Release Notes


The main highlights are :

  • Region support added on translations : fr-FR, fr-CA, …​

  • Implement password reset flow

  • Add support to track custom fields/models

  • String pattern validation set to be case-sensitive

  • Customize the login page via the properties application.sign-in.*

  • Add color picker widget

  • Add Stepper widget

  • Add SwitchSelect widget

  • Enhance relative time widget display

  • Add image field support on relational fields

  • Allow to configure client polling interval

  • Add more events to views (onDelete, onCopy, …​)

  • Add support to reset dummy field value on save

  • Enhance TreeGrid widget

Please check the change log for detailed list of changes and the 7.2 migration guide.


The main highlights are :

  • Introduce Axelor Enterprise Edition containing SSO authentications and view collaboration features

  • Implement Drawing widget (ie Signature Pad)

  • Add support to expandable and tree-grid for collection fields or grid views

  • Allow to export collection fields when exporting lists

  • Add area/scatter/radar charts support

  • Add OpenAPI v3 specifications and embedded Swagger UI

  • Add support to search on collection fields in grid views

  • Add support to calendar event popover template

  • Add flags support on phone widgets (ie internationalization)

  • Improve phone/url/password/email widgets with quick actions icons

  • Add support to collapsed Kanban columns

  • Add support to hilite elements on calendar views

Please check the change log for detailed list of changes and the 7.1 migration guide.


The main highlights are :

  • Migrate to new front-end built on top of React

Please check the change log for detailed list of changes and the 7.0 migration guide.


The main highlights are:

  • Code generator now merge entity fields attributes instead of replacing them

  • Implement views collaboration, allowing to see users that are seeing/editing/updating

  • Client-side sorting of o2m/m2m grids

  • Customizations of grid pagination

Please check the change log for detailed list of changes and the 6.1 migration guide.


This release adds a significant number of upgrades and new features.

The main highlights are :

  • Upgrade to JDK-11

  • Upgrade to Apache Tomcat® 9.x

  • Upgrade to Gradle 7.4.2

  • Upgrade to Groovy 3.0

  • Migrate to GraalVM JavaScript engine (drop nashorn engine)

  • Add WebSocket support for tag polling

  • Add QuickMenu to allow running actions from default page

  • Re-implement entity code generator in JAVA. Dropped old code generator written in Groovy in favor of a new code generator written in Java.

  • Re-implement authentication support

  • Application configuration is now Properties can be defined via file, system props or environment vars.

  • Many dependencies upgrades: Hibernate, Guice, JDBC, …​

  • Some deprecated features and usage have been removed

Please check the change log for detailed list of changes and the 6.0 migration guide.


This release comes with some important new features.

New Features

  • Implement grid view customization

  • Add support for defining view attrs externally

  • Numeric/Decimal/Date/DateTime format support based on browser language

  • Add support to show workflow status on top of the form

Fixes & Enhancements

Please check the change log for detailed list of changes.


This release comes with some important new features.

New Features

  • Refactor grid widget to improve inline edit experience

  • Gradle has been upgraded to 5.6.4

  • Parallelize loading of meta data

  • Add support for Basic Auth

  • Add CSRF protection

Fixes & Enhancements

Please check the change log for detailed list of changes.


This release comes with some important new features.

New Features

  • Add support for SAML2

  • Add support for OpenID Connect

  • Add support for more CAS client types

  • Add support for OAuth

  • Allow to add anonymous rest endpoints

Fixes & Enhancements

Please check the change log for detailed list of changes.


This release comes with some important new features.

New Features

  • Migrate to OpenJDK 8

  • New event system similar to CDI 2.0 event api

  • Support for JPA event listeners

  • Complete re-write of view extensions

Fixes & Enhancements

Please check the change log for detailed list of changes.


This release comes with tons of new features, new refreshed look and feel and much more.

New Features

  • Migrate to Java 8

  • Migrate to Hibernate 5

  • Migrate to java.time api (dropped joda.time)

  • Tomcat 8.5

  • Superfast HikariCP connection pool

  • Oracle support (min version 12c)

  • MySQL support (min version 5.7)

  • Multi-Tenancy support

  • Custom fields support

  • Custom models support

  • Encrypted fields support

  • JavaScript scripting support

  • JCache integration for hibernate L2-cache

  • IntelliJ IDEA support

  • Eclipse support with buildship

  • Experimental hotswap support

and a lot more…​

Fixes & Enhancements

Please check the change log for detailed list of changes.