic features associated with quotations are included in this new function: multiple quantities, price lists, additional products, discounts, packs, etc.


When you add a new line, select its type: Standard / Title / Start of pack / End of pack.

A Standard line relates to a product, while the other lines are used for information purposes.

In other words, a Title line fulfils the role of a heading. A Pack Start line is used to designate the start of the pack, and a Pack End line is used to mark the end of the pack.

  1. To add a new detail line, click +New.

  2. Select the type of line: standard or title. A Standard line relates to a product, while a Title line is used as a simple title.

  3. The Sales Order Line window will open. Select a product.

  4. Once the product has been selected, the Product label, Quantity, Unit price, Tax and Discount type fields are automatically filled in according to what has been entered on the product sheet.

  5. However, it is always possible to modify certain information, such as the product name.

  6. Enter the desired quantity.

  7. The sales unit: the unit is retrieved from the product file.

  8. Discount type: apply a discount if required. The discount can be defined beforehand on the product sheet.

  9. Discount Rate: define the discount rate.

  10. Tax: the tax is filled in by default. The tax is entered in the product's accounting settings. However, it is always possible to modify it.

  11. The description is also retrieved from the product file.

  12. Price lists can automatically apply discounts.

  13. Click OK and close the Sale Order Line window. Note that you can drag & drop lines in the Detail lines table. Simply click on the three rows icon and drag the rows contained in the table.

  14. Save the changes.


The margin is calculated automatically in the Margin tab.

The discount rate will have a direct impact on displayed margin , which can be negative or positive.


Consult the existing documentation on Price Lists to learn more about their configuration and application.

Finalize the quotation

  1. Click on the Finalize button.

  2. Following this action, most of the quotation content can no longer be modified.

  3. The only field that can still be modified is the customer contact, but not the customer himself.

  4. Each time a quotation is finalised, a pdf document is generated in the attachments section at the top of the page. This document contains the details of the quotation, allowing you to trace the history of the quotation.

  5. The finalised quotation must be signed by a customer.

  6. Once the quotation has been signed by the customer, the quotation can change to "Order confirmed" status.

Once the quotation has been finalised, it is no longer possible to modify it. The only field that can still be modified is the Customer contact field.

Other useful information

Certain stock-related options can be activated: the "Check stocks in a sale order" option (the system will check stock when a sale is made) and the ”Manage stock reservation" option on the Supplychain app.

Check stocks in a sale order

Access : Application config → Apps management → Supplychain app, configure

On the Supplychain app, activate the "Check stocks in a sale order" option. This allows you to check stocks on the Quotation form. Save the changes you have made and refresh the browser.

This option allows the system to check stocks and warn the user that quantities have been exceeded during a quotation line validation.

Manage stock reservation

Access : Application config → Apps management → Supplychain app, configure

The "Manage stock reservation" option allows you to display available stock on quotation lines, and gives the option of reserving stock as soon as the quotation is issued.

  • Activate the option "Manage stock reservation". Refresh the browser so that the changes you have made are taken into account.

  • Once this option has been activated, add a new detail to the quotation. You will be able to consult the stock available with the quantities displayed on the Information tab of the line.

  • "Request reservation": if you wish to reserve a certain product for your quotation/order, you can do so. In this case, click on the button "Reservation request" that you will find in the Sale Order Line window.

Merge quotations

There is another function, linked to quotations: merging. This feature allows you to merge several quotations into one, i.e. it will integrate all the lines of the quotations you wish to merge into a single one.

Access : Sales → Sale quotations → on the list of quotations, click on "Tools" in the top bar → select "Merge quotations"..

Then select the quotations you wish to merge.


You can only merge quotations from the same customer, and only quotations in draft status.

Separate into a new quotation

Separate into a new quotation: select the lines in the Detail lines table that you wish to integrate into a new quotation and click on the "Separate into a new quotation" button on the right. A new sale quotation will then be created with the selected lines.


  • The Report button is located at the top of the quotation page. Click on "Report" to print a pdf with all the details of the quotation.

  • Configure reports : Access: Application config → Apps management → Sales, configure → click on the Company to access the company in question → configure the reports in the Printing settings section.

  • For example, you can enable or disable such options as "Display delivery condition on printing" or "Display customer code on printing" etc. Enter additional information in the Customer box on order area.

  • You can also add legal information in the "Legal note on sale order".

New version

As mentioned above, you can't modify a finished quotation. However, it is possible to create a new version. This option must be activated beforehand in order to use it.

Access : Application config → Apps management → Sales, configure → activate the "Manage sale order versions" option.

  1. New version : open a sale quotation. Click on the "New version" button.

  2. A new sale quotation in Draft status is created.

  3. A "Past versions" tab appears on the new version of quotation. Consult the history of an old version.

  4. Modify the detail lines.

  5. Apply discounts if necessary. Price lists can automatically apply discounts.

  6. Click on the "Finalize" button.


Consult the existing documentation on Price Lists to learn more about their configuration and application.

Past versions

  • When you have finalised a quotation and then clicked on "New version" button, a "Past versions" tab will appear on the quotation page.

  • This tab allows you to consult the first version and compare it with the current version by looking at the lines in the Details lines table (Content tab) and by consulting the old lines in the "Lines to be recover" table.

  • The "Recover from this version" button allows you to retrieve the old version. However, despite the return to the old version, the sale quotation will still be in Draft status and will have to be finalised again.