
The Axelor Open Platform web application provides some built-in widgets. These widgets are used to represent data in form view.

All the widgets represents a domain object field and can override all the properties (min, max, required, readonly etc.) of underlying fields.

Following widgets have been implemented:


The string widget represents the string data type. It’s used for simple string fields.

<field name="code"/>


This widget can be used for string fields to enter email address. The input value will be validated to ensure user provides a valid email id. Clicking on the icon opens your default email client with the destination email pre-filled.

<field name="email" widget="email" />


This widget can be used for string fields to enter url value. The input value will be validated to ensure user provides a valid url. Clicking on the icon opens the url on a new tab.

<field name="url" widget="url" />


The phone widget can be used for string fields to enter and formats phone numbers. It renders the field as a phone number link in readonly mode, and as a phone number input with a country/region selector in edit mode.

The default country is locale aware and is based on user language. If user language doesn’t contain country code, a matching country is searched in user’s browser locales. In case of no country match in browser locales, there is some fallback behavior. For example, if user language is fr, and browser locales are fr, fr-CA, en, en-US, then country would be ca. if user language is ja, country would fallback to jp.

<field name="phone" widget="phone" />

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-placeholder-number-type: country-dependent number type to use for the placeholder: FIXED_LINE (default) or MOBILE

  • x-initial-country: initial country selection by specifying its two-letter country code (defaults to user/browser locale)

  • x-preferred-countries: countries to appear at the top of the list (comma-separated list of two-letter country codes) (defaults to user/browser locales)

  • x-only-countries: in the country dropdown, only display the specified countries (comma-separated list of two-letter country codes)


This widget can be used for string fields to securely enter password values. It replaces each character with a dot symbol unless you click on the eye icon which toggles field input visibility.

<field name="password" widget="password" />


The number widget is used for integer and decimal data fields.

<field name="integer" widget="Integer"/>
<field name="price" widget="Decimal" x-scale="2" x-precision="18"/>
<field name="decimal" widget="Decimal" x-scale="currency.decimalPlaces" x-precision="18"/>

The following attributes are supported:

  • min: lowest bound of the value

  • max: upper bound of the value

  • x-scale: scale of the decimal value (total number of digits in decimal part). It accepts an integer for a fix scale, or a field name for a dynamic evaluation.

  • x-precision: precision of the decimal value (total number of digits).

<field name="integer" widget="Integer"/>
<field name="decimal" widget="Decimal" x-scale="2" x-precision="18"/>
<field name="decimal" widget="Decimal" x-scale="currency.decimalPlaces" x-precision="18"/>


The Slider widget works on integer and decimal fields. It provides the ability to select a value within a range.

<field name="price" widget="Slider" x-step="10" />
<field name="price" widget="Slider" min="1" max="10" x-scale="currency.decimalPlaces" x-slider-show-min-max="true" />
slider 2

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-step: slider’s step value. Default to 1 for integer fields type and to scale value for decimal fields type.

  • x-slider-show-min-max: display min and max values below slider. Default to false.


The color picker widget is used for string data fields. It provides the ability to pick a color in a popper. The value is stored in hexadecimal.

<field name="color" widget="ColorPicker"/>
<field name="color" widget="ColorPicker" x-lite="true"/>
color picker
color picker 2

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-lite: change color picker popper to a basic palette. Default to false.

  • x-color-picker-show-alpha: whether to accept color with alpha (ie, opacity). Not supported with x-lite attribute. Default to true.

By default, it returns hex code format #RRGGBB. When alpha is enabled, it returns hex code format #RRGGBBAA, where alpha is A.


The rating widget is used for integer/long/decimal data fields. It provides ability to collect measurable opinions/experiences/feedbacks/…​

By default, star icon will be colored in yellow when checked and heart in pink. The record value of the first icon is 1, the last is the one defined in max attribute. By clicking on the last checked icon, it reset the value to 0.

Widget support partial rating on decimal fields but only for display purpose (for example, an average).

<field name="fidelity" type="Integer" widget="Rating"/>
<field name="myRating" type="Integer" widget="Rating" x-rating-icon="heart"/>
<field name="myRating" type="Integer" widget="Rating" max="8" x-rating-icon="airplane"/>
<field name="myRating" type="Integer" widget="Rating" x-rating-icon="1-square,2-square,3-square,4-square,5-square"/>
<field name="satisfaction" type="Integer" widget="Rating" x-rating-icon="emoji-angry,emoji-frown,emoji-neutral,emoji-smile,emoji-laughing" x-rating-color="#d32f2f,#d32f2f,#ed6c02,#2e7d32,#2e7d32" x-rating-highlight-selected="true" x-rating-fill="false"/>
rating 2

The following attributes are supported:

  • max: the number of icon to display. Default to 5.

  • x-rating-icon: Bootstrap icon to use. It also supports comma-separated list of icons. Default to star.

  • x-rating-color: color to use when checked. It also supports comma-separated list of colors.

  • x-rating-fill: whether the icon should use fill style when checked. Defaults to true.

  • x-rating-highlight-selected: whether to highlight only the selected icon. Defaults to false.


The date widget is used for Date data fields. Clicking on the icon opens a calendar popper to select a date easily in edit mode.

<field name="date" widget="Date" />


The time widget is used for Time data fields.

<field name="time" widget="Time" />

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-seconds: Show seconds. Default to false.


The date time widget is used for DateTime data fields. The field is rendered as a Date widget but also accepts hours and minutes.

<field name="dateTime" widget="DateTime" />
date time

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-seconds: Show seconds. Default to false.


The relative time widget is used for Date and DateTime data fields. The field renders relative time from now.

<field name="updatedOn" widget="RelativeTime" />
relative time

On a datetime field type, here is the output depending on the range :

Range Sample Output

0 to 44 seconds

A few seconds ago

45 to 89 seconds

A minute ago

90 seconds to 44 minutes

2 minutes ago …​ 44 minutes ago

45 to 89 minutes

An hour ago

90 minutes to 21 hours

2 hours ago …​ 21 hours ago

22 to 35 hours

A day ago

36 hours to 25 days

2 days ago …​ 25 days ago

26 to 45 days

A month ago

46 days to 10 months

2 months ago …​ 10 months ago

11 months to 17months

A year ago

18 months+

2 years ago …​ 20 years ago

On a date field type, it will handle special cases depending on following conditions :

  • if date is today : Today

  • if date is tomorrow : Tomorrow

  • if date is yesterday : Yesterday

  • if date is within next week : Monday …​ Sunday (name of the day of the week)

  • if date is within last week : Last Monday …​ Sunday (name of the day of the week)


The duration widget is used for integer/long data fields.

<field name="duration" widget="Duration" />

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-big: If expected duration is more than 100 hours. Default to false.

  • x-seconds: Show seconds. Default to false.


The widget is used for boolean data fields.

<field name="boolean" widget="boolean" />


The widget is used for boolean data fields. The field is rendered as a combo box with yes/no selection.

<field name="booleanSelect" widget="BooleanSelect" />
<field name="booleanSelect" widget="BooleanSelect" x-true-text="On" x-false-text="Off" />
boolean select

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-true-text: Change true text. Default to "Yes".

  • x-false-text: Change false text. Default to "No".


The widget is used for boolean data fields. The field is rendered as a group of two radio boxes with yes/no text.

<field name="booleanRadio" widget="boolean-radio" />
<field name="booleanRadio" widget="boolean-radio" x-true-text="On" x-false-text="Off" />
boolean radio

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-true-text: Change true text. Default to "Yes".

  • x-false-text: Change false text. Default to "No".

  • x-direction: If value is "vertical", renders the radio list vertically. Default to horizontal.


The widget is used for boolean data fields. The field is rendered as a switching selector.

<field name="booleanSwitch" widget="boolean-switch" />
boolean switch


The widget is used for boolean data fields. The field is rendered as a two state toggle button. By default, the toggle button icon is a square for unchecked state and square-fill for checked state.

<field name="confirmed" widget="toggle" />
<field name="confirmed" type="Boolean" widget="Toggle" x-icon="star" x-icon-active="star-fill"/>
toggle 2

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-icon: specify an icon for unchecked state

  • x-icon-hover: specify an icon for hover state

  • x-icon-active: specify an icon for checked state


The widget is used for boolean data fields. The field is rendered as default boolean widget but with the title on right.

<field name="inlineCheckbox" widget="InlineCheckbox" />
inline checkbox


The text widget is used for multiline or large string data fields.

<field name="description" widget="Text"/>

The following attribute is supported:

  • height: specify the visible height of the text area, in lines. Default to 5.


This widget is used to show static help information in form view.

Some help text goes here....


This widget is similar to help widget but doesn’t apply any specific style

Some static text goes here....


The widget is used for many-to-one fields.

<field name="customer" /> <!-- assuming it's m2o field -->
<field name="some" x-type="many-to-one"
  x-target-name="fullName" /> <!-- dummy m2o field -->
many to one

The viewer and editor for this field refers to the linked record.

<field name="contact">
    <field name="firstName" />
    <field name="lastName" />
many to one 2


The widget is used for one-to-one fields. This is same many-to-one widget.


The widget is used for one-to-many fields.

<panel-related field="items" /> <!-- assuming it's o2m field -->
<panel-related field="some" x-type="one-to-many"
  x-target="com.axelor.sale.db.OrderItem" /> <!-- dummy o2m field -->
one to many

The default widget uses a grid widget to show linked records. You can specify field names to show in the list:

<panel-related field="items">
  <field name="product" />
  <field name="quantity" />
  <field name="price" />
  <field name="taxes" />
one to many 2

You can also display the values as repeated viewer or editor using normal field widget:

<field name="addresses" colSpan="12">
    <Box>{street} {area}</Box>
    <Box>{city}, {state} - {zip}</Box>
  <editor x-show-titles="false">
    <field name="street" colSpan="12" />
    <field name="area" colSpan="12" />
    <field name="city" colSpan="4" />
    <field name="state" colSpan="4" />
    <field name="zip" colSpan="4" />
    <field name="country" colSpan="12" widget="SuggestBox" />
one to many 3


The widget is used for many-to-many fields. This is same widget as one-to-many but one additional icon to select existing records.


This widget is supported on one-to-many and many-to-many fields. It allows to show a form view below the grid view for the currently selected row.

  <field name="product" onChange="action-order-line-change-product" />
  <field name="price" />
  <field name="quantity" />
  <field name="taxes" />
master detail

The following attribute is supported:

  • summary-view: (optional) used to define the form view shown below the grid view. If not specified, the view specified by form-view attribute is used instead.

If grid is editable, summary form view stays readonly.


This widget is supported on one-to-many fields and top-level grids. It allows to show an expandable form view below each row.

  <field name="product" onChange="action-order-line-change-product"/>
  <field name="price"/>
  <field name="quantity"/>
  <field name="taxes"/>

The following attributes are supported:

  • summary-view: (optional) used to define the expandable form view. If not specified, the view specified by form-view attribute is used instead.

  • x-expand-all: (optional) to enable expand all feature, you have to specify a comma-separated list of nested expandable collection fields, if any. Supported on form field only, not on top-level grid.


This widget is supported on one-to-many fields. It allows to show a tree-like structure in a grid view. With editable="true" (inline edit), when you edit a row at any nesting level, you can press Ctrl+Enter to add a subitem.

  title="Items (Tree)"
  x-tree-field-title="Add subline"
  <field name="product" onChange="action-order-line-change-product"/>
  <field name="price" width="200" />
  <field name="quantity" width="150" />
tree grid

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-tree-field: (optional) used to define the nested o2m field, defaults to panel-related/field name.

  • x-tree-limit: (optional) used to specify limit to support nested tree structure.

  • x-tree-field-title: (optional) title used for add subitem button, defaults to "Add subitem" (button is shown only when item contains no subitems).

  • x-expand-all: (optional) it’s enabled by default with tree-grid, it uses x-tree-field value as x-expand-all value. To disable it, we can set it to "false"

  • summary-view: (optional) used to define the extended form view, which will be displayed along with sub-lines view.

Only onChange action on root collection is performed. Actions defined on sub-items are not supported.


The binary widget is file upload widget used with binary fields.

<field name="file" widget="binary" />

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-accept: Specify the file types the file input should accept. Can be a filename extension or a MIME type (see MDN doc)

This widget can be used with many-to-one fields referencing com.axelor.meta.db.MetaFile records. It allows single click download and upload.

<field name="metaFile" widget="binary-link" />
binary link

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-accept: Specify the file types the file input should accept. Can be a filename extension or a MIME type (see MDN doc)


The image widget is used with binary fields that stores image data or many-to-one fields referencing com.axelor.meta.db.MetaFile records.

<field name="picture" widget="image" />

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-accept: Specify the file types the file input should accept. Can be a filename extension or a MIME type (see MDN doc)


The drawing widget is used to freely draw on a pop-up canvas. It uses binary fields that stores image data or many-to-one fields referencing com.axelor.meta.db.MetaFile records.

<field name="signature" widget="drawing" />
<field name="signature" widget="drawing" x-stroke-width="2" x-stroke-color="red" />
<field name="signature" widget="drawing" x-stroke-width="1.5" x-stroke-color="aqua" x-drawing-height="800" x-drawing-width="700" />
drawing 2

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-stroke-width: The stroke width. Default to 0.5.

  • x-stroke-color: The stroke color. Can be any color name. Default to black.

  • x-drawing-height: The drawing height in px. Default to 200.

  • x-drawing-width: The drawing width in px. Default to 500.


The button widget is used to show a clickable button on a form.

<button name="customBtn" title="Click Me!" onClick="actions"
  prompt="This is a confirmation message."
  icon="fa-check-square-o" />
<button name="customBtn" title="Button" link="https://axelor.com" />
button 2

The following attributes are supported:

  • onClick: action to execute on click event

  • prompt: confirmation message before performing client action

  • link: If specified then the button is rendered as a link. Use empty value if you only need a link effect and perform actual action with onClick.

  • icon: button icon (an image or an icon)

  • iconHover: button icon on mouse hover (an image or an icon)


The Progress widget is used to show a progress bar.

<field name="progress" title="Progress" widget="Progress"
  x-colors="r:24,y:49,b:74,g:100" />

Progress widget supports following attributes:

  • min: number value to specify minimum range for progress (default to 0)

  • max: number value to specify maximum range for progress (default to 100)

  • x-colors: color options to configure the bar color (default to r:24,y:49,b:74,g:100)

Using the x-colors options, you can configure the bar color. Four colors can be configured. With r:24,y:49,b:74,g:100, following colors will be used depending on the percentage value :

  • red (r) - if percentage value in range [0, 24]

  • yellow (y) - if percentage value in range [25, 49]

  • blue (b) - if percentage value in range [50, 74]

  • green (g) - if percentage value in range [75, 100]


Similar to the Progress widget, the SelectProgress widget can be used with a selection field to show selection in editable mode and for readonly mode it will display as progress widget.

<selection name="select.progress.selection">
  <option value="0">None</option>
  <option value="50">Half</option>
  <option value="100">Full</option>

<field name="selectProgress" widget="SelectProgress" selection="select.progress.selection"/>
select progress
select progress 2

The NavSelect widget is a breadcrumb like widget and can be used with selection fields.

<field name="status" widget="NavSelect" />
nav select


The SwitchSelect widget works on selection, enum and many-to-one fields. It is used to pick a choice from a multiple-choice list.

<field name="status" widget="SwitchSelect" x-direction="vertical" />
<field name="businessSector" widget="SwitchSelect" />
<field name="businessSector" widget="SwitchSelect" x-labels="false" />
switch select
switch select 2

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-labels: Whether to display labels. Default to true.

  • x-direction: If value is "vertical", renders the list vertically. Default to horizontal.


The Stepper widget works on selection, enum and many-to-one fields. It is used to indicate progress through a multi-step process.

<field name="status" widget="Stepper" />
<field name="stepper" widget="Stepper" x-stepper-show-description="true" x-stepper-type="icon" x-stepper-completed="false" selection="stepper.process.selection"/>
stepper 2

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-stepper-show-description: If true, display description below label. Not supported on reference fields. Default to false.

  • x-stepper-type: If value is "icon", display icon instead of numeric indicator. Not supported on reference fields. Default to numeric.

  • x-stepper-completed: If true, the current step indicator is fully colored instead of having a simple border. Default to true.


The RadioSelect widget can be used with selection fields. The field is rendered as radio selection list.

<field name="status" widget="RadioSelect" />
radio select

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-direction: If value is "vertical", renders the radio list vertically. Default to horizontal.


The CheckboxSelect is same as RadioSelect but uses checkbox list.

<field name="status" widget="CheckboxSelect" />
checkbox select

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-direction: If value is "vertical", renders the checkbox list vertically. Default to horizontal.


The ImageSelect widget can be used with a selection field where selection icon is either image urls or font icons. If no icon is provided, it uses the value as icon.

x-labels attribute can be provided to show or not the selection text (default to true).

<field name="IconSelect" selection="my.social.network.selection" widget="ImageSelect" title="Social network"/>

<selection name="my.social.network.selection">
   <option value="1" icon="discord">Discord</option>
   <option value="2" icon="facebook">Facebook</option>
   <option value="3" icon="instagram">Instagram</option>
   <option value="4" icon="linkedin">Linkedin</option>
   <option value="5" icon="twitter-x">X</option>
image select


The MultiSelect widget can be used with a selection field to select multiple values displayed as tags. Tag colors can be defined in the selection options via the color attribute.

<selection name="product.color.selection">
  <option value="black" color="black ">Black</option>
  <option value="white" color="white">White</option>
  <option value="gray" color="grey">Gray</option>
  <option value="red" color="red">Red</option>
  <option value="green" color="green">Green</option>
  <option value="blue" color="blue">Blue</option>
  <option value="yellow" color="yellow">Yellow</option>
  <option value="chocolate" color="brown">Brown</option>
  <option value="orange" color="orange">Orange</option>
  <option value="purple" color="purple">Purple</option>
  <option value="pink" color="pink">Pink</option>

<field name="colorVariants" widget="MultiSelect" selection="product.color.selection" />
multi select

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-selection-show-checkbox: Show checkbox. Default to false.


The SingleSelect widget can be used with a selection field to select a single value displayed as a tag. Tag colors can be defined in the selection options via the color attribute.

<selection name="order.status.selection">
  <option value="DRAFT" color="blue">Draft</option>
  <option value="OPEN" color="yellow">Open</option>
  <option value="CANCELED" color="red">Canceled</option>
  <option value="CLOSED" color="green">Closed</option>

<field name="orderStatus" widget="SingleSelect" selection="order.status.selection"/>
single select


The SuggestBox widget can be used with a many-to-one or one-to-one field to show suggestion list of matching records (similar to selection fields).

<field name="title" widget="SuggestBox"/>
suggest box


The TagSelect widget can be used with a many-to-many field to select multiple values displayed as tags.

<field name="circles" widget="TagSelect"/>
tag select

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-color-field: specify the tag color field that should use selection color.name.selection.

  • x-image-field: specify the image field to use.

Available tag color values for MultiSelect, SingleSelect, and TagSelect:

<selection name="color.name.selection">
  <option value="red" color="red">Red</option>
  <option value="pink" color="pink">Pink</option>
  <option value="purple" color="purple">Purple</option>
  <option value="deeppurple" color="deeppurple">Deep Purple</option>
  <option value="indigo" color="indigo">Indigo</option>
  <option value="blue" color="blue">Blue</option>
  <option value="lightblue" color="lightblue">Light Blue</option>
  <option value="cyan" color="cyan">Cyan</option>
  <option value="teal" color="teal">Teal</option>
  <option value="green" color="green">Green</option>
  <option value="lightgreen" color="lightgreen">Light Green</option>
  <option value="lime" color="lime">Lime</option>
  <option value="yellow" color="yellow">Yellow</option>
  <option value="amber" color="amber">Amber</option>
  <option value="orange" color="orange">Orange</option>
  <option value="deeporange" color="deeporange">Deep Orange</option>
  <option value="brown" color="brown">Brown</option>
  <option value="grey" color="grey">Grey</option>
  <option value="bluegrey" color="bluegrey">Blue Grey</option>
  <option value="black" color="black">Black</option>
  <option value="white" color="white">White</option>


Sometimes we need to reference a record from different types. For example, in an Email, we may have to give reference to an Invoice or SaleOrder or even a Contact. The standard ManyToOne field can’t work here as it can only refer single type.

The RefSelect widget can be used in such cases. In order to use RefSelect, we require two fields in target object and a selection of types.

<entity ...>
  <string name="reference" /> (1)
  <integer name="referenceId" /> (2)
1 - will store the reference object type name
2 - will store the reference record id

and a selection of types:

<selection name="my.reference.select">
  <option value="com.axelor.sale.db.Order">SaleOrder</option> (1)
  <option value="com.axelor.contact.db.Contact"
    data-domain="self.email LIKE '%gmail%'"
    data-grid="my-custom-grid-view">Contact</option> (2)
1 - define selection option with fully qualified type name as value
2 - you can define extra attributes using data- prefix

and we can use the reference widget like this:

<form ...>
  <field name="reference" selection="my.reference.select" widget="RefSelect" />
ref select
ref select 2

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-related: specify related field. Default to fieldName + "Id" concatenated (reference ⇒ referenceId).

Use data-grid or data-form attributes to specify different views

In edit mode, this widget is the same as RefSelect. But in readonly mode, it only displays the link to the record (the type is not displayed).

ref link

Example usage from TeamTask:

<field name="relatedModel"
  x-related="relatedId" />

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-related: specify related field. Default to fieldName + "Id" concatenated (reference ⇒ referenceId).

In edit mode, this widget is used as string field input and we can enter interpolate string value. But in readonly mode, it displayed as Image widget with src link to that input value.

<field name="imageLink" widget="ImageLink" />
image link
image link 2


eval ref select

This widget can be used to select reference value depending on dynamic target model value. The following attributes should be provided:

  • x-eval-target: expression to find target model

  • x-eval-target-name: expression to find target model name field

  • x-eval-value: expression to get/set reference value (id)

  • x-eval-title: expression to get/set reference title (name value)

Example usage from MetaJsonField:

<field name="contextFieldValue"
  x-eval-title="contextFieldTitle" />


ref text

This widget can be used to select string field value of a record.

  • x-target: target model

  • x-target-name: target model name field

  • x-target-search: optional additional field value in selection list, displayed as x-target-name (x-target-search)

  • x-domain: optional domain filter on target model

Example where we select model name of meta model:

<field name="model" required="true" widget="ref-text"
  x-target-name="fullName" />

Example where we select name of meta view, add module name in selection list, and use a domain filter:

<field name="view" widget="ref-text"
  x-domain="self.model = :model AND self.type IN ('form', 'grid')" />


The CodeEditor widget is a special widget for string data fields to use a code editor to input the source code text.

<field name="script" widget="code-editor" x-code-syntax="xml"/>
code editor

The following attributes are supported:

  • x-code-syntax: syntax highlighting

  • x-code-theme: theme to style the editor. If not defined, use the default theme.

As part of the new v7 front-end built on top of React, x-code-theme is no more supported. It will be re-added in a future version.


The html editor widget is a special widget for string data fields to provide html text.

Html widget has a special attribute x-lite to use a compact and little version of the widget.

<field name="note" widget="html"/>
<field name="note" widget="html" x-lite="true"/>
html 2

The following attribute is supported:

  • x-lite: Show a lighter version of the widget. Default to false.


This can be used on a button to dispay data bound to a record value (real or dummy). If the name of the button is the name of a field, it is bound to that field. Otherwise, use the x-field attribute to specify the bound field.

When using x-field, the button and the field are 2 distinct elements. Any attributes defined on that field will be used to format the value. Moreover, this allows to change the button attributes without impact on the bound field.

    title="Total amount"
  <field name="totalAmount" hidden="true"/>
info button

Extra Attributes

In addition to the common properties, widgets supports the following extra properties depending on the widget/type.

Attribute Description Default


expression to bind to the field value


whether the field contributes to the record dirty check



the names of required fields to be used for quick record creation from select widget


specify an icon


specify an icon for hover state


whether the boolean field used inside the o2m repeat editor should be exclusive



comma-separated list of names of icons to show, or false to hide them all :

  • editor: edit, view, select, clear

  • multirelational field: select, new, edit, view, remove


whether to reset dummy field value on form save



whether to allow copy of o2m/m2m field items



action to call after duplicating record in o2m/m2m grid, used when x-can-copy is true


action to call when deleting record in o2m/m2m grid


layout direction (horizontal, vertical) of some widgets (e.g. radio-select)



syntax highlighting for the code editor widget


specify the order of suggest box list


specify the maximum number of items in suggest box list



specify the default page limit of search popup



precision of the decimal value (total number of digits)


scale of the decimal value (total number of digits in decimal part).

It accepts an integer for a fix scale, or a field name for a dynamic evaluation.



specify the file types the file input should accept


specify the image field to use with m2o and tag-select widget


specify whether to open the editor, selector, or all popups as maximized


The form view widget’s states can be set using boolean expressions from the xml views.

These are:

  • showIf - show the widget

  • hideIf - hide the widget

  • requiredIf - mark the widget as required

  • readonlyIf - mark the widget as readonly

  • validIf - validate the field

The boolean expressions are evaluated against current form values. The following special variables can be used:

  • $moment(d) - a helper to convert date to moment.js object

  • $number(d) - a helper to convert text to number

  • $contains(list, item) - a helper to check whether list contains the item

  • $readonly() - whether the widget is readonly

  • $required() - whether the widget is required

  • $valid([name]) - whether the widget is valid

  • $invalid([name]) - whether the widget is invalid

  • $get(path) - get the value with dotted path

  • $popup() - whether the form is a popup

  • $user - login of current user

  • $group - group code of current user


<field name="createDate" readonlyIf="confirmed"/>

<field name="amount" validIf="$number(amount) &gt;= 100" />

<field name="password" validIf="password.length &gt; 5" />
<field name="confirmPassword" validIf="password === confirmPassword" />