The entity classes represents domain models and are defined using xml format.
Each file should have proper declaration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<domain-models xmlns=""
<!-- entity definitions here -->
Java reserved keywords can’t be used as field names. SQL reserved keywords (PostgreSQL, MySQL & Oracle) can’t be used as column names. |
Let’s see with an example:
<module name="contact" package="" />
<entity name="Contact">
<many-to-one name="title" ref="Title"/> (1)
<string name="firstName" required="true" /> (2)
<string name="lastName" required="true" />
<string name="fullName" namecolumn="true" search="firstName,lastName"> (3)
if (firstName == null && lastName == null)
return null;
if (title == null)
return firstName + " " + lastName;
return title.getName() + " " + firstName + " " + lastName;
<date name="dateOfBirth"/>
<string name="email" required="true" unique="true" max="100" />
<string name="phone" max="20" massUpdate="true"/>
<string name="notes" title="About me" large="true" />
<one-to-many name="addresses" ref="Address" mappedBy="contact"/> (4)
<finder-method name="findByName" using="fullName" /> (5)
<finder-method name="findByEmail" using="email" />
1 | define a many-to-one field title referencing Title object |
2 | define a string field firstName |
3 | define a calculated string field fullName |
4 | define a one-to-many field addresses referencing Address object |
5 | define a custom finder method findByName |
A domain model is defined using <entity>
tag, it supports some attributes.
- name of the Entity (should begin with upper case letter) -
- whether to use a new ID sequence (default is true) -
- whether to make this entity cacheable (default is false) -
- how to generate repository class -
- table name for the entity -
- whether to enable update logging (default is true) -
- inheritance base entity class -
- list of interfaces to implement (generally empty, or confirming the getter/setter) -
- whether this entity is persistable (in database). -
- inheritance strategy (default is SINGLE) -
- whether to include all the simple non-function fields in equality test (default is false) -
- whether to enable/disable generating "attrs" json field
The strategy
attribute can be used on base entity only.
The persistable
attribute can be used to define a non-persistable entity class
annotated with @MappedSuperclass
that can be used as base class of other entities.
The <module>
tag can be used to define package names of the generated entities
& repositories:
<!-- default behavior -->
<module name="contact"
table-prefix="contact" />
<!-- custom behavior -->
<module name="contact"
table-prefix="my" />
- is required, used to group entities in a logical module -
- is required, used as java package name of the generated entity class -
- is optional, used as java package name of the generated repository class, defaults to<package>.repo
- is optional, used as table name prefix, defaults to modulename
If package name ends with .db, the second to last part of package name is used instead of module name for default table prefix, e.g. if package is named , sale will be used as default table prefix.
Fields of different types are used to define model properties.
The following are the common attributes for all field types:
Attribute | Description |
name of the field (required) |
display title of the field |
detailed help string |
database column name (if field name is reserved name in underlying database) |
whether to generate index of this field |
default value of the field |
whether the field value is required |
whether the field value is readonly |
whether the field value is unique (defines unique constraint) |
whether the column is included in SQL INSERT statements generated by the persistence provider |
whether the column is included in SQL UPDATE statements generated by the persistence provider |
whether the field is hidden by default in user interfaces |
whether the field is transient (can’t be saved in db) |
whether to use the field as a contractor parameter |
whether to allow mass update on this field |
Non-relational fields have the following extra attributes:
Attribute | Description |
allow null value to be stored for fields that by default uses their system default when value is not given |
selection key name |
whether the field is included in equality test |
whether this is a native SQL formula field |
Field types
The <string>
field is used to define textual data fields.
The field accepts following additional attributes:
Attribute | Description |
minimum length of the text value |
maximum length of the text value |
whether to use large text type |
comma-separated list of field names used by autocompletion UI component to search. |
user the specified custom sequence generator |
whether the string is multiline text (used by UI components) |
whether the field value is translatable |
whether the field is storing password text |
whether the field is encrypted (learn more) |
whether the field is used to store json data |
whether this is a name column (used by UI components to display the record) |
<string name="firstName" min="1" />
<string name="lastName"/>
<string name="notes" large="true" multiline="true"/>
The translatable
attribute can be used to mark the field values as translatable.
For example:
<entity name="Product">
<string name="name" translatable="true" />
Translated values are stored in same general translation table (no context saved).
The encrypted
field values are stored in database using AES-256 encrypted values.
The password should be provided from application config file using encryption.password
The <boolean>
field is used to define boolean type fields.
<boolean name="active" />
The <integer>
field is used to define non-decimal numeric fields.
Attribute | Description |
minimum value (inclusive) |
maximum value (inclusive) |
<integer name="quantity" min="1" max="100"/>
<integer name="count"/>
The <long>
field is used to define non-decimal numeric field where value can’t
be represented by integer
Avoid using this field type as some dbms (oracle) only allows one
long column per table (we already have one for id column)
Attribute | Description |
minimum value (inclusive) |
maximum value (inclusive) |
<long name="counter"/>
The <decimal>
field is used to define decimal type fields using java.math.BigDecimal
java type.
Attribute | Description |
minimum value (inclusive) |
maximum value (inclusive) |
precision of the decimal value (total number of digits) |
scale of the decimal value (total number of digits in decimal part) |
<decimal name="price" precision="8" scale="2" />
The <date>
field is used to define fields to store date using java.time.LocalDate
java type.
<date name="orderDate" />
The <time
field is used to define fields to store time values using the
java type.
<time name="duration" />
The <datetime>
field is used to define fields to store datetime values using
the java.time.LocalDateTime
java type.
Attribute | Description |
whether to use timezone info |
In case of tz
is true, the java type is java.time.ZonedDateTime
<datetime name="startsOn" />
<datetime name="startsOn" tz="true"/>
The <enum>
field is used to define fields with Java enumeration type.
Attribute | Description |
the fully qualified type name of the enumeration |
<enum name="status" ref="OrderStatus" />
The OrderStatus
enumeration should be defined using domain xml like this:
<enum name="OrderStatus">
<item name="DRAFT" />
<item name="OPEN" />
<item name="CLOSED" />
<item name="CANCELED" />
<enum name="OrderStatus">
<item name="DRAFT" value="draft" />
<item name="OPEN" value="open" />
<item name="CLOSED" value="closed" />
<item name="CANCELED" value="canceled" />
<enum name="OrderStatus" numeric="true">
<item name="DRAFT" value="1" />
<item name="OPEN" value="2" />
<item name="CLOSED" value="3" />
<item name="CANCELED" value="4" />
For JPQL query on enum
fields, we must always use query parameter.
// this is a correct way
TypedQuery<Order> query = em.createQuery(
"SELECT s FROM Order s WHERE s.status = :status");
query.setParameter("status", OrderStatus.OPEN);
// this is a wrong way
TypedQuery<Order> query = em.createQuery(
"SELECT s FROM Order s WHERE s.status = 'OPEN'");
// using ADK query api
Query<Order> q = Query.of(Order.class)
.filter("self.status = :status")
.bind("status", "OPEN");
// or
Query<Order> q = Query.of(Order.class)
.filter("self.status = :status")
.bind("status", OrderStatus.OPEN);
// or directly as positional arguments
Query<Order> q = Query.of(Order.class)
.filter("self.status = ?1 OR self.status = ?2", "DRAFT", OrderStatus.OPEN);
In scripting expressions, enum
should be referenced using its type name. For example:
if="status == OrderStatus.OPEN && confirmDate == null"
error="Invalid value..." />
The <binary>
field is used to store binary blobs.
Attribute | Description |
if the field is intended to store image data |
whether the field is encrypted |
only use this field for small or non-reusable binary data, prefer using
an many-to-one to com.axelor.meta.db.MetaFile .
<binary name="photo" image="true" />
<binary name="report" />
The <many-to-one>
field is used to define a single value reference field using
many-to-one relationship.
Attribute | Description |
name of the reference entity class (FQN if not in same package) |
specify the join table name. |
name of the foreign key column in the underlying database table referring the non-owning table. |
<many-to-one name="customer" ref="" />
The <one-to-one>
field is used to define a single value reference field using
one-to-one relationship.
Attribute | Description |
name of the reference entity class (FQN if not in same package) |
for bidirectional fields, name of the owner side field |
specify whether to remove orphaned records if they have been removed from the relationship. |
specify the join table name. |
name of the foreign key column in the underlying database table referring the non-owning table. |
<!-- defined in Engine object -->
<one-to-one name="car" ref="" />
<!-- defined in Cat object -->
<one-to-one name="engine" ref="" mappedBy="car"/>
The <one-to-many>
field is used to define multi-value fields using one-to-many
Attribute | Description |
name of the reference entity class (FQN if not in same package) |
for bidirectional fields, name of the inverse many-to-one field |
whether to remove orphaned records (default true) |
specify the ordering of the collection value by the given field |
specify the join table name. |
name of the foreign key column in the underlying database table referring the non-owning table. |
<one-to-many name="items" ref="OrderItem" mappedBy="order" />
<one-to-many name="addresses" ref="Address" mappedBy="contact" />
The <many-to-many>
field is used to define multi-value fields using many-to-many
Attribute | Description |
name of the reference entity class (FQN if not in same package) |
for bidirectional fields, name of the owner side field |
specify the ordering of the collection value by the given field. |
specify the join table name. |
name of the foreign key column in the underlying database table referring the non-owning table. |
<many-to-many name="taxes" ref="Tax" />
Other usages
The formula="true"
on a field is used to define a SQL fragment (aka formula) instead of mapping a property into a column.
This kind of property is read-only (its value is calculated by your formula fragment). This field will not be created/saved
in database.
The SQL fragment defined can be as complex as you want, and it can even include subselects.
You should be aware that the formula field usage takes a native SQL clause which may affect database portability. |
<string name="fullName" namecolumn="true" search="firstName,lastName" formula="true">
WHEN title IS NULL THEN first_name || ' ' || last_name
ELSE (SELECT FROM contact_title WHERE = title) || ' ' || first_name || ' ' || last_name
<string name="owner" formula="true">
( SELECT CASE WHEN c.type = 'owner' THEN c.firstname + ' ' + c.lastname END FROM contacts c where c.folder_id = id )
The <index>
tag can be used to define a composite index.
It is defined by specifying a comma-separated list of column names
in the columns
attribute. A name can be defined with the name
<index columns="firstName,lastName,fullName" name="idx_names"/>
An index can be defined on a field using index
A custom index name can be provided (starting with 'idx_' prefix), else default
index name is generated using table name and column name.
By default, all reference fields, namecolumn, name and code are automatically indexed.
<string name="firstName" required="true" index="true"/>
<string name="lastName" required="true" index="idx_contact_last_name"/>
Unique Constraint
The <unique-constraint>
tag can be used to define a composite unique constraint.
It is defined by specifying a comma-separated list of column names
in the columns
attribute. A name can be defined with the name
<unique-constraint columns="first_name,last_name" />
Field Encryption
Starting from 5.0, we can now encrypt sensitive fields. In order to use this feature, following application settings are required:
# Encryption
# ~~~~~
# Set encryption password
encryption.password = MySuperSecretKey
# Set encryption algorithm (CBC or GCM)
#encryption.algorithm = CBC
We can mark <string>
and <binary>
fields as encrypted like this:
<string name="myEmail" encrypted="true" />
<binary name="myPicture" encrypted="true" />
Encrypted values will be longer than actual values, so you should make sure that the field size is reasonably good enough to hold the encrypted value in database.
Entity Listeners
One or more <entity-listener>
tags can be used to define entity listeners. This would add an @EntityListeners
annotation to the generated entity class:
<entity name="Contact">
<entity-listener class=""/>
Attribute | Description |
fully qualified name of the entity listener class |
You may then define your own entity listener classes with callback methods annotated with lifecycle event annotations for which they are invoked:
public class ContactListener {
// Called upon PostPersist or PostUpdate events on Contact objects.
private void onPostPersistOrUpdate(Contact contact) {
System.out.println("Contact saved");
Lifecycle event annotations: