7.2 Migration Guide

In this document, we will see the major steps to migrate from 7.1 to 7.2.

Please check the change log for detailed list of fixes, changes and improvements introduced in 7.2

Region support added on translations

Similar to the current translation behavior, you can now provide translation per region : fr-FR, fr-CA, …​

To add more languages, you need to enrich the select.language selection. Then you can provide translations files per region : messages_fr-FR.csv, messages_fr-CA.csv, …​

Translations in CSV without values are not loaded anymore.

There is a translation fallback mechanism that ensures that if an exact match for a translation is not found, the translation for the primary language is used instead. This is particularly useful for avoiding duplicate translation effort for languages with regional variations, as well as for maintaining a consistent user experience even when some translations are missing.

For example, if a user selects fr-CA (Canadian French) as their language and a specific translation is not available in messages_fr-CA.csv, the translation will fall back to messages_fr.csv (French). If the translation is still not found, original translation key is used, which is typically the message for the default language, en (English).

User email now has unique constraint

There is now a unique constraint on the User email field. You may execute this SQL statement for migration:

UPDATE auth_user SET email = lower(email);
ALTER TABLE auth_user ADD CONSTRAINT uk_auth_user_email UNIQUE (email);

Password reset flow

Users have now ability to reset their password through the "Forgot password" flow available on the login page.

You need execute this SQL statement for migration :

create table auth_password_reset_token (
    id         bigint       not null primary key,
    archived   boolean,
    version    integer,
    created_on timestamp,
    updated_on timestamp,
    consumed   boolean,
    expire_at  timestamp    not null,
    token      varchar(255) not null constraint uk_btb4g1e6nvrwsmphnw0k43icg unique,
    created_by bigint constraint fk_g21jxbwc75y8f79lf94qu1lmx references auth_user,
    updated_by bigint constraint fk_n5d2audpih6fy2eruodkcu2ib references auth_user,
    user_id    bigint       not null constraint fk_4i2jo1snnd87krhdt4kt5j09h references auth_user

create index auth_password_reset_token_user_id_idx on auth_password_reset_token (user_id);

create sequence auth_password_reset_token_seq;

Add support to track custom fields

This adds support to track custom fields. On each custom field, you can specify if the field should be tracked, but also the associated event and track condition.

You need execute this SQL statement for migration :

ALTER TABLE meta_json_field ADD tracked boolean;
ALTER TABLE meta_json_field ADD track_condition varchar(255);
ALTER TABLE meta_json_field ADD track_event varchar(255);
UPDATE meta_json_field SET tracked = false;

ALTER TABLE meta_json_model ADD panel_mail_display integer;
UPDATE meta_json_model SET panel_mail_display = 0;

String pattern validation set to be case-sensitive

String pattern validation, through the attribute pattern, is now case-sensitive. To manage case-insensitive, it should be managed in regex expression itself.

Example :

  • ^Foo : it matches string starts with Foo.

  • ^(F|f)oo : it matches string starts with foo or Foo.

Note that it doesn’t match the entire value but any subset. In order to match the entire value, add ^ at the start of the pattern and a $ at the end.

If coming from an older version (< v7), x-pattern attribute was commonly used (due to historical reasons). This is no more recommended and this attribute has no more effect. Migrate from x-pattern to pattern and adjust your regex according. Note that x-pattern was matching the entire value whereas pattern don’t.

Hibernate search support removed

We removed Hibernate search support (Full text search). The implementation was very basic and haven’t been followed and improved since the initial implementation.

Following properties aren’t used anymore and can be deleted from properties file :

  • hibernate.search.default.directory_provider

  • hibernate.search.default.indexBase

We are actively working on a new integration that will provide much more power and a better integration in daily usage. Stay updated for the announcement in a future version.

There is no replacement. Advance search feature can be used in order to achieve same goal.

Deprecated icons

Two libraries are used to provides icons : Material Symbols and Bootstrap Icons. It first tries to first use Material Symbols if the icon exist, then fallback to Bootstrap icons.

As part of our upgrades, Material Symbols icons has been removed or renamed. In order to maintain compatibility and smooth migrations, icons that don’t exist anymore has been mapped with their equivalency. Here is the list : arrow_back_ios_new, done, expand_less, expand_more, file_download_done, navigate_before, navigate_next, cut, emoji_flags, feed, monetization_on, wifi_calling_1, wifi_calling_2, wifi_calling_3, airplanemode_active, clear_night, device_reset, flightsmode, lens, panorama_fish_eye, quiet_time, quiet_time_active, restaurant_menu, ev_charger. Deprecated icons will be logged in console in non production mode. This mapping is susceptible to change over upgrades, we strongly encourage you to update them.

Dependencies upgrade

Some dependencies have been upgraded to newer versions. Check the change log for detailed list.

Other Notable Changes

  • Some layout changes in the login page as part of customizations (doc)