
The dashboard is used to provide overviews. The dashboard view is composed of dashlets and optional search fields.

<dashboard name="welcome.dashboard" title="Welcome!">
    <field name="fromDate" type="Date" title="From date"/>
    <field name="toDate" type="Date" title="To date"/>
  <dashlet action="chart:chart.sales.per.month"/>
  <dashlet action="chart:chart.sales.per.month.pie"/>
  <dashlet colSpan="12" action="sale.orders"/>

Dashlets are nothing but embedded views. The following view types are supported: grid, chart, custom, cards, kanban, calendar, tree, gantt, html.

The dashlet action can be either:

  • an action-view. The first view of that action-view will be used in dashlet.

  • <view-type>:<view-name> value where <view-type> is one of the supported view types and <view-name>, the name of the view.

The recommended way is to use an action-view instead of <view-type>:<view-name>. It provides more controls and configuration of what is displayed.

The search fields will be added on top of the dashboard. They can be filled with onInit event on dashboard. As soon they are filled or/and changed, dashboard dashlets will use the values in their respective context.