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Version: 8.2




Remember to activate this function. If the functionality is not activated, the Outsourcing menu will not be available from the Manufacturing app.

Access: Application config → Apps management → Manufacturing → activate the ‘Manage outsourcing’ option.

Outsourcing is managed at production process level.

Manage outsourcing at production process

Access : Manufacturing → Production processes → open a production process file

  1. Open a file.

  2. Click on the Details tab.

  3. Outsourced: this checkbox allows you to outsource the entire production process. If you tick this box, the ‘Subcontractor’ field will appear. A sub-contractor must therefore be selected.


Subcontractors are configurable. When necessary, you can create a new subcontractor. Access: Manufacturing → Outsourcing → Subcontractor → +

When selecting a subcontractor, you also have the option of checking the box Generate a purchase order on Manufacturing order planning (MO). When the Manufacturing order is planned, a purchase order is automatically generated. As a result, this purchase order will be automatically linked to your manufacturing order.

  1. Outsourcable: this box allows you to choose whether or not to use it as a sub-contractor or to manufacture it. If you tick this box, the ‘Subcontractor’ field will appear. A subcontractor must therefore be selected.

  2. Subcontracting service: this box must be ticked in order to subcontract services for the phase. If you tick this box, you will find in the Phases tab, Phases table, the possibility of activating the previous options from the Phases window.

  • Outsourced: tick this box directly from the ‘Phase’ window and then select a subcontractor.

  • Outsourcable: tick this box directly from the ‘Phase’ window and then select a subcontractor.

  • Generate a purchase order on MO planning: tick this box in the Phase window if you wish to activate this option.

  • Use this phase when generating the subcontract order: this option allows you to find the name of the assembly of two parts in the order.


A production process can be subcontracted, or subcontractable, or be a Subcontracting service. One of three options must be selected.

Functional example: a subcontractable order

  1. Outsourcable : on the production process file, in the Details tab, activate the Outsourcable option.

  2. Subcontractor: select a subcontractor in the ‘Subcontractor’ field.


If there is no a subcontractor available in the field, then create one. Access : Manufacturing → Outsourcing → Subcontractors.

  1. Create or open a manufacturing order file.

  2. On the manufacturing order file, select the bill of materials.

  3. Subcontracted: you will notice that the checkbox “Subcontracted” has appeared on the file. Activate the box.

  4. Select the same subcontractor.

  5. Plan: click on the “Plan” button.

  6. All the phases are then passed on to the manufacturing operations.


As a result of these actions, the Manufacturing order form will contain a small yellow ‘Subcontracted’ tag.

  1. Click on the outsourcing tab. No order has been generated. How to generate an order automatically?

For the order to be generated, you need to activate the ‘Generate a purchase order on MO planning’ option.

On the production process sheet, first activate “Outsourced”, then select the ‘Subcontractor’ in a new field and next, check ‘Generate a purchase order on MO planning’ box.

  1. With these options activated, when you create a new manufacturing order, you will notice that the ‘Subcontractor’ box is ticked by default, and that the ‘Subcontractor’ field is filled in automatically.

  2. Click on the ‘Plan’ button.

  3. Click on the Subcontractor tab: the purchase order has been automatically generated. If you open the purchase order, you will notice that the supplier has been selected. All that remains is to :

  • add a content line ;

  • add an associated price.

Declare a delivery to a subcontractor

  1. Declare a subcontractor delivery: on the manufacturing order file with a subcontracted production process, click on the button.

  2. The ‘Declare a delivery to a subcontractor’ window will open. Here you can generate a delivery to the subcontractor from the parts in your BOM.

  3. Select the product and then select a partner (third party).

  4. Click on the “Declare a subcontractor delivery” button. This will generate a subcontractor delivery.

  5. Subcontracted deliveries with scheduled deliveries: in the Outsourcing tab, you will find the table 'Subcontracted deliveries with scheduled deliveries’. Here you will find the line with the stock movement.

  6. When you click on the stock movement line, you will notice that you can click on the 'Carry out' button to deliver these parts to the subcontractor.

Generating outsourcing at phase level

  1. Open a file of a production process.

  2. Subcontracting service: select the ‘Subcontracting service’ check box. Save the changes you have made.

  3. Click on the Phases tab. Then click on a line in the Phases table.

  4. Outsourced-Subcontractor : in the Phase window, first activate the Outsourced box and then activate the Subcontractor box. Next, select a subcontractor.

  5. Generate a purchase order on MO planning : then activate the box ‘Generate a purchase order on MO planning’.

  6. Use this phase to generate the subcontract order: you can also activate the 'Use this phase to generate the subcontract order' box.

  7. Click OK and then save the changes you have made to the Routing file.

  8. You can then recreate a production order. Select the BOM with the routing (with a subcontracted phase).

  9. Click on the ‘Schedule’ button.

  10. After planning, you will notice in the ‘Production operation’ tab that the production operations have been pre-completed.

In addition, on the production order form you will notice a new tag ‘ST service (outsourcing)’ in yellow next to the statuses, indicating that there are subcontractors.


In the ‘Manufacturing operations’ tab, in the ‘Manufacturing operations’ table, you will notice that the outsourcing operation is oproduction process.

  1. In the outsourcing tab, a purchase order has been generated.

The software will create a purchase order with a cost equal to or greater than the cost calculated in the cost estimate.

  1. Start and end a outsourcing order as you do other orders.