Quick Menus
Quick Menus allow running some actions or/and add some shortcuts directly accessing on the default page.
There is no restriction of the number of allowed quick menus displayed. For better readability and user experience, be sure to add only the necessary things.
Menus are located in the toolbar top right corner of default page :

A quick menu have a title, a position in the top bar (the biggests on the right) and a list of items. Each item have a title, and a selected flag, an action that will be executed when clicking on that item and a context. The items are displayed according to their order of insertion in the list.
The action can be an action-view or a rpc method. That action will take the item context as context. If the action is an action-view, a new tab will be opened.
First, register the quick menu in module class :
public class MyModule extends AxelorModule {
protected void configure() {
then, to define the quick menu, create a class that implements QuickMenuCreator
public class MyQuickMenu implements QuickMenuCreator {
public QuickMenu create() {
return new QuickMenu(
"My projects", (1)
0, (2)
true, (3)
getItems()); (4)
public List<QuickMenuItem> getItems() {
String action = ProjectController.class.getName() + ":updateDefaultProject";
List<QuickMenuItem> items = new ArrayList<>();
for (Project project :
Query.of(Project.class).filter("?1 MEMBER OF self.members", user).fetch(10)) {
boolean isDefaultProject = project.equals(user.getDefaultProject());
QuickMenuItem item =
new QuickMenuItem(
project.getName(), (5)
action, (6)
new Context(project.getId(), Project.class), (7)
isDefaultProject); (8)
return items;
1 | Name of the QuickMenu |
2 | Order of the QuickMenu |
3 | Whether to show selected state on items |
4 | List of QuickMenuItem associated to the QuickMenu |
5 | Title of the QuickMenuItem |
6 | Action of the QuickMenuItem |
7 | Context associated to the QuickMenuItem |
8 | selected state of the QuickMenuItem |
Makes sure to add the necessary permissions check to display or not the QuickMenu
and the items. If returning null in create()
method or if the QuickMenu has no items,
the quick menu will not be displayed.