Form View

The form view shows a single record in form layout. It’s the main view to see a record with details.

Form view has two modes:

  • readonly - mode shows fields values as html text

  • editable - mode shows field editors with values

A form view is defined like this:

<form name="contact-form"
      model=""> (1)
  <panel name="overviewPanel" title="Overview"> (2)
    <field name="fullName" readonly="false"> (3)
      <editor> (4)
        <field name="title" colSpan="3"/>
        <field name="firstName" colSpan="4"/>
        <field name="lastName" colSpan="5"/>
    <field name="dateOfBirth" />
    <field name="email">
      <viewer><![CDATA[ (5)
      <a href="mailto:{{}}">{{}}</a>
    <field name="phone">
      <a href="tel:{{}}">{{}}</a>
  <panel name="aboutMePanel" title="About me">
      <field name="notes" showTitle="false" colSpan="12"/>
  <panel-related name="addressesPanel" field="addresses"> (6)
      <field name="street"/>
      <field name="area"/>
      <field name="city"/>
      <field name="state"/>
      <field name="zip"/>
      <field name="country"/>
  <panel name="sidebarPanel" sidebar="true"> (7)
    <field name="createdOn"/>
    <field name="createdBy"/>
    <field name="updatedOn"/>
    <field name="updatedBy"/>
1 form view for the given domain model
2 panel to group relevant fields
3 an input field bound to the given model
4 an editor can be used to define custom editor for the field
5 a viewer can be used to define custom template to display field value
6 a panel-related can be used to show o2m/m2m fields
7 a panel to show in the right sidebar

Form view can have the following attributes:

Attribute Description


name of the view, duplicates are considered overriding


fully qualified name of the domain model


the form view title


If overriding some existing one, provide a unique id to identify this one.


whether the form is editable


boolean expression to make form readonly


action to call on creating new record


action call when record is loaded


action call when record is copied


action to call when deleting record


action to call on saving this form


boolean expression to the 'New' button


boolean expression to the 'Edit' button


boolean expression to the 'Delete' button


boolean expression to the 'Copy' button


boolean expression to the 'Save' button


boolean expression to the 'Attachment' button


The preferred width style of the view: mini, mid or large.

The form uses responsive layout that adjusts according to the available screen size. The form is divided into 12 columns. The first 8 columns are used to place main panels and the rest 4 columns are used to place the sidebar panels. If sidebar panels are not provided the normal panels will occupy all the 12 columns.


Let’s see each type of panel.

  • panel - panel with 12 columns, generally used to put simple fields

  • panel-tabs - contains other panels which are shown as notebook tabs

  • panel-stack - contains other panels which are attached

  • panel-related - a panel to put o2m/m2m fields

  • panel-include - include another panel form

  • panel-dashlet - dashlet panel can be used to embed other views


A panel can have the following attributes:

Attribute Description


title of the panel


name of the panel


number of columns taken by the widget


default span for child items


whether to hide the widget


boolean expression to hide the panel


whether the widget should be considered readonly


boolean expression to mark the panel readonly


boolean expression to show the panel


an action to execute when the panel tab is selected (if it’s top-level in panel-tabs)


whether to show frame around the panel


whether to show the panel title


whether to show this panel in sidebar


whether to attach the panel with previous one


whether the stack panel items


use the widget if the given module is installed


specify whether the panel is collapsible


specify a boolean expression to collapse/expend this panel


help text displayed on mouse hover

<panel title="Overview">
  <!-- widgets -->

Panel Tabs

A panel-tabs contains other panels which are shown as notebook tabs. It includes all panel attributes except for itemSpan, title and showTitle.

  <panel-related field="relatedField"/>
  <panel title="Notes">
    <!-- widgets -->

Panel Stack

A panel-stack contains other panels. It is a stack of panels and child panels are placed one by one.

It include all panel attributes except for itemSpan, title and showTitle.

<panel-stack showIf="color">
  <panel title="Page 1" showIf="color == 'black'"/>
  <panel title="Page 2" showIf="color == 'white'"/>
  <panel title="Page 3" showIf="color == 'gray'"/>

A panel-related is used to put o2m/m2m fields. It shows a separate panel bellow the normal panels with a grid widget having fields defined inside.

It includes all panel and relational attributes except for itemSpan. A panel-related includes the following attributes:

Attribute Description


title of the panel


whether the grid is inline editable


comma-separated list of field names to sort the records


action to call on creating new record


action to call when field value is changed


whether to allow re-ordering of rows with drag & drop


number of rows (not pixel height)


specify the row selection control: checkbox (default) to show checkbox selection, none to disable it.


display mode of edit window for relational fields. Can be self, blank or popup (default value).


name of the widget to be used on the collection field: tag-select, master-detail, expandable, tree-grid

With canMove, sequencing is done on field specified by orderBy, and it must be only one integer field. If not specified, not sequencing is done. On one-to-many/many-to-many grids, orderBy is required with canMove, except for dummy fields.
<panel-related field="addresses">
  <!-- grid widgets -->
See widgets TagSelect, MasterDetail, Expandable and TreeGrid for usage and available widget attributes.

Panel Include

A panel-include includes another panel form.

A panel-include can have following attributes:

Attribute Description


Name of an existing view


Name of the module from which the view should be included


use the widget if the given module is installed

<panel-include view="product-from" from="axelor-sale"/>

Panel Dashlet

A panel-dashlet can be used to embed other views like chart, portlet, iframe…

A panel-dashlet can have following attributes:

Attribute Description



name of the panel


title of the panel


enable search header (for grid views) or search box (for card views)


height taken by the widget


number of columns taken by the widget


whether to hide the widget


boolean expression to hide the panel


whether the widget should be considered readonly


boolean expression to mark the panel readonly


boolean expression to show the panel


whether to show the panel title


use the widget if the given module is installed

<panel-dashlet action="chart:chart.sales.per.month"/>

Panel Widgets

The panel can use the following widgets:

  • menu - define a custom menu for the panel

  • field - binds a model field, automatically selects appropriate widget

  • spacer - can be used to skip a cell

  • separator - can be used to define a boundary

  • label - can be used to set a static label (prefer static)

  • static - can be used to show static text (preferred over label)

  • help - can be used to show static help information

  • button - a button widget that executes some action

  • button-group - group of buttons

  • panel - an embedded panel

  • panel-dashlet - an embedded panel-dashlet

  • panel-include - an embedded panel-include

  • panel-related - an embedded panel-related

The field has few properties, but most common of them are:

  • name - name of the widget

  • hidden - whether the widget is hidden

  • readonly - whether the widget is readonly

  • required - whether the field is required

Dummy fields

Form view can have dummy fields. These fields are not bound to any of the model fields but used to provide additional context.

Dummy fields can be specified like:

<!-- string field if type is not specified -->
<field name="some" />
<!-- integer field, prefixed with $ to avoid dirty flag -->
<field name="$another" type="integer" min="1" max="100" />

<!-- relational fields -->
<field name="some" type="many-to-one"
  x-target-name="fullName" />

Dummy field can also have x-dirty="false attribute to avoid dirty flag on the form when that field is updated.

The legacy way is to prefix field name with $. The rules are :

  • in server side, setting the dummy field value, use $ prefix but when accessing the dummy field value, don’t use $ prefix.

  • in client side, always accessing the dummy field value with the $ prefix.

<!-- avoid dirty flag, using `x-dirty="false"` attribute
or prefix the field name with `$` -->
<field name="some" x-dirty="false"/>
<field name="$another" type="integer"/>
The legacy dirty checking behavior of the $ prefixed fields is now deprecated and is scheduled to be removed.

Field editor

We can define custom editor for fields using <editor> child element on a field.

<!-- editor for a computed field -->
<field name="fullName">
    <field name="title" />
    <field name="firstName" />
    <field name="lastName" />

<!-- editor for a many-to-one field -->
<field name="customer">
  <editor x-viewer="true">
    <field name="firstName" />
    <field name="lastName" />
    <field name="email" />

<!-- editor for a one-to-many field -->
<field name="emails">
  <editor layout="table" onNew="compute-default-email">
    <field name="email" />
    <field name="primary" widget="toggle" x-icon="fa-star-o" x-icon-active="fa-star" x-exclusive="true" />
    <field name="optOut" widget="toggle" x-icon="fa-ban" />
    <field name="invalid" widget="toggle" x-icon="fa-exclamation-circle" />

The editor can have the following properties:

  • layout - alternative layout (panel (default) or table)

  • onNew - an action to call when creating new record (only for one-to-many editors)

  • x-viewer - can be used to consider editor as viewer

  • x-show-titles - whether to show titles on editor fields

  • x-show-on-new - whether to show the editor when creating new record

The toggle widget is specifically created for one-to-many editors to set boolean flags on the record. The toggle widget has following attributes:

  • x-icon - the icon to show when field value is not set or false

  • x-icon-ative - the icon to show when field value is true

  • x-exclusive - if true than the field of only this line of o2m list can be true

The editor can use the following widgets:

  • field - binds a model field, automatically selects appropriate widget

  • button - a button widget that executes some action

  • spacer - can be used to skip a cell

  • separator - can be used to define a boundary

  • label - can be used to set a static label

  • panel - an embedded panel

Field viewer

We can define custom viewer for fields using <viewer> child element on a field.

<!-- custom viewer on a normal field -->
<field name="customer">

<!-- custom viewer on a many-to-one field -->
<field name="customer">
  <viewer depends="fullName,email"><![CDATA[
  <a href="mailto:{{}}">{{}}</a>

<!-- customer viewer on a one-to-many field -->
<field name="emails">
  <a href="mailto:{{}}">{{}}</a>

The viewer uses template to render the values.

If viewer uses fields not in current form view, they should be listed as a comma seperated list of fields with depends="" attribute.

The viewer template can have following helper functions to render values:

  • $get(name) - get the nested value

  • $moment(date) - covert date value to moment.js instance

  • $number(value) - convert text value to number

  • $image(fieldName) - get image url for the given image field

  • $fmt(fieldName) - get formated value of the given field

Field tooltip

We can define a details template on a field to show extra information about the cell with mouse over.

<field name="customer">
  <tooltip depends="fullName">
  <strong>Name: </strong><span>{{record.fullName}}</span>