2.0 Migration Guide

In this document, we will see the major steps to migrate from 1.x to 2.0.

Please check the change log for detailed list of fixes, changes and improvements introduced in 2.0

BPM Groovy Script Variables syntax changed

Groovy pre-defined variables has changed its expressions to adapt with AOP expressions

Old name

New name




Used for using the context Map of the BPM model



Access to the class Beans



Give access to the transformation class defined in studio



Return the current date



Return the current user authenticated



Return the current time



Give access the repo object



The app configurations data



Return the current date time

Install Studio

Use the new enableFeature method of AppSettings to dynamically add the properties "Enable app" to tell if studio is installed or not.

enable studio

Display logs

Parameter the webapp

In the axelor-config.properties file, you need to specify this configuration before deployment:

# Enable BPMN logging
studio.bpm.logging = true

usage in the app

No configuration is required in the application. logs are displayed on the instance scale :

log BPM
  1. Clear log: Clear the logs of the relevant instance.

  2. Com.axelor.studio.bpm.service.job.ClearLogJob is a batch job for clearing logs.

  3. When an instance is terminated (no more tokens in circulation within the instance), the logs are cleared.

Enable track web service logs

Enable Track web service logs will create a log file on any connector executed .

enable web service logs

Order the requests on the connector

Please pay attention to the order of the requests on each connector. The new version will arrange the requests as they are defined by the order of the database. Therefore, please verify the order of the requests on the connectors.